About the Actions Menu in an Interactive Grid

The Actions Menu appears on the interactive grid toolbar. It contains functions and submenus for customizing and saving interactive grids.

Actions Menu


Displays the Columns dialog. Toggle which individual columns are visible in the interactive grid, in what order they appear, and specify their display width (in pixels).

See "Customizing an Interactive Grid with the Column Heading Menu."


Displays the Filters dialog. Configure data filters to limit the rows returned.

See "Filtering an Interactive Grid."


See Data Submenu (below).


See Format Submenu (below).


Displays the Chart dialog. Create a chart by selecting a chart type and configuring the required fields.

See "Using Charts in an Interactive Grid."


See Report Submenu (below).


Displays the Download dialog. Download or email the interactive grid as a .csv or .html file.

See "Downloading or Emailing an Interactive Grid."


Launches a new window containing a summary of how to use interactive grids.

Data Submenu

The Actions Menu also contains the Data submenu. The Data submenu contains the following options:


Displays the Sort dialog. Change the columns to sort on and determine whether to sort in ascending or descending order.

See "Selecting Column Sort Order in an Interactive Grid".


Displays the Aggregate dialog. Perform mathematical computations against a column.

See "Defining an Aggregation in an Interactive Grid".


Displays the Flashback dialog. Reload the data as it existed at a previous point in time.

See "Reverting an Interactive Grid to a Previous State."


Repopulates the interactive grid with the most current data from the database.

See "Refreshing an Interactive Grid".

Format Submenu

The Actions Menu also contains the Format submenu. The Format submenu contains the following options:


Displays the Highlight dialog. Customize the display colors of a row, column, or individual cells of a grid. Advanced options are available for repeated values.

See "Adding Highlighting to an Interactive Grid."

Control Break

Displays the Control Break dialog. Pull the columns out of the grid and display them as break groups.

See "Creating a Control Break from the Actions Menu in an Interactive Grid."

Report Submenu

The Actions Menu also contains the Report submenu. The Report submenu contains the following options:


Saves changes to the current interactive grid.

See "Saving Interactive Grids."

Save As

Displays the Report - Save As dialog. Save a new report of the interactive grid (you must rename the report and select the report type).

See "Saving Interactive Grids."


Displays the Report - Edit dialog. Change the interactive grid report’s name or type, depending on your privileges.

See "Renaming a Report in an Interactive Grid."


Deletes the current view of the interactive grid (not available for Primary reports).

See "Deleting a Report in an Interactive Grid."


Resets the interactive grid to the last saved state.

See "Resetting an Interactive Grid."