Shortcut Menu Commands

From data forms, you can use shortcut menu commands, which are displayed when you right-click in a form. Data forms provide the same right-click menu commands as data grids, however the availability of the menu commands depends on the cell status and your security rights.


When you perform any consolidation actions on data forms, the forms are not automatically refreshed after the consolidation process. When the consolidation process is complete, from the data form, click Refresh to refresh the data in the form. If you choose to refresh the data in a data form while consolidation is running, you must manually close the Running Task page.

Table 6-2 Data Form Right-Click Menu Commands

Menu Command Description
Cell Text View cell text. See Viewing Cell Text in Data Forms.
Intercompany Transactions View intercompany transactions. See Drilling Through to Intercompany Transactions.
Linked Form Navigate to linked forms. See Using Linked Forms.
Cell Information View form properties. See Viewing Cell Information.
Force Calculate For base entity, force calculation to run. See Calculating Data.
Force Calculate Contribution For base entity, force calculate contribution to run. See Calculating Data.
Consolidate For parent entity, consolidate entities. See Consolidating Data..
Calculate Contribution For parent entity, calculate contribution. See Calculating Data.
Consolidate All with Data For parent entity, consolidate every dependent entity within the consolidation path of the selected parent that contains data, regardless of its status. See Consolidating Data.
Consolidate All For parent entity, perform calculations for every process unit within the consolidation path of the selected parent, regardless of its status. See .Consolidating Data.
Translate Translate selected cells. See Translating Data. (only available if translation is available).
Force Translate Force translation to run. See Translating Data. (only available if translation is available).
Lock Lock data for a period. See Locking Data.
Unlock Unlock data for a period. See Unlocking Data.
Manage Process View process unit status. See Viewing the Process Control Summary.
Allocate For base entity, allocate data from a source account to a destination account. See Running Data Allocations.
Source Transactions View source transactions. See Viewing Source and Destination Transactions.
Destination Transactions View destination transactions. See Viewing Source and Destination Transactions.
Entity Details View entity details. See Running Entity Detail Reports.
Cell History View cell history. See Viewing Cell History.
Run EPU Run the Equity Pickup process. See Calculating Equity Pickup Adjustments.
Force EPU Force the Equity Pickup process to run. See Calculating Equity Pickup Adjustments.
Execute Run on-demand rules. See Running On-Demand Rules in Data Forms.
Drill Drill through to source data through ERPI. Only available if you loaded drillable regions for FDMEE or ERPI. See Drilling Through to Source Data.