8.4.1 Editing Interactive Reports in Page Designer

By default, an interactive report includes a search bar, an Actions menu, a Column Heading menu, and Edit icons in the first column of each row. Users can use these controls to alter the layout of report data by selecting columns, applying filters, highlighting, and sorting. Developers can customize an interactive report in Page Designer and configure how these controls display.

Topics: Editing Interactive Report Region Attributes in Page Designer

To edit region attributes in Page Designer:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, select the region.

    The Property Editor displays the region attributes in the right pane.

    Description of GUID-6DDC11DB-C3AE-434A-ACD7-426B256EDAF3-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-6DDC11DB-C3AE-434A-ACD7-426B256EDAF3-default.png

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.

  3. To search for a group or an attribute, enter a keyword in the Filter Properties field. The groups and attributes containing the term appear.
  4. Edit the appropriate attributes.


    To view help for an attribute, select the attribute in the Property Editor and click the Help tab in the central pane.

  5. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Editing Interactive Report Column Attributes in Page Designer

Edit Column attributes to precisely control the report layout. For example, you can use these attributes to alter a column heading, change column positioning, hide a column, or control how users can manipulate a column.

To edit column attributes:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region and expand the Columns node.
    The columns appear in the Rendering tab.
  3. Select a column to edit.

    The Property Editor displays the attributes for that column.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.

  4. To search for an attribute, enter a keyword search in the Filter Properties field.
    The groups and attributes containing the term appear.
  5. Edit the appropriate attributes.


    To view help for an attribute, select the attribute in the Property Editor and click the Help tab in the central pane.

  6. To edit the column heading:
    1. Locate and expand Heading.
    2. Edit the Heading and Alignment attributes.
  7. To control how users can manipulate a column:
    1. Locate and expand Enable Users To.
    2. For Enable Users To, for each attribute select Yes or No to control how users can manipulate the report.
  8. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. About Filtering on Conditional Links in Interactive Report Columns

If an interactive report has a column value that is a link and the link markup is constructed in the report query, attempting to define a filter on this value from the column header menu fails. Oracle Application Express is not be able to render the link correctly in the column header menu because the column values are themselves rendered as links, such that they can be selected to apply the filter. If the developer wanted to conditionally render the link based on query logic, the link may have been defined in the report query as opposed to using the declarative column link support.

For filtering to work on conditional links in columns, developers have two options:

  • Option 1: Use an HTML Expression column:

    1. Add another column to your query that selects the equivalent of the link text from the link and define a column alias of my_link_display. This column alias will be the value used in the column header menu.

    2. Change the my_link column to be of type Hidden Column.

    3. In the my_link_display column, set the column heading to be the same as the my_link column and set HTML Expression to be #MY_LINK#. Keep the default Escape Special Characters as Yes.

    4. Run the page.

      If needed, reorder the columns so that the new column in the same position as the old one. Select the Actions menu and then Select Columns.

    5. Save a new default report. Select the Actions menu, Save Report, and then Save as Default Report Settings.

    The link still renders fine in the report and the column header menu now renders just the my_link_display value which sets the filter correctly.

  • Option 2: Use a custom Column Filter for the link column, where you could query for the link text. Editing Interactive Report Attributes in Page Designer

Interactive report Attributes control how a report works. For example, you can use these attributes to configure pagination, create error messages, configure the Search bar, Action menu, and download options, control if and how users save the report, and configure supported views.

To edit interactive report Attributes in Page Designer:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. Under Region, select the Attributes node.

    The Property Editor displays the report attributes in the Property Editor.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.

  4. Edit the appropriate attributes.


    To view help for an attribute, select the attribute in the Property Editor and click the Help tab in the central pane.

  5. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Controlling Interactive Report Pagination in Page Designer

Pagination provides the end user with information about the number of rows and the current position within the result set. You control how pagination displays by making selections from Pagination attributes on the Attributes page in the Property Editor.

To edit interactive report pagination:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. Under Region, select the Attributes node.

    The Property Editor displays the report attributes in the Property Editor.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.

