Registry Settings to Reduce Timeouts and Flickering

Use your own organization-specific procedures to deploy these Windows Registry settings to your users. These settings can help to reduce timeouts and flickering in Oracle Smart View for Office.

Timeout Settings

Configure these Registry settings to help reduce timeouts:

  • ReceiveTimeout

  • KeepAliveTimeout

  • ServerInfoTimeout

See Smart View HTTP Session Timeout for information on these settings.

Flickering Settings

Configure these Registry settings to help reduce flickering:

  • DisableWindowTransitionsOnAddinTaskPanes

  • DisableAnimations


Oracle recommends setting the registry key, DisableWindowTransitionsOnAddinTaskPanes, to reduce POV toolbar flickering. Consider rolling this out this setting to your users along with the Smart View install.

See Flickering Issues on Office 2013 and Office 2016 for information on these settings.