The Resources Tab: Teams

    The Resources Tab is where you will create, organize and control the Resources for your SRM account. Resources, as we mentioned before, are your Social Properties, Teams and Bundles you have created for your account.

    The Teams area is where you can create and edit teams - groups of users who work together on your social properties.

    Creating Teams Grid

    All teams on your account are listed in the Teams Grid. The grid shows the team name and the number of team members. Click on the arrows next to your team name to expand and view your full team hierarchy.

    You can edit, delete, or duplicate a team by clicking the gear image on the right side of the grid.

    To create a team:

    1. Click Create a Team. You will be taken to the Create a Team page.
    2. Give your team a name and short description.
    3. Click Create Team. The page will refresh, showing your team was saved successfully.

    You can then edit your team's information and add users and teams.

    Adding a User to a Team

    Once you've created your team, you can add users to that team.

    To add a user to a team:

    1. From the team's Edit page, click Add User. The Assign Users dialog box will open.
    2. A list of users on your account will be displayed.
      Note: You can sort users alphabetically. Select the boxes next to the users you want to add, then click Save Changes.
    3. You'll be taken back to the edit page for the team, with the new users appearing in the user grid.

    Once you have added a user to a team, you can assign them a user role. To see full definitions of these user roles, see the User Roles in SRM help article.

    Downloading CSV

    The Download CSV button on the main Teams page allows admins to download a CSV file with information on all the teams on either their account or team.

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