  4. Configure Pagination attributes:
    1. Locate and expand Pagination.
    2. Type - Select the pagination type for this report. Often only a certain number of rows of a report display on a page. In order to include additional rows, the application end user must to navigate to the next page of the report.
    3. Display Position - Select where the report pagination displays.
      Pagination can be shown above or below the report (or both) and can be positioned on the left or right.
  5. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Customizing the Interactive Report Search Bar

All interactive reports include a search bar at the top of the page. Developers can customize what controls display or remove the search bar.

Topics: Interactive Report Search Bar

All interactive reports include a search bar at the top of the page which includes the following controls: a Select columns to search icon, Text area, Go button, and Actions menu.

If users have saved multiple reports, a saved report select list displays to the right of the Go button. Users can use this list to select a specific saved report. If multiple views are configured, a view selection button group also displays which enables the end user to switch views. You can remove or customize the search bar in Page Designer by configuring report attributes in the Property Editor. Customizing the Search Bar in Page Designer

To customize the search bar:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. Under Region, select the Attributes node.

    The Property Editor displays the report attributes in the Property Editor.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.

  4. Locate and expand Search Bar.
  5. Configure the options under Search Bar.


    To view help for an attribute, select the attribute in the Property Editor and click the Help tab in the central pane.

    Table 8-5 describes the Search Bar attributes.

    Table 8-5 Property Editor Search Bar Attributes

    Attribute Description

    Include Search Bar

    Select Yes to include a search bar above the report. If you include the search bar, you can also fully customize which functions to display. Select No to not include the Search bar.

    Search Field

    Displays a text field in the search bar used to enter search criteria. Select Yes or No.

    Finder Drop Down

    Embedded within the Search field, displays a drop down list of displayed columns. If a column is selected then the search is only performed against the values in the selected column. Select Yes or No. Within the interactive report, this option is identified as Select columns to search.

    Reports Select List

    Displays a list of all available reports for the user, including primary, alternate, public and private reports. This list is only displayed if a report, other than the primary report, is accessible to the user. Select Yes or No.

    See Also: "Saving Interactive Reports".

    Rows Per Page Selector

    Displays a select list used to select the number of rows to display per page. Select Yes or No.

    See Also: "Saving Interactive Reports".

    Search Button Label

    Specify the text to use as search button label.

    Maximum Rows Per Page

    Enter the maximum number to display in the Rows Per Page Selector.

  6. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Removing the Interactive Report Search Bar in Page Designer

To remove the search bar from in interactive report:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. Under Region, select the Attributes node.

    The Property Editor displays the report attributes in the Property Editor.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.

  4. Locate and expand Search Bar.
  5. For Include Search Bar, select No.
  6. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Customizing the Actions Menu in Page Designer


The structure of the interactive report Actions menu has changed to be consistent with interactive grids. To alter interactive report Actions menu to use the previous (or legacy) structure, go to Shared Components, Component Settings, and configure the Interactive Report component. See "Configuring Interactive Report Action Menu Structure".

The Actions menu appears to the right of the Go button on the Search bar in an interactive report. Users use the Actions menu to customize how report information displays. Developers control what options display on Action menu in an interactive a report.

To customize the Actions menu:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. Under Region, select the Attributes node.

    The Property Editor displays the report attributes in the Property Editor.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.

  4. Locate and expand Actions Menu.
  5. Configure the options under Actions Menu by selecting Yes or No.
  6. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Configuring Actions Menu Download Options in Page Designer

The Download option on the Actions menu enables users to download an interactive report as a comma-delimited file (CSV) format, HTML, Microsoft Excel (XLS) format, Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), Microsoft Word Rich Text Format (RTF), or as HTML attached to an email. Microsoft Excel (XLS), Microsoft Word Rich Text Format (RTF) and Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) formats require the configuration of a print server. Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word formats also require BI Publisher.


There is a 32K limit on downloads from the reports to advanced formats, such as PDF, XLS, and Word. If the end user has too many columns displayed then they may encounter an error when attempting to download the data to these advanced formats. Downloads may also take considerable time to complete for large data sets.


The Group By and Pivot view do not support download formats of XLS, PDF, RTF even if they are enabled and report server is configured.

