Posting Intercompany Transactions

You post intercompany transactions to include them in an account balance. When you create or load an intercompany transaction, by default it has a status of Unposted and no amount is shown in the account balance. For example, you might input an intercompany transaction for Entity A with Entity B for the amount of USD $100. However, the amount was not recorded in the ICRec account. The ICRec account balance remains at zero until the transaction is posted.

When you post the selected intercompany transactions to the account, the system updates the status of the transactions to Posted, and the total transaction amount is reflected in the account balance.

To post a transaction, you must be assigned the Intercompany Transaction Post/Unpost security role.

If the period is set up with the Match/Validate requirement before posting, the system checks the transactions before posting to ensure that only transactions with the Matched status, or Mismatched status with a reason code, are posted to the account balance. If this requirement is not set for the period, no validation is needed. See the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management Administrator's Guide.

When you select Post All, the system posts all transactions that meet the filter criteria. It does not post all of the transactions for the POV. A progress bar is displayed with the progress percentage, status, and last update time. You can also view the progress from the Running Tasks module. See Viewing Intercompany Transaction Progress.

After an intercompany transaction is Posted, you cannot change it. If you need to make changes to a posted transaction, you must unpost it, make the changes, then match and post the transaction again. See Unposting Intercompany Transactions.

To post intercompany transactions:

  1. Select Consolidation, then Intercompany, and then Manage.

  2. From the list of intercompany transactions, select the checkbox next to the transactions to post, or from the column header, click Select All.

  3. Select an action:

    • Click Post, or select Actions, and then Post.

    • To post the transactions that meet the filter criteria, click Post All, or select Actions, and then Post All.

  4. From the Result tab, verify the posting result and click OK.

    On the Manage Intercompany transactions list, posted transactions are indicated by a green flag in the Status column.

Posting Process

During the posting process, the system accumulates the transactions related to a particular account cell and accumulates the amount to the account balance. For example, if you have two transactions with a total of 100 for the ICRec account, the system applies the total amount of 100 to the ICRec account balance. If this is the first transaction, the ICRec account has a balance of 100. If you later post four transactions to this account for a total amount of 300, after posting, the ICRec account has a balance of 400, because the system adds the amount to the account balance.

The system posts transactions to the Entity Currency Value dimension. If the account is a Balance type, the system posts the amount as YTD view regardless of the default view of the scenario.

Posting to Flow Accounts

For Flow accounts, the system posts according to the rules specified for the scenario. When administrators define rules for the application, they define the cells that are available for entering intercompany transactions. Administrators can define the period frequency in each scenario to determine which periods support transactions, based on the valid frequencies defined in the PER file. Valid frequencies for a monthly scenario are MTD, QTD, HYTD, and YTD and can also be used to specify the period frequency for supporting transactions. See the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management Administrator's Guide.

For example, if the scenario is set up to accept intercompany transactions on a Quarterly frequency, the system only allows intercompany transactions to be entered for March, June, September, and December. For the other nonquarterly months, the system only allows users to enter the cell amounts manually without entering any transactions. However, for the transactions being entered for the quarterly months, you should enter all transactions for the entire quarter, not just the quarterly months. For example, in March, you should enter transactions for January, February, and March, so that the drill-down to the transactions matches the YTD amount.

Viewing Posted Status

Posted transactions are indicated by a green flag in the Status column on the Process IC Transactions page. You can use the column sorting capability to sort transactions by the Matching Status or Posting status. Therefore, to see all of your posted transactions at the top of the list, you can sort the Posting status in descending order.

You can also confirm the amounts posted to the account balance in a data grid or data form.

To view transactions with a Posted status, take one of these actions: