Typical Workflow for Developing Applications

To manage the life cycle of Oracle Application Container Cloud Service applications, consider the typical workflow described in the following table..

Task Description More Information
Design your application Make sure that your new or existing application meets a few simple design requirements for this service. Design Considerations
Compile native libraries If you have an application with native libraries, then run your build on Oracle Developer Cloud Service, or on your own system that runs Oracle Linux or a compatible distribution. Compile Native Libraries for Your Application
Make a standalone application In order to deploy your application to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service you must make your application self-contained. Your application must contains all the required dependencies and run independently. Make a Standalone Application
Create the metadata files You can define the configuration of your application by using the manifest.json and thedeployment.json files. Use the descriptor files to specify information such as:
  • The launch command

  • How many instances of your application to deploy

  • How to connect to a database

  • Environment variables

Create Metadata Files
Package your application To deploy your application, you compress the application files along with the dependencies and required configuration information in a .zip, .tgz, or .tar.gz archive file. Create the Deployment-Ready Archive
Deploy your application to the service

You can deploy your application by using the following methods:

  • The user interface console

  • The REST API

  • The command-line interface (CLI)

  • From Oracle Developer Cloud Service

To deploy from the user interface, see Creating an Application in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.

To learn about the REST API, see REST API for Managing Applications.

To deploy from Oracle Developer Cloud Service, see Deploying an Application to Oracle Application Container Cloud in Using Oracle Developer Cloud Service.

Monitor your application (only Java applications) If you have a Java application, then you can monitor it using Java Mission Control and Java Flight Recorder. See Java Mission Control and Java Flight Recorder.
Get the application’s logs After the application is deployed you can retrieve the application’s logs using the Oracle Application Container Cloud Service console, the command-line interface, or the REST API.

Retrieve the Application Logs

Manage your application As your application is running, you can:
  • Change the number of instances.

  • Alter the amount of memory allocated to each instance.

  • Download and review application logs.

  • Upload a new version of the application.

  • Upload a new manifest.json file or deployment.json file.

  • Add or change the values of environment variables.

  • Update service bindings.

To learn more about the REST API, see REST API for Managing Applications.

To learn more about the user interface, see Using the Applications Page and Using the Application Console in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.