Topics: Enabling Download Formats

To configure download formats:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. Under Region, select the Attributes node.

    The Property Editor displays the report attributes in the Property Editor.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.

  4. Collapse all attributes in the Property Editor. Click the Collapse All icon.
  5. Edit the following attributes:
    1. Search Bar, Include Search Bar - Select Yes.
    2. Actions Menu, Download - Select Yes.


      Selecting No for Download prevents the Download menu from displaying on the Actions menu. To fully prevent users from downloading data, deselect all Download Formats described in the next step.

    3. Download, Download Formats - Select download formats:
      • CSV

      • HTML

      • Email

      • XLS.

      • PDF

      • RTF


      The Download option only appears on the Actions menu if a file format is selected. If a report server has not been defined within Instance Administration then certain options do not display. To learn more, see "Configuring Report Printing" Oracle Application Express Administration Guide.

  6. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Enabling CSV Download

To enable support for CSV download, you must first enable Automatic CSV Encoding on the Edit Globalization Attributes page. See "Accessing the Globalization Attributes Page" and "Automatic CSV Encoding."

To enable the Enable CSV download in an interactive report:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. Under Region, select the Attributes node.

    The Property Editor displays the report attributes in the Property Editor.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.


    To view help for an attribute, select the attribute in the Property Editor and click the Help tab in the central pane.

  4. Search Bar, Include Search Bar - Select Yes.
  5. Actions Menu, Download - Select Yes.


    Selecting No for Download prevents the Download menu from displaying on the Actions menu. To fully prevent users from downloading data, deselect all Download Formats described in the next step.

  6. Download, Download Formats:
    1. Download Formats - Select CSV.


      The Download option only appears on the Actions menu if a file format is selected.

    2. CSV Separator - Define the column separator. If no value is entered, a comma or semicolon is used depending on your current NLS settings.
    3. CSV Enclosed By - Enter a delimiter character. This character delineates the starting and ending boundary of a data value. Default delimiter is double quotation marks (" ").
    4. Filename - Enter a name for the downloaded document. Do not specify a file extension, the extension is added automatically. If you leave this blank, the region name is used as the file name.
  7. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Enabling Email Download

You can configure the Download option to send a static HTML report to specific email addresses.


Email download is only supported on authenticated pages. If you enable Email download on a public page, the Email download option does not display in Download dialog.

To enable support for email download, an Oracle Application Express administrator must configure email at the Instance level. See "Configuring Mail" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide.

To enable email download:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. Under Region, select the Attributes node.

    The Property Editor displays the report attributes in the Property Editor.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.


    To view help for an attribute, select the attribute in the Property Editor and click the Help tab in the central pane.

  4. Search Bar, Include Search Bar - Select Yes.
  5. Actions Menu, Download - Select Yes.


    Selecting No for Download prevents the Download menu from displaying on the Actions menu. To fully prevent users from downloading data, deselect all Download Formats described in the next step.

  6. Download Formats - Select Email.


    The Download option only appears on the Actions menu if a file format is selected.

  7. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page.


    Email sent from an Email Download contains a system generated email signature identifying who sent the email. This signature cannot be removed. Managing Link Columns in Page Designer

A Link Column displays on the left side of an interactive report. Developers can configure a Link Column to link to a single row view, a custom target, or be excluded from the report.


A Link Column cannot be sorted, hidden, or moved by an end user and does not interact with the standard column link defined on the Column Attributes page.

Topics: Linking to a Single Row View

To link to a single row view in an interactive report:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. Under Region, select the Attributes node.

    The Property Editor displays the report attributes in the Property Editor.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.


    To view help for an attribute, select the attribute in the Property Editor and click the Help tab in the central pane.

  4. Configure Link attributes:
    1. Locate and expand Link.
    2. Link Column - Select Link to Single Row View.
    3. Uniquely Identify Rows by - Select ROWID or Unique Column.

      If you select, Unique Column, specify the column in the Unique Column field.

