Configure Asset Lookup Jobs

Documents that successfully complete the lookup are updated in their batch regardless of the success of other documents in the batch. The batch only progresses forward if every document in it is looked up successfully. If failed batches go to the Content Capture Client for repair, then the metadata in any document in the batch could be updated. When the batch is re-released from the Content Capture Client, the whole batch of documents is looked up again.

After you've created an asset lookup on the Metadata tab, you can configure an asset lookup job on the Processing tab to include it in the required document profiles. Your asset lookup will be available to client users only after your document profile is included in the client profile, and the client profile is included in the commit profile.

  1. In the procedures pane on the left, select your procedure.

    The configuration pages for the selected procedure appear on the right.

  2. Open the Processing tab.
  3. In the Asset Lookup Jobs table, click Add asset lookup job, or to edit an existing job, click Edit asset lookup job.

    You can also copy an asset lookup job by selecting it, clicking Copy asset lookup job, and entering a new name when prompted. Copying a job allows you to quickly duplicate and modify it.

  4. On the Document Selection page:

    1. In the Document Selection section, do the following:
      • Enter a name and description for the job name.

      • To process the asset lookup job for specific document profiles, select one or more document profiles listed in the Restrict to Document Profiles field, or select All to process documents for all defined document profiles.

    2. In the Lookup Execution section, do the following and then click Next:
      • From the Asset Lookup drop-down list, select an asset lookup job.

      • In the When more than one record is found section, choose whether the first record should be displayed to the client user or none of the records should be shown. If you choose the latter, the processing job fails. The client users will be able to see the document in the Content Capture Client if they want to.
      • Select the Is a successful lookup required check box, if necessary.
  5. On the Post-Processing page, specify based on the following what happens after an asset lookup job completes:
    • No system error situations are cases in which all the criteria on the previous page were met. A successful lookup can flow to commit.
    • System errors are any cases in which the lookup fails: no records found, too many records found, and so on. For unsuccessful lookups, the batch returns to the Content Capture Client for repair.
    See Configure Post-Processing and Monitoring of an Asset Lookup Job
  6. Review settings on the Summary page and click Submit to save the job.

  7. Configure how batches flow to asset lookup jobs. See Configure Batch Flow to an Asset Lookup Job.

  8. Test the asset lookup job you created.

Configure Post-Processing and Monitoring of an Asset Lookup Job

Use post-processing options of an asset lookup job to specify what happens after processing completes.

To configure post-processing and monitoring of an asset lookup job:
  1. In the procedures pane on the left, select your procedure.
    The configuration pages for the selected procedure appear on the right.
  2. Open the Processor tab.
  3. In the Asset Lookup Jobs table, add or edit an asset lookup job.
  4. Click the Post-Processing page to display the processing options for successful processing (no system errors) and unsuccessful processing (one or more system errors). The next steps apply to both sections: When there is no system error and When there are system errors.
  5. In the Batch Processor and Batch Processor Job fields, specify which processing step, if any, occurs after the asset lookup job completes. Only those batch processor jobs that you have defined for your procedure are available for selection. For example, if you didn't define a recognition processor job, then the recognition processor option will not be available in the Batch Processor field. If you choose recognition processor or conversions to TIFF/PDF in the Batch Processor field, then specify the corresponding processor job.
  6. In the email address field, optionally enter an address to which to send an email after processing completes successfully or fails. While configuring and testing an asset lookup processor job, you might set yourself to receive email notifications upon system errors, then later automatically alert an administrator of processing errors.
  7. In the remaining fields, specify how to change processed batches.
    • Rename batches by adding a prefix. For example, rename batches that were unsuccessful with the prefix ERR for follow-up.

    • Change batch status or priority. For example, you might change the status of batches with system errors, then create a client profile with batch filtering set to this status to allow qualified users to manually edit and complete batches that encountered errors.

  8. Click Submit to save the job.

Configure Batch Flow to an Asset Lookup Job

To run an asset lookup job, you must configure batches to flow to the job for processing. You do this by setting the asset lookup job as a post-processing step in a client profile, an import processor job, or a processing job discussed under processing settings. See the post-processing information for the job or client profile from which you want to configure a batch flow, under Configure Processing Settings or Configure Capture Settings.

Deactivate or Delete an Asset Lookup Job

When you delete an asset lookup job, it no longer remains available for batches for which it is set as a post-processing step. If a job specified for post-processing is not available, an error results for the batch. You may want to change a job to offline for a time before deleting it, allowing you to resolve unexpected issues with its deletion. Online asset lookup jobs run when they are selected in a client profile or on the Post-Processing page of a processor job. You can temporarily stop a job (take it offline) or change a deactivated job to run again. You cannot delete batch processing jobs if they are configured as a post processing job in another batch processor.

To deactivate or delete an asset lookup job:
  1. In the procedures pane on the left, select your procedure.
    The configuration pages for the selected procedure are displayed on the right.
  2. Open the Processing tab.
  3. To deactivate a job, select it in the Asset Lookup Jobs table and click Deactivate or activate an asset lookup job.

    You can also deactivate or activate an asset lookup job by selecting or deselecting the Online field on the Document Selection page.

  4. Select the deactivated job in the Asset Lookup Jobs table and click Delete an asset lookup job.
  5. When prompted, click Yes to confirm that you want to delete this job.