Approving Process Units

A process unit in the Submitted status indicates that it is ready for approval. To approve a process unit, you must be assigned the Review Supervisor security role and All or Promote access rights. See Process Management Security Roles.

The process unit must have a status of OK, OK SC, or NO DATA before you can approve it. After you approve a process unit, its status changes to Approved. When a process unit has an Approved status, you must be assigned the Review Supervisor security role and All access rights to modify the data, reject it, or promote it to the next level by publishing the data.

Approving Process Units from Process Control

To approve process units from Process Control:

  1. Select Consolidation, then Data, and then Process Control.

  2. Set the rows and columns.

    See Selecting Entities for Process Control.

  3. Select the process unit to approve.

  4. Click Manage Process and select Approve.

  5. Optional: Enter a comment in Comments, or attach a document for more detail.

    See Attaching Documents to a Process Unit.

  6. Optional: If you use the Tree view, select Apply Action to Selected Entity Only or Apply Action to Selected Entity and Descendants.

  7. Click OK.

Approving Process Units from Data Grids

To approve process units from a data grid:

  1. Select the cell for the process unit to approve.

  2. Right-click and select Manage Process and select Approve.

  3. Optional: Enter a comment in Comments, or attach a document for more detail.

  4. Click Approve.