    4. Link Icon - Accept the default or specify the path to another icon.
    5. Link Attributes - Optionally specify additional column link attributes to be included in the <a href= > tag (for example, a link target, classes, or styles).
    6. Authorization Scheme - Select an authorization scheme to associate with the Link Column. This authorization scheme must evaluate to TRUE in order for the Link Column to be rendered in the report.
    7. Condition Type - Select a condition type from the list that must be met in order for this link to be rendered.
  5. Configure Single Row View attributes:
    1. Locate and expand Single Row View.
    2. Exclude Null Values - Specify whether null columns are hidden on the Single Record View
    3. Only Displayed Columns - Specify whether only those columns currently displayed are displayed in the Single Record View. If you specify No then hidden report columns may also be shown on the Single Record View.
  6. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page.


If an interactive report links to single row view and the link icon is missing ALT text or has empty ALT text, the alt="Single Row View" gets included automatically to improve accessibility. This can be further improved by making the ALT text something specific to the row, for example alt="View Row: #COLUMN_NAME#" (where COLUMN_NAME should be a column that helps uniquely identify the current row). Linking to a Specific Page

To link to a specific page:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. Under Region, select the Attributes node.

    The Property Editor displays the report attributes in the Property Editor.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.


    To view help for an attribute, select the attribute in the Property Editor and click the Help tab in the central pane.

  4. Configure Link attributes:
    1. Expand Link.
    2. Link Column - Select Link to Custom Target.
    3. Target -
      • Click the Target field.

        The Link Builder - Target dialog appears.

      • Target Type - Select Page in this Application.

      • Page - Select the target page number.

      • Set Items - Select a Name and Value to specify session state for an item.

      • Clear Session State, Clear Cache - Specify the page numbers on which to clear cache. To specify multiple page, enter a comma-delimited list of page numbers.

      • Clear Session State, Reset Pagination - To reset the pagination for this page, select Yes for Reset Pagination.

      • Advanced, Request - Specify the request to be used.

      • Click OK.

    4. Link Icon - Accept the default or specify another image.
    5. Link Attributes (Optional) - Specify additional column link attributes to be included in the <a href= > tag (for example, a link target, classes, or styles).
  5. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Linking to a URL

To link to a URL:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. Under Region, select the Attributes node.

    The Property Editor displays the report attributes in the Property Editor.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.


    To view help for an attribute, select the attribute in the Property Editor and click the Help tab in the central pane.

  4. Configure Link attributes:
    1. Expand Link.
    2. Link Column - Select Link to Custom Target.
    3. Target -
      • Click the Target field.

        The Link Builder - Target dialog appears.

      • Target Type - Select URL.

      • Click OK.

    4. Link Icon - Accept the default or specify another image.
    5. Link Attributes (Optional) - Specify additional column link attributes to be included in the <a href= > tag (for example, a link target, classes, or styles).
  5. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Excluding a Link Column

To exclude a column link:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. Under Region, select the Attributes node.

    The Property Editor displays the report attributes in the Property Editor.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.


    To view help for an attribute, select the attribute in the Property Editor and click the Help tab in the central pane.

  4. Configure Link attributes:
    1. Expand Link.
    2. Link Column - Select Exclude Link Column.
  5. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Creating a Column Link in an Interactive Report

Use Column Attributes to create a link from a report to another page in your application or to a URL.

To create a column link to another page:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region and expand the Columns node.
    The columns appear in the Rendering tab.
  3. Select a column to edit.

    The Property Editor displays the attributes for that column.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.


    To view help for an attribute, select the attribute in the Property Editor and click the Help tab in the central pane.

  4. Expand Identification. From Type, select Link
  5. Expand Link and click No Link Defined.
    The Link Builder - Target dialog appears.
  6. To create a link to another page, in the Link Builder - Target dialog:
    1. Type - Select Page in this Application.
    2. Page - Specify the target page number..
    3. Set Items - Select a Name and Value to specify session state for an item.
    4. Clear Session State, Clear Cache - Specify the page numbers on which to clear cache. To specify multiple page, enter a comma-delimited list of page numbers.
    5. Rest Pagination - Select Yes to reset pagination for this page.v
    6. Advanced, Request - Specify the request to be used.
    7. Click OK.
  7. To create a link to a URL, in the Link Builder - Target dialog:
    1. Type - Select URL.
    2. URL - Enter the URL address.
    3. Click OK.
  8. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Displaying Interactive Reports Conditionally

You can choose to have interactive reports display conditionally by editing region attributes.

