Editing a Template

Modify an existing stack template by either using the Oracle Cloud Stack console or by editing the template file offline.

Tutorial icon Tutorials are also available to help you customize an existing template.

Editing with the Console

The Oracle Cloud Stack console provides a web-based Template Builder and YAML editor.

To edit a published template with the console, you must first create a copy of it. See Copying a Template.

  1. Access the Oracle Cloud Stack console, and then click Templates.
  2. Click Unpublished.
  3. Click the template that you want to edit.
    The Template Builder is displayed.
  4. Edit the template.

    For more information, refer to the topics in Creating Templates with Oracle Cloud Stack.

    To directly edit the template’s source, click Open YAML editor Command prompt icon.


    If an existing resource is not visible on the canvas area, click Snap to grid Snap to grid icon, and then click Sort resources Sort resources icon.
  5. Click Save the current template Save icon.

After making your modifications, you must publish the template before cloud users can create stacks from it. See Publishing a Template.

Editing Offline

Export an Oracle Cloud Stack template if you want to edit it on your local computer in your choice of text editor.

Export the template file, modify its contents, and then import the updated file. See:

The values of the templateName and templateVersion attributes in the template file are used to uniquely identify a template in Oracle Cloud Stack. The actual name of the template source file is not used by Oracle Cloud Stack to identify a template.

If you are editing a published template, modify the templateVersion attribute. You cannot publish a template that has the same name and version as an existing published template. For example:

    templateName: MyTemplateName
    templateVersion: 2.0
    templateDescription: My updated Oracle cloud stack template
    . . .