Creating a Table View Grid Format

To create a Table View grid format:

  1. Open the application for which you want to create a new Table View grid format.

  2. Click the Personalize Grid icon.

  3. In the Grid Format Manager, ensure (Create) is the value in the Name field. If another value is displayed, select (Create) from the Name drop-down list.

  4. Select Table View from the Format Type drop-down list. (Release

    By default, the Table View option is selected for Format Type.

    Important: If you are using a release prior to EnterpriseOne Tools release, the Format Type drop-down list is not available, and you can create only the Table View grid format.
  5. Select the Set As Default option to designate the new grid format as the default for the form.

    Only one grid format can be the default grid format for a form.

  6. Make changes to the Display and Order, Column Format, and Data Sequencing sections as described in the following topics:

    Note: Columns that you are required to use have an asterisk beside the column name. You cannot remove these required columns from your grid format.
  7. Click the Save button.

    You cannot change the Format Type after you save a grid format. The Format Type drop-down list is disabled and you cannot change its value until you create a new one. Similarly, when you open an existing grid format in the Grid Format Manager, the Format Type option cannot be changed and the drop-down list is disabled.

  8. In the Enter New Name dialog box, enter a unique name for the Table View grid format. The new grid format is saved as Personal grid format with the name you entered.

  9. Click the OK button.

    Note: If you enter a name that already exists, the following message is displayed: 'The name is already in use, duplicate names are not allowed.'
  10. Click the Close button to close the Grid Format Manager.

If you modified an existing personal grid format, you can click either the Save or Save As icon. Clicking Save updates the original personal grid format with the changes. Clicking Save As requires you to enter a new grid format name, so that you have the original grid format and a new personal grid format with the updates you made.

If you want to recall the default format, save the original grid format before you save a new format. Otherwise, you must remove the new format, exit the application, and then access the application again to view the default grid format.