To display an interactive report conditionally:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. In the Rendering tab, locate and select the region containing the report.

    The Property Editor displays the report attributes in the Property Editor.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.

  4. Configure Server-side Condition:
    1. Locate and expand Server-side Condition.
    2. For Type, select a condition type and follow the on-screen instructions
      Page Designer notifies you of errors and warnings you need to address before you can save the page. The Messages tab displays a red or yellow badge indicating the number of messages you need to address
  5. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page.


Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) is used throughout interactive reports. Because Ajax is asynchronous, the value evaluated for conditional display must be in the session. To display an interactive report conditionally based on specified value, use a page item instead of using a :REQUEST value. Using :REQUEST in a conditional display causes the interactive report function incorrectly. Defining a Column as a List of Values in an Interactive Report

In interactive reports you can use a list of values to improve the speed of built-in filter tools.

To define a report column as a list of values:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. In the Rendering tab, expand the Columns node and select the desired column.
  4. Configure Column Filter:
    1. Locate and expand Column Filter.
    2. For Type, select how to derive the filters provided in the report column drop down list. Options include:
      • None - Disable filter on list of values.

      • Default Based on Column Type - STRING and NUMBER columns derive the list of values from distinct column values. DATE columns derive the list of values from predefined date ranges.

      • Use Defined List of Values to Filter Word Contains - Derive the list of values from a defined list of values SQL query to create a contains filter.

      • Use Named List of Values to Filter Exact Match - Derive the list of values from the named list of values to create an equal filter.

      • Use Named List of Values to Filter Word Contains - Derive the list of values from the named list of values to create a contains filter.

  5. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Formatting Columns in an Interactive Report

You can use HTML expressions in interactive reports to further the customize column display.

To define column formatting:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. In the Rendering tab, expand the Columns node and select the desired column.
  4. Configure Column Filter:
    1. Locate and expand Column Formatting.
    2. In HTML Expression, specify HTML expressions to be shown for the column. Use #COLUMN# syntax to show column values in HTML.

      Example 1: Change the background and text colors

      <span style="background-color: yellow; color: red;">#EMPLOYEE_STATUS#</span>

      Example 2: Use Heading 2


      Example 3: Use a dynamic class from the SQL query

      <span class="#COLUMN_CLASS#">#EMPLOYEE_STATUS#</span>

      The #COLUMN_CLASS# and #EMPLOYEE_STATUS# substitutions in this example are columns selected in the report SQL query.

      Example 4: Show an image, and a tooltip on hover

      <img src="#IMAGE_NAME#" alt="#EMPLOYEE_NAME#" title="#EMPLOYEE_NAME#">
  5. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Enabling Icon View in Page Designer

By default, most interactive reports display as a report. You can optionally display columns as icons. When configured to display columns as icons, a View Icons icon displays on the Search bar.

To use Icon view, you must identify the columns used to identify the icon, the label, and the target (that is, the link). As a best practice, set these columns to display as hidden since they are typically not useful for end users.

Topics: Adding a View Icon Button

To add Icon view to an interactive report:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. Under Region, select the Attributes node.

    The Property Editor displays the report attributes in the Property Editor.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.

  4. Configure Icon View.
    1. Locate and expand Icon View.
    2. Configure Icon View attributes:


      To view help for an attribute, select the attribute in the Property Editor and click the Help tab in the central pane.

      1. Show - Select Yes.

      2. Custom Icon View - Specify whether you wish to define a custom link for the Icon View. This option provides greater flexibility in defining the content of the Icon View, including the ability to utilize more than one column. Select Yes or No.

      3. Columns Per Row - Select the number of icons to display per row in Icon View. A value of 5 displays 5 icons per row of the report.

