Netezza Adapter Capabilities

The Netezza Adapter enables you to integrate the Netezza database residing behind the firewall of your on-premises environment with Oracle Integration through use of the on-premises connectivity agent. You can configure the Netezza Adapter as a trigger or invoke connection in an integration in Oracle Integration.

The Netezza Adapter provides the following capabilities:

For trigger endpoints:
  • Support for polling new and updated records for processing in the Netezza database.
  • Support for a logical delete polling strategy. This strategy involves updating a special field on each row once it is processed.
  • Support for processing message payloads up to 10 MB in size. In the case of polling, you must set the Rejected Value property to REJECTED on the Polling Strategy and Options page. If the incoming message is greater than 10 MB, that particular record is updated to REJECTED instead of READ. If the message payload is greater than 10 MB, a fault response is sent to the calling clients.
For invoke endpoints:
  • Support for bulk data import by selecting the Perform Bulk Data Import Operation on the Basic Info page of the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard. See Import Data Files Using the Bulk Data Import Operation and Import Transactional Data Using the Bulk Data Import Operation.
  • Support for invocation of stored procedures in the Netezza database.

    For complex SQL queries, use stored procedures by selecting the Invoke a Stored Procedure option on the Basic Info page of the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard. Stored procedures can reduce the complexity of a SQL query.

  • Support for performing the Select, Insert, Update, and Insert/Update (Merge) operations against database tables.

  • Support for execution of SQL queries against database tables.

  • Support for pagination. You can implement pagination when fetching a large number of records for a Select query and receive sorted data in chunks. See Use Pagination in an Integration.

The Netezza Adapter is one of many predefined adapters included with Oracle Integration.