5 Developing the Home Page

Use Page Designer to create a chart of project tasks and a report that details outstanding tasks on your app’s home page.

About This Lesson

In this lesson, you are introduced to the two primary means of development: Page Designer and the Application Runtime ("runtime " for short).

In Page Designer, use the Rendering tree and Layout tab to add new regions to the Home page. Then, use the Property Editor to edit a wide array of attributes for region and page components, including SQL statements and appearance options.

In the runtime, you use the Developer Toolbar to make changes on the page immediately and to quickly shift back to Page Designer.

You also use the Shared Components section, which contains elements that you can create once then add to multiple pages within your application after you create them, to update the placeholder icons in the Navigation Menu.

Starting from here:

Basic Projects App Export - Topic 3.sql

If you have not completed the previous lessons, you can use the appendix "Importing an Application into a Workspace" to import the above SQL script into your workspace and continue working from this lesson forward. You can find this script in the /files subdirectory of where you unzipped the .zip file accompanying this tutorial.

5.1 Navigating to Page Designer from the Application Runtime

At the end of the previous lesson, you ran the application from Page Designer. Doing so opened the Calendar page of the application runtime in a window in your web browser.

Note that when you run a desktop application from App Builder, the Runtime Developer toolbar displays at the bottom of any editable running page:

Description of GUID-F94050CA-633D-4A5D-B310-0DA71943DBAB-default.png follows
Description of the illustration GUID-F94050CA-633D-4A5D-B310-0DA71943DBAB-default.png

You can use the Developer toolbar to quickly edit the current application or currently running page. The Developer Toolbar only appears for you and other users with developer-level privileges.

To begin developing the Home page, you could go back to Page Designer and find the Home page in App Builder—or, you can take a shortcut with the Developer Toolbar in the runtime.

To navigate back to the Home page in Page Designer with the Developer Toolbar:

  1. In the top-left of the application runtime, do one of the following:
    • Click the name of the app Demo Projects.
    • Click the Home link in the sidebar. (Do not click Home on the Developer Toolbar.)
    The Home page appears, which is blank.
  2. On the Developer Toolbar, click Edit Page 1.


    The number in the Edit Page # button corresponds to its assigned page number in Page Designer.
    Your browser switches back to the Page Designer window automatically.

5.2 Adding a Task Overview Chart to the Home Page

Back in Page Designer, you are looking at the bare skeleton of the Home page. Create a chart of the remaining tasks for all projects for your users to see immediately when they log in.

Below the Layout tab is the Gallery, which has three tabs: Regions, Items, and Buttons. Each Gallery tab contains elements that can be added to an application page by right-clicking the element and selecting the Add To function to place it.

Page Designer features several ways for you to interact with the page content, including dragging objects with the mouse in the Layout tab.

To add a chart to a page:

  1. In Page Designer, click the Regions tab in the Gallery.
  2. Locate the Chart element.
  3. Right-click Chart, select Add To, and select Content Body.


    You can also drag and drop content from the Gallery into the Layout. When you drag the region up and hover over the small yellow section below Content Body, the yellow section expands. A darker yellow section with a black box around it indicates where the region appears.


    Undo button

    Undo a previous action by clicking the Undo button.

5.3 Editing a Chart Region with the Property Editor

Next, you must configure the chart region, which includes updating things such as the name.

You must update a number of attribute fields in the Property Editor every time you configure a new region. The more complex the region, the more fields you must configure. Some fields already contain default placeholder content, such as Title - New.

Select the chart region and edit its default values in the Property Editor.

To change the name of a chart region:

  1. In the Rendering tree under Content Body, click the New chart to select it.
  2. In the Property Editor, locate the Identification group.


    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.

    To search for an attribute, enter a keyword search in the Filter Properties field. The groups and attributes containing the term appear.

  3. For Title, enter Project Tasks and press Enter.

    The name of the region updates in the Rendering tab and Layout.

    Also note that a marker (blue triangle) appears near the group name after you changed it. These markers appear next to fields with unsaved changes. You still have additional changes to make to the region, so complete those before saving.


    Fields in the Property Editor also update automatically if you click somewhere else within Page Designer.

Next, resize the chart by editing the appearance template in the Property Editor.

To change the Template Options of a region:

  1. In the Property Editor, locate Appearance - Template Options.

    Description of GUID-A467D99E-6BEA-49F7-B010-8922966FC5E1-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-A467D99E-6BEA-49F7-B010-8922966FC5E1-default.png


    Go to Group icon

    Click the Go to Group icon to view all the groups currently listed in the Property Editor. Select the name of a group in the list to jump to it in the Property Editor.

    You can also use the search filter at the top of the Property Editor to narrow the displayed fields, or Ctrl + F or Cmd + F to use your browser’s search function to find items in Page Designer.

  2. Click the Template Options button (Use Template Defaults, Scroll - Default).
    The Template Options dialog appears.
  3. For Common - Body Height, select 480px and click OK.
    The Template Options button updates to Use Template Defaults, 480px, Scroll - Default to reflect its current configuration.