      4. Link Column - Select the column that returns the link target of the icon.

      5. Image Source Column - Identify the column that returns the image source.

      6. Label Column - Select the column that returns the image label.

  5. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Adding a Custom Icon View Link

A custom Icon View link provides greater flexibility in defining the content of the Icon View, including the ability to utilize more than one column.

To add a custom Icon View link:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. Under Region, select the Attributes node.

    The Property Editor displays the report attributes in the Property Editor.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.

  4. Locate and expand Icon View.
  5. Configure Icon View attributes:
    1. Show - Select Yes.
    2. Custom - Select Yes.
    3. Columns Per Page - Select the number of icons to display per row in Icon View. A value of 5 displays 5 icons per row of the report.
    4. Custom Link - Enter the column link for the Icon view. Use substitution strings for column names, for example:
      <a href="#EMP_LINK#"><img src="#EMP_IMG#" title="#ENAME#" alt=""><br>#ENAME#</a>
  6. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Enabling Detail View in Page Designer

Be default, most interactive reports display as a report. You can optionally display details about each column. When configured, a View Details icon displays on the Search bar.

To add Details view to an interactive report:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. Under Region, select the Attributes node.

    The Property Editor displays the report attributes in the Property Editor.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.

  4. Configure Detail View attributes:
    1. Locate and expand Detail View.
    2. Show - Select Yes.
    3. Before Rows - Enter the HTML to be displayed before report rows. For example:
    4. For Each Row - Enter the body for report rows in the Detail View. Use #COLUMN_NAME# substitution strings for column names and column labels. For example:
      <tr><td class="u-textRight">#ENAME_LABEL#:</td><td>#ENAME#</td></tr>
      <tr><td class="u-textRight">#JOB_LABEL#:</td><td>#JOB#</td></tr>
    5. After Rows - Enter the HTML to be displayed after report rows. For example:
  5. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. Configuring Advanced Attributes for Interactive Reports

By configuring advanced interactive report attributes, developers can define the region alias, specify an item whose value stores the saved report ID, and define a from address in an interactive report subscription or email download.

Topics: Configuring Advanced Attributes in Page Designer

To configure Advanced Attributes:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the report.
  3. Under Region, select the Attributes node.

    The Property Editor displays the report attributes in the Property Editor.

    Attributes are organized into functional groups. To expand or collapse these groups, click the Show Common, Show All, Collapse All, and Expand All icons.

  4. Locate and expand Advanced.

    Table 8-6 describes the available Advanced Attributes.

    Table 8-6 Advanced Attributes

    Attribute Description

    Region Alias

    Enter an alphanumeric alias for this interactive report region. The alias must be unique within the application. You can use an alias to reference an interactive report region in your custom API call. For example, you can write a function to return the INTERACTIVE_REPORT_ID by querying the ALIAS column in the APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_IR view. Since the INTERACTIVE_REPORT_ID value can change when you export or import the application to different instance, referencing interactive report regions using an alias may be preferable.

    Report ID Item

    Select a page or application item whose value stores the saved report ID. Interactive report uses this item value to link to a saved report. For example, you can define list of saved reports with links with defined item name and saved report ID as its value to link to a saved default reports, public or private reports. The saved report IDs can be retrieved from the APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_IR_RPT view.

    Email From Address

    Enter a valid email address to use as the From address when sending email from this report. Emails are sent from this report for Downloads of type Email and for Subscriptions. The value can be a literal string containing a valid email address or a static substitution reference defined in the application using substitution syntax.

    Oracle does not recommend using an item substitution at the application or page-level since it only works in an email download, but not for subscriptions.


  5. To save your changes click Save. To save and run the page, click Save and Run Page. About Emailing from an Interactive Report

You can define the from address for emails sent from an interactive report in two ways:

  • Application-level — Edit the Application Email From Address attribute on the Edit Application Definition page.

  • Report-level — Access the report Attributes. Under Advanced, edit the Email from Address attribute.

In either case, the value can be a literal string containing a valid email or an application substitution defined at the application-level using substitution syntax or &APP_EMAIL. substitution which returns the Application Email From Address defined at the application-level. Examples:



Oracle does not recommend using an item substitution at the application or page-level since it only works in email download, but not for subscriptions.