The Automation Tab

    On the Automation tab, you can set rules to automatically label, assign, and delete posts. This can help you censor or categorize content, and then either forward it to a person for further processing or delete it immediately.

    Note: Any automations you set on this page affect your top-level bundle (your account as a whole) and are not bundle-specific.

    Creating Auto-Label

    In addition to manually adding labels to posts in the channels you monitor, you can set an automation rule so that anytime specific words are used in posts, those posts automatically are assigned a certain label.

    To set an auto-label rule:

    1. Click the AUTO-LABEL + Add icon.
    2. Enter a name for your rule.
    3. Enter keyword(s). These are the keywords to search for across the channels you select.
      • Whole word matches only. Choosing this option will only label messages that use the specified whole word in your keyword, instead of a partial match, which is the default optin.
      • Sequence of consective digits. Selecting this option let's you match any sequence of consecutive digits for a number of your choice. For example, if you wanted messages to auto-label any time they contain 9 consecutive digits, such as a social security number, enter "9" in that box. That will label any messages that contain exactly 9 consecutive digits, no more, no less.
    4. Select the channel(s) from the list. The keywords entered in step 3 are searched for all the channels you select here. For example, all channels you own.
    5. Select a label. Every time the keyword(s) you entered in step 3 are found on the channels you entered in step 4, they are auto-labeled based on your input here. For example, you can enter the keyword Problem in step 3 and the label name as Complaint.
    6. Click Create.

    Using Auto-Assign/Auto-Delete

    You can set an automation rule so that anytime specific labels are given to posts, they are assigned to a specific person or they are automatically deleted.

    For example, you can set an auto-label rule so that whenever the keyword Problem is found in a post, it is labeled Complaint. Then, you could add an auto-assign rule so that any post labeled Problem is automatically assigned to your community manager, or you could set an auto-delete rule so that any post labeled Complaint is automatically deleted.

    To set an auto-assign or an auto-delete rule:

    1. Click the AUTOMATION +Add icon.
    2. Enter a name for your rule.
    3. Enter the label name(s), and click Next.
    4. Select to either delete all posts with those labels or automatically assign those posts to a person. If you assign them, then you must also select the user name from the list. That user will receive a notification of the post.
    5. Select the channel(s) from the list.
    6. Click Create. If you chose auto-delete, you must confirm that you want all those posts deleted.

    About Auto-Labeling with Indicators

    By default, messages from your Listen topics, and in some cases your owned channels, are auto-labeled with indicators. This includes both standard indicators and any custom indicators that have been created in your account. You can control which indicators are labeled automatically by deselecting and selecting the indicators in Workflow & Automation.

    To control auto-labeling with indicators:

    1. Navigate to Workflow & Automation, then click the Automations tab.

      Note: The list of indicators you see in the Indicator Auto-Labeling section include standard and custom indicators for your account.

    2. To exclude an indicator from auto-labeling, deselect the indicator in the Indicator Auto-Labeling section.

      Messages in your account will no longer be labeled with the deselected indicator.

    3. To include an indicator in auto-labeling, select the indicator in the Indicator Auto-Labeling section.

      Messages in your account will be labeled with the selected indicator.

    For more information about creating indicators, see The Indicators Tab: Creating an Indicator.

    For more information about managing indicators, see The Indicators Tab: Managing Indicators.

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