Next, configure the chart by selecting its Attributes item in the Rendering tab and editing it in the Property Editor.

So far, you have configured the properties of a region in the Property Editor. These properties control how the region displays on the page in relation to the rest of the regions on the page.

Next, you modify the Attributes of a region by selecting its Attributes folder in the Rendering tree. Attributes are specific to the region type (in this case, a chart region) and control the internal characteristics of the region. For example, you choose the chart type (bar chart), the orientation (vertical), and the axis labels in the Attributes.

To edit the chart’s region attributes:

  1. In the Rendering tab, select the Attributes folder.
  2. In the Property Editor:
    • Appearance: Orientation - select Horizontal

    • Appearance: Stack - select Yes

    • Layout: Height - enter 480


    Attributes within the Property Editor are organized into groups. The Property Editor bulleted lists specify Group: Attribute - Action to make it easier to locate the given attribute.
Next, add the required SQL query to supply the data of the chart.

5.4 Defining the SQL Query of a Chart

Finally, you must define the SQL query of the chart to pull in data from the DEMO_PROJECTS table in the database.

The SQL query is the dynamic part of the chart. As your users update their progress in the app, the chart reflects those changes and updates each time that a user refreshes the page.

You define two queries for this chart. Both query the IS_COMPLETE_YN column of the DEMO_TASKS table, but the first displays items marked Y (for yes) while the second displays items marked N (for no). Your users populate the IS_COMPLETE_YN column when they indicate whether a task is complete in the app.


Data series are contained in the Series folder in the Rendering pane. Currently, the New series appears with a red X next to it.

Description of GUID-099ABFE2-FAD0-47BD-BEB8-8BD1707CA3A1-default.png follows
Description of the illustration GUID-099ABFE2-FAD0-47BD-BEB8-8BD1707CA3A1-default.png

This is an error message to indicate that a required element is defined improperly (in this case, because you have not entered the query yet). Also note that the Messages tab of the central pane indicates that three system messages now appear. You can click the Messages tab to view the specific errors and where they appear in Page Designer. In this case, all the messages indicate that a required element for the chart’s data series is missing.

To define the "Yes" SQL query for the Series item in the Rendering pane:

  1. In the Rendering tab, under Series, click New.
  2. In the Property Editor:
    1. Identification: Name - enter Completed Tasks
    2. Locate the Source: SQL Query field. Copy and paste the following code:
      select p.created
      , p.id
      , p.name
      , count(t.id) tasks
      from demo_projects p
      , demo_tasks t
      where p.id = t.project_id
      and nvl(t.is_complete_yn,'N') = 'Y'
      group by p.created, p.id, p.name
      order by p.created
    3. Column Mapping: Label - select NAME
    4. Column Mapping: Value - select TASKS

Next, add a second series to apply the second query. Because the queries are so similar, you can duplicate this series and make some minor tweaks instead of defining from scratch.

To duplicate the SQL query and reconfigure it:

  1. In the Rendering tree, right-click the Completed Tasks series.
  2. Select Duplicate.
    The series "Completed Tasks_1" appears under the Series folder and is selected.
  3. In the Property Editor:
    1. Identification: Name - enter Incomplete Tasks
    2. Locate the Source: SQL Query field. Copy the following code and paste it to replace the current contents:
      select p.created
      , p.id
      , p.name
      , count(t.id) tasks
      from demo_projects p
      , demo_tasks t
      where p.id = t.project_id
      and nvl(t.is_complete_yn,'N') = 'N'
      group by p.created, p.id, p.name
      order by p.created


    The two series ("Completed Tasks" and "Incomplete Tasks") are defined by counting the DEMO_TASKS for each project record and using an appropriate WHERE condition.

Finally, update the axes with appropriate labels.

  1. In the Rendering tree, nested under the Axes folder, click the x axis.
  2. For Identification: Title, enter Projects.
  3. Click the y axis.
  4. For Identification: Title, enter Tasks.
  5. Click Save on the Page Designer toolbar.
You have completed adding a chart for task overview.

5.5 Adding a Report of Outstanding Tasks to the Home Page

The chart you added provides an overview of all tasks for all team members, so it only provides information that applies to all users, not individuals. To add a space that shows your users their own outstanding tasks, you can add a classic report.

In Oracle Application Express , a report is the formatted result of an SQL query, which means that Application Express pulls in live information from the database and populates it in a human-readable table. Some reports are read-only, and some are interactive so that end users can manipulate or edit the data.

