Understanding Additional PIS/COFINS Substitution Information

You can add PIS and COFINS substitution tax information to the notas fiscais in purchase and sales scenarios. The system stores the PIS and COFINS substitution basis, rate, and tax for each detail line of the nota fiscais in the NF Detail PIS/COFINS table - BRA - 76B (F76B031).

Note: PIS/COFINS substitution functionality is the same as ICMS substitution functionality, with one exception. ICMS Substitution functionality has setup that the system uses to calculate values automatically, but PIS/ COFINS substitution functionality does not have set up. You must enter the values for the PIS and COFINS substitution on the Nota Fiscal Detail Revision form in the Nota Fiscal Maintenance program (P7610B) or the Stand Alone Nota Fiscal program (P7611B).

The system uses additional PIS/COFINS substitution information in the following programs:

  • Print Nota Fiscal - Sales (R76560B).

    When you run the Print Nota Fiscal - Sales program, the system calculates and displays the PIS substitution basis, COFINS substitution basis, PIS substitution tax and COFINS substitution tax totals on the report.

    See Printing Outbound Notas Fiscais

  • Update Sales - Brazil program (R76B803)

    When you run the Update Sales - Brazil program, the system calculates and displays the tax lines the PIS Substitute and COFINS Substitute to the Sale Order Detail form and updates the sales order total amount.

    See Updating Sales in Brazil

  • Nfe Info Generation by Lot program (R76B561L).

    When you run the Nfe Info Generation by Lot program, the system extracts PIS and COFINS Substitution information from the NF Header PIS/COFINS table - BRA - 76B (F76B030) and NF Detail PIS/COFINS table - BRA - 76B (F76B031) tables.

    After you run the program, the system passes this information to the NFe XML Template and includes the information in NFe XML file.

    See Understanding the NF-e Info Generation by Lot UBE (R76B561L)

  • Print Nota Fiscal - Purchasing program (R76500B).

    When you run Print Nota Fiscal - Purchasing program, the system prints the PIS Substitution Basis, COFINS Substitution Basis, PIS Substitution Tax, and COFINS Substitution Tax values on the report.

    See Printing the Nota Fiscal for Purchase Returns

  • Nota Fiscal Check & Close program (P76B900).

    When you close the fiscal note, the system displays the PIS and COFINS substitution on Cardex and the G/L.

    See Understanding the Nota Fiscal Check & Close Program (P76B900)

  • Reverse / Void Nota Fiscal - Brazil program (R76559B).

    When you use the Reverse / Void Nota Fiscal - Brazil (R76559B) to delete a nota fiscal, the system deletes the PIS/COFINS substitution information from the following tables:

    • Fiscal Notes and Judicial Process Relationship - BRA - 76B (F76B036)

    • Administrative Process Relationship (F76B038)

    • NF Detail PIS/COFINS - BRA - 76B (F76B031)

    • NF Header PIS/COFINS - BRA - 76B (F76B030)

    • Import Declaration (F76B033)

    See Understanding Sales Order Returns, Reverses, and Cancellations

  • Purchase Receipt Inquiry program (P43214).

    When you use the Purchase Receipt Inquiry program (P43214) to void or reverse a nota fiscal, the system deletes the PIS/COFINS substitution information from the following tables:

    • Fiscal Notes and Judicial Process Relationship - BRA - 76B (F76B036)

    • Administrative Process Relationship (F76B038)

    • NF Detail PIS/COFINS table - BRA - 76B (F76B031)

    • NF Header PIS/COFINS - BRA - 76B (F76B030)

    • Import Declaration (F76B033)

    See Understanding Receipt Reversals for Brazilian Procurement