
class GeographicalRegressor(global_model=None, model_cls=None, spatial_weights_definition=None, bandwidth=None, fixed=True, local_weight=0.25, **kwargs)

Geographical regression algotithm. It uses a global model and several local models to perform regression.

  • global_model – A scikit-learn estimator instance, default=None. A trained model used as global model. Local models will be of the same type as this model. Required when model_cls is None.

  • model_cls – Class of scikit-learn estimator, default=None. Type of the global model and local models. When model_cls is provided (instead of global_model), a global model will be trained. Required when global_model=None. model_cls creation parameters are specified as kwargs.

  • spatial_weights_definition – SpatialWeightsDefinition, default=None. Spatial relationship specification. This criteria is used to group data into neighborhoods and train local models.

  • bandwidth – int or float, default=None. Distance (fixed=True) or number of nearest neighbors (fixed=False). bandwidth + fixed is another way to set the spatial relationship specification. It is ignored if spatial_weights_definition was set.

  • fixed – bool, default=True. True if bandwidth represents a distance. False for number of nearest neighbors.

  • local_weight – float (0.0 to 1.0), default=0.25. Weight associated to the local models predictions.

  • kwargs – Additional parameters for the inner models created with parameter model_cls.


__init__([global_model, model_cls, ...])

add_metric_info(metric_name, result[, ...])

fit(X, y[, geometries, crs, ...])

Train a geographical regression model.


Get parameters for this estimator.

predict(X[, y, geometries, crs])

Predict the target value for X using the global model and the local models that are closer to geometries.

score(X, y[, geometries, sample_weight, crs])

Returns the value of the regression score function or R-Squared.

set_fit_input(X[, geometries, y, ...])


Set the parameters of this estimator.