To add a classic report region:

  1. In the Rendering tree, right-click Content Body and select Create Region.
    A new region appears.
  2. In the Property Editor, edit the region properties:
    1. Identification: Title - enter My Outstanding Tasks

    2. Identification: Type - select Classic Report

    3. SQL Query - copy and paste the following:

      select p.name project
      , t.name task
      , t.end_date
      from demo_tasks t
      , demo_projects p
      , demo_milestones m
      , demo_team_members tm
      where p.id = t.project_id
      and m.id = t.milestone_id (+)
      and tm.id = t.assignee and nvl(t.is_complete_yn, 'N') = 'N'
      and upper(tm.username) = upper(:APP_USER)
      order by t.end_date


      The where condition of username = :APP_USER restricts the records to those assigned to the person running the application.
  3. Click Save and Run Page. If prompted, log into the app.

5.6 Changing Region Appearance Using the Developer Toolbar

In Page Designer, you can update Template Options by clicking the Appearance: Template Options button in the Property Editor.

Alternatively, as a developer, you can also update the display characteristics of regions in the runtime environment by invoking Live Template Options with the Developer Toolbar.

You can click the Quick Edit option on the Developer Toolbar to change options and immediately see the effects on the underlying region. Use Quick Edit to edit individual page components, such as regions, items, columns, or buttons.

After you click Quick Edit, a wrench icon appears in the top-right corner of the component under your mouse cursor. You have two options:
  • Click within a component to instantly return to Page Designer with the selected component in focus.

  • Click the wrench icon to invoke the Live Template Options dialog for the component and remain in the runtime.


To cancel a Quick Edit, click outside a component or press Esc.

To edit page elements in the runtime with the Developer Toolbar:

  1. On the runtime Developer Toolbar, click Quick Edit.
  2. Hover over the My Outstanding Tasks region (bottom of the page) and click the wrench icon.

    Quick Edit wrench icon
  3. In the Region tab, enter the following:
    1. General: Remove Body Padding - click the checkbox to enable
    2. Body Height - select 480px
    The region changes with each option.

Region Template Options (such as Body Height, Header, and Style) alter the overall presentation of a region. The Region properties determine how the region is displayed.

Some region types also contain Attribute properties (such as classic reports and charts). The Attributes for a region define how the contents of the region are displayed.

  1. In the Live Template Options dialog, click the Attributes tab.
  2. Enter the following:
    1. General: Stretch Report - click the checkbox to enable
    2. Report Border - select No Outer Borders
  3. Click Save.

    The settings are saved.

You have completed updating the task breakdown report region.

5.7 Adding Icons to the Home Page Sidebar

The icons next to the navigation links in the sidebar on the top-left of the page are blank placeholders (you may need to click the menu icon to expand the sidebar). This sidebar is a list named the Navigation Menu. As a developer, you should be concerned with both the form and function of your app. While the icons and links in the Navigation Menu are technically functional, updating the placeholder icon for each link to a relevant graphic increases your app’s usability.

All instances of Oracle Application Express come with a large set of icons ready to use for this purpose.

You can update these icons assocaited with the Navigation Menu by editing the list in the Shared Components section of App Builder. Shared Components are objects that can be used across an application. As a best practice, Oracle recommends that you define code once in a shared component wherever possible and then reference that component on different pages.

To update the Navigation Menu icons in Shared Components:

  1. On the Developer Toolbar in the application runtime, click Application #### (where #### represents your application ID).
    The Application home page appears.
  2. Click Shared Components.
  3. Under Navigation, click Lists.
  4. In the Lists report, select Desktop Navigation Menu.
  5. In List Details report, select Home.
  6. Locate the Image/Class item. At the end of the field, click the up arrow icon (^).

    The Images library opens in a separate window.

    Review the images provided by the Font APEX library (abbreviated with the prefix "fa-"). These images can be used throughout the application to improve aesthetics and provide visual indicators rather than text only.

  7. Locate and click fa-home.


    You can use your browser’s search function (Ctrl + F or Cmd + F) to search the page.
    The name of the image (fa-home) appears in the Image/Class field.

If this were the only change you need to make, you would click the Apply Changes button to save your changes; however, you still need to update the rest of the Navigation Menu entries.

You can also enter the name of the image in Image/Class rather than browse the Images library every time.

  1. To update the remaining entries in the Navigation Menu:
    1. In the top-left of the screen, click the Next icon (>) to navigate to the next entry (Team Members).
    2. On the Team Members list entry, for Image/Class enter fa-users
    3. Click the Next icon (>).
    4. On the Projects list entry, for Image/Class enter fa-folder
    5. Click the Next icon (>).
    6. On the Calendar list entry, for Image/Class enter fa-calendar
  2. Click Apply Changes.
  3. In the top-right of the List Details page, click the Run Page 1 icon (play button ).

    The Home page reloads.

  4. Review the new icons in the Navigation Menu on the left side of the screen.
  5. When you are finished, return to the Shared Components - List Details window and click Application #### in the page breadcrumbs to return to the Application home page.

You have completed the Home page.

In this lesson, you learned how to use Page Designer to add and enhance page components on a page. You also used Live Template Options to improve the appearance of regions. Finally, you used Shared Components to update a component that appears on all pages (Navigation Menu).

Proceed to the next lesson.