Entering Data in Data Forms

You can enter or edit data in predefined data forms that your administrator has created. You can enter data in input cells, or enter an amount directly in a summary-level time period and have it distributed across base-level periods. You cannot enter data into calculated or cells at invalid intersections, which are indicated in red.

To enter data in a data form, you must have access to the security class for the form and security rights for the data in the cells on the form.

You can use the scroll bars for rows and columns to view various parts of the form.

To add cell text to a form, if the cell is ReadOnly, you cannot enter cell text directly into the cells. You must use the Cell Text editor. See Entering Cell Text in Data Forms.

To enter data in data forms:

  1. From the Document Manager, open a data form.
  2. Double-click an input cell to enter data. Input cells are displayed as white cells.


    To clear a cell, you can delete its contents, enter NODATA, or right-click and select Clear.

  3. When you finish entering data, click Submit Data.
  4. To refresh the data, click Refresh.