Locking Data

You can lock an entity for a period or periods if you do not want users to be able to modify that data. When data is locked, you cannot change the data for that scenario, year, entity, parent, value, and period. To lock data, you must be assigned the Lock Data security role.

When you lock data, you only need to select the Top parent entity, because the system locks recursively across the Entity and Value dimensions starting at the base entities. For each entity, Value members are locked in this order: Entity Currency, None, Parent Currency, Contribution Total.

You can lock data for a period only if these conditions are met:

  • The entity’s calculation status must be OK. See Viewing Calculation Status.

  • If process management is enabled for the scenario, the entity must have a process level of Published. If Process Management is enabled and the cell status is NODATA, you must promote the process unit before it can be locked. See Process Levels.

  • If the entity is a parent, all of its children must also be locked. If you select the Top parent member, the system locks all of its children.

  • The Validation account for the entity currency and entity currency adjustments must be zero.


Locking data prevents stored data from being changed. It does not prevent aggregated data from changing if hierarchies are changed. To change a hierarchy total without affecting old aggregations, you should add a new hierarchy and retain the old hierarchy, rather than changing an existing hierarchy.

To lock data:

  1. From a data grid, select a cell for which to lock data.
  2. Right-click and select Lock.


Locking data prevents stored data from being changed. It does not prevent aggregated data from changing if hierarchies are changed. To change a hierarchy total without affecting old aggregations, you should add a new hierarchy and retain the old hierarchy, rather than changing an existing hierarchy.