Add On Data for Topics

    In addition to creating standard topics, there are several ways you can use Listen that is specific to your brand's data: Custom Data Source Analyzer API, Historical Data, and Specialized Data.

    Note: These products are add ons to the SRM platform and must be purchased and provisioned to your SEM package before you can use them. Please contact your Social Partnerships account management or Sales person to add these to your account.

    In this article:

    Custom Data Source Analyzer API

    Historical Data
        · To create a new historical request
        · Historical Request Details
        · Historical Requests Page

    Specialized Data

    Add On Thermometers

    Click a link above to get directly to that section, or scroll down and start reading.

    Custom Data Source Analyzer API

    The Custom Data Source Analyzer (CDSA) API is a programming interface that enables you, our customer, to pass your own data into Listen. Your data is kept securely and is not visible to other customers. By adding your data into Listen, it will be fully analyzed against Topics and Indicators, with the results visible in the Listen dashboard.

    Since the CDSA API requires a developer to use it, full information about CDSA is available in the Developers section of the SRM help articles: Custom Data Source Analyzer.

    Working With Historical Data

    Historical Data allows you to see messages from dates previous to when you created your topic. To use it, you will first need to purchase a number of days (contact your Social Partnerships or Sales person for this). You will purchase a number of days that lasts for the term that you signed when creating your contract for historical data.

    Once you have purchased your days, you'll see a new option in the drop-down menu for your topics on the All Topics or Topics page:

    Now you can create a historical request by choosing the topic you want and the amount of time you want it to cover. You will receive a notification showing the highest number of messages the historical request will return. We built this feature this way to make sure you stay within your message limit.

    Note: Only admins can create and run historical requests.

    To create a new historical request:

    1. From any topic, click the gear drop-down menu and select the Manage Historical Requests menu option. This will open the Historical Requests page. Here you can view all the historical requests you have made, edit those requests, and create new ones.
    2. Click Create Historical Request at the top of the page, and this will open the Create New Historical Request page.
    3. Enter the following info:
      • Name - Give your request a name.
      • Topic Name - Choose your topic. You can search by name, or choose the bundle the topic is in and find it in that list.
      • Date Range - Choose the date range you want the historical request to cover.
    4. Click Save Draft to save your request as a draft to come back to later, or click Submit Request.

    At this point, your historical request will start processing. It can take a few hours for your request to be processed, but as soon as it is ready, you will receive an email with the details. You can also come back to the Historical Requests page and check it there.

    Note: Since we have supported various languages at different times, you can get historical data as far back as it was added to the platform. To help you, here is a list of when various languages were added to Listen:

    Language Date Added
    English June 1, 2014
    Spanish June 1, 2014
    Simplified Chinese June 1, 2014
    Portuguese June 1, 2014
    German June 1, 2014
    French June 1, 2014
    Italian June 1, 2014
    Japanese June 1, 2014
    Korean June 1, 2014
    Russian June 1, 2014
    Dutch June 1, 2014
    Swedish June 1, 2014
    Norwegian June 1, 2014
    Finnish June 1, 2014
    Turkish July 1, 2014
    Polish July 1, 2014
    Bahasa August 1, 2014
    Thai August 1, 2014
    Danish Sept 1, 2014
    Traditional Chinese Sept 1, 2014
    Hebrew Dec 1, 2014
    Arabic Jan 1, 2015
    Czech May 1, 2015
    Vietnamese May 1, 2015
    Greek May 1, 2015
    Hungarian May 1, 2015
    Hindi Oct 1, 2015
    Tamil Oct 1, 2015
    Romanian June 1, 2016
    Croatian June 1, 2016
    Bulgarian June 1, 2016
    Latvian June 1, 2016

    Historical Request Details

    Before you decide to run your historical request, Listen will give you a detail on the most messages the request could use out of your total monthly messages. This way, you can make sure the request does not consume your monthly message limit. Once you have reviewed your request detail, you can either reject the request or run it to start receiving messages.

    Note: Details expire after 3 days. Hence, if you don't respond to the detail in that time, you will have to recreate it.

    Here is the info you'll see in your detail:

    • Request Details - Basics for your request, such as Topic Name, Data Range, and number of Days the reqest covers
    • Request Message Usage - Breakdown of the most messages that this request will use, including the percentage this makes up of your total monthly social message volume
    • Overages (if applicable) - You will only see this section if this historical request will cause you to go over your total monthly social message volume. You'll see how far over your volume this request will put you.
    • Message Limit - In this box, you'll see the status of your request, the message request details, and the date the request will expire.

    IMPORTANT: This is the maximum number of messages this request could return. It may be significantly smaller than the limit shown here.

    Note: Requests with more than 10 million messages cannot be run. We put this in place to make sure you won't go over your message limits.

    Historical Requests Page

    On the Historical Requests page, you'll see a table with all the requests you have created. You'll see the following columns:

    • Status - The status of the historical request. Here are the definitions of these statuses:
      • Draft - The historical request has been created, but it has not been submitted.
      • Processing - A historical data request has been approved and is currently pulling in data.
      • Awaiting Approval - The historical request has finished processing and is awaiting review, to either reject, or approve and run.
      • Completed - The historical request has completed and the messages are available in the topic.
      • Rejected - The historical request has been rejected and will not be run.
      • Expired - The three day window for the historical request has expired and the historical request cannot be run.
      • Failure - The historical request failed to go through, so a new request must be created.
      • Calculating - A historical data request has been submitted and it is processing. When done, user will get an email to review and either reject, or approve and run.
    • Request Name - The name you gave to the historical request.
    • Bundle - The name of the bundle the historical request was created in.
    • Topic - The name of the topic the historical request is for.
    • Requestor - The name of the user who made the historical request.
    • Date Range - The date range the historical request will cover.
    • Created - The date the historical request was created.
    • Days - The number of days you want the historical request to go back and return messages for.
    • Message Limit - Once the request has been created, the maximum number of messages the historical request could return. (The actual number is potentially lower than this.)

    For each status of a historical request, you can take various actions on those requests. For example, you can delete requests that are in the Draft, Awaiting Approval, Rejected, Failure, and Expired statuses. You will not be able to delete requests that are in Completed or Processing statuses.

    Specialized Data

    The Specialized Data product allows you to pull in messages from specific social networks that are not part of the main SRM platform. To use, you will need to purchase an amount of messages (contact your Social Partnerships or Sales person for this). Once you have purchased those messages, social posts will be available to collect with topics in your account.

    Currently, we support the following specialized data sources:

    • Tencent Weibo - This network falls under the Microblogs Content Type in Listen and is only available for Listen topics in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Vietnamese.
      Note: We do not get geo location data for Tencent Weibo. This means that if you setup a topic for Tencent Weibo with location filters, you will not get any data back.
    • Discuz - This network falls under the Message Boards Content Type in Listen and is only available for Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese Listen topics.


    As you know, to help you visually keep track of how many messages you have used, there is a thermometer on the All Topics/Topics page showing you how much of your monthly social messages you have used. Once you add on Custom, Historical, or Specialized data to your account, you will see a thermometer for that data on this page as well.

    Each thermometer shows you the number of messages/days you have used out of the amount you have purchased.

    Note: Your historical thermometer won't decrease until you Accept and Run a historical request. Request drafts do not count against your purchased historical days.

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