Importing Metadata from a File

To import an attribute, user-defined dimension, Smart List, or exchange rates, select New Dimension in the Dimension drop down, and then select the type in Dimension Type.

In Import Metadata from FlatFile, select the following options:

Table 5-17 Import Metadata from File Options

Option Description

Dimension to Import

Dimension to be loaded, whose member fields correspond to the header record in the metadata file. If needed, you can create a new dimension on import.

User-defined dimensions (for example, Product) are listed in the drop-down list along with the base dimensions. If there is a user-defined dimension in the application and you want to load its metadata, then select the user-defined dimension from the drop-down list. If your file contains metadata for a user-defined dimension called, for example, NewProduct, which does not yet exist in the application, then select New Dimension, then User Defined, and then NewProduct. Oracle Hyperion Planning Import and Export will create the NewProduct dimension and load its metadata.

Metadata File to Import

Specify the metadata load input file which contains a header record and metadata records.

See Loading Metadata.

Create Security Filters

Creates security filters when performing a cube refresh. Deselect this option if you do not want to refresh security filters. (This option does not provision users to the application; it only creates security filters for users that currently exist. Users can be provisioned to applications using other methods.)

Database Refresh

Performs a database refresh after the metadata load.

Delete All Planning Units

Deletes all planning units or displays an error if members in planning units would be deleted. Select this option along with the Before Importing, Delete All Members from the Dimension option to enable deleting started planning units and deleting all members in the dimension specified in the load file.

Before Importing, Delete All Members from the Dimension

Deletes all members of the load dimension before performing the load. See also Delete All Planning Units. Clear this option to keep all members of the load dimension.


Use caution. This option removes attribute bindings and approvals states.

Assume Parent's Plan Types if Unspecified in File

Inherits unspecified plan type settings from the parent when adding new members. Clear this option to force explicit setting of plan type settings for the member.

Lock Load Dimension before Load

Locks the load dimension before loading. Clear this option if you do not want to lock the dimension (not recommended unless you are performing a dry run).

Use the Member Order in the Import File

Maintains the order of members in the load file when loading, with the exception of UDAs. Clear this option to ignore the order of members in the load file when loading.

Sort Import File in Parent-Child Order

Orders input records in parent-child order, with the exception of UDAs. Clear this option to load input records as they appear in the load file. Clearing this option is faster and uses less memory.

Dry Run

Performs a "dry run" by parsing the load file without loading data or metadata. Clear this option to parse the load file while loading data and metadata.


Performing a dry run parses the load file (for example, checks the header record, checks if the number of values matches the header record number) but does not check the validity of the values defined in the file.