Configuring EPM System Products

Run EPM System Configurator on each machine hosting the products to configure or reconfigure. Before configuring, ensure that you've run RCU to create infrastructure schemas. See Creating Infrastructure Schemas Using Repository Creation Utility.

For a list of characters supported during configuration with EPM System Configurator, see Characters Supported for Installation and Configuration.


On Windows machines, run EPM System Installer and EPM System Configurator as an administrator. Install and configure as an administrator for all Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System products.


On Linux machines, do not use the root user to install and configure. Install and configure as the same user for all EPM System products. On Linux machines, for all Oracle products, the user that is installing must be part of the same group; the group must have write permission to the central inventory (oraInventory).

To configure EPM System products:

  1. Choose a method to launch EPM System Configurator:
    • On the last page of EPM System Installer, click or select Configure.

    • From the Start menu, select Oracle EPM System, and then EPM System Configurator (all instances).

    • Change to EPM_ORACLE_HOME/common/config/version_number and then launch configtool.bat. (.sh)

    • For silent configurations, see Performing Silent Configurations.


    If you launch EPM System Configurator from EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE, EPM System Configurator configures the existing EPM Oracle instance and does not display the "Configure Oracle Instance" page.

    EPM System Configurator performs initial checks, checking for the following:

    • Environment variables are set

    • .oracle.products is present

    • All required .jars are present

    • Windows system32 is in the PATH

    • There is a valid EPM Oracle home

  2. Review and complete each page of EPM System Configurator, clicking or selecting Next to move to the next page.

    The following table provides links where you can find more details about each page of EPM System Configurator.

    Page Reference
    EPM Oracle Instance Configure EPM Oracle Instance
    Task selection Task Selection
    Set Up Oracle Hyperion Shared Services and Registry Database Connection

    Ensure that the database is started and that you have created a database.

    If you have not already created the database, see Preparing a Database.

    Enter the information as described in Set Up Shared Services and Registry Database Connection.

    Configure database

    Ensure that the database is started and that you have created a database.

    If you have not already created the database, see Preparing a Database.

    Enter the information as described in Configure Database.

    Application server deployment

    Enter the information as described in Deploy to Application Server: Oracle WebLogic.

    Product-specific configuration tasks For detailed procedures to configure each product, see the sections:
  3. (Optional) To save the configuration selections in a response file for silent configuration, click or select Save, browse to a location, specify a file name, and click or select Save.

    This procedure creates an editable file that can be used as a response file for silent configuration. See Performing Silent Configurations.

  4. Confirm the configuration tasks to complete, and then click or select Next.

    EPM System Configurator displays the status of the configuration process.

    Configuration time depends on the products and tasks that you selected. Progress is recorded in /diagnostics/logs/config/configtool.log.

    When configuration finishes, the status of each task is displayed. Configuration results are noted in /diagnostics/logs/config/configtool_summary.log.

  5. Click or select Task Panel to return to the Task Selection page to complete additional configuration tasks.
  6. Configure the web server last.
  7. Click or select Finish.

    If configuration is successful, perform any required manual configuration tasks, start services, and validate service startup.

    See Performing Manual Configuration Tasks in a New Deployment, Starting and Stopping EPM System Products and Validating the Installation and Verifying Deployment.

    Terminating configuration for a particular product does not terminate the entire process. Configuration continues for the other products. EPM System Configurator displays error messages on a summary page after the configuration process completes.

    If errors are displayed, perform these tasks:

    • Review the log files.

    • See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Troubleshooting Guide for information about resolving configuration issues.

    • If you see errors related to the Oracle HTTP Server installation, ensure that you have met the Oracle HTTP Server installation prerequisites. See Web Server Installation Prerequisites.

  8. Refresh Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace.