Configure Bar Code, Patch Code, and Separator Page Definitions

You can use bar code definitions throughout the job. You can define patch codes for page separation. You can combine patch code detection with bar codes by creating separation page definition rules.

Here is how you configure definitions for bar codes and separator pages for a recognition processing job:

Configure a Separator Page Definition

As described in Settings for Separating Documents, if you choose to organize documents using separator pages, you must configure one or more rules that define how separators are detected and used.


To configure hierarchical separator page definitions, see Configure a Separator Page Definition.

To configure a separator page definition:

  1. In your procedure, create a recognition processor job with a document organization method of Separator pages or None: Do not perform document organization.

  2. On the Document Processing page, next to Separator Page, click Configure to define or edit the separator page by specifying one or more rules in the Separator Page Definition dialog that is displayed:
    1. In the Name field, enter a name for the separator page definition. Optionally, select the Remove separator page field to remove the separator page from the document. If deselected (the default), separator pages are included in the document.

    2. Click Add rule in the Rules table. To edit a rule, select it and click Edit rule.

    3. In the Separator Page Rule page, create a rule.

      1. Enter a name in the Rule Name field.

      2. To indicate the start of a new document, select a patch code (I, II, III, IV, VI, or T), a previously created bar code definition, or both.

      3. If you specify both a patch code and a bar code or specify multiple bar code definitions, select Or or And in the Operator field to indicate if one or all must be detected on a page for the page to be identified as a separator.


        In addition to specifying And or Or conditions within rules, you specify And or Or conditions between rules, by selecting And or Or in the Operator field in the Rules table.

      4. If you want blank pages to be considered as separators, select the Treat Blank Page as a separator check box. This option is not available if you select the AND operator.

      5. Click OK.

    4. Repeat the previous step to create additional rules in the Rules table.

    5. Click Submit to save the separator page definition and return to Separator Page Definition.

      To remove a separator page rule, select it in the Rules table and click Delete rule.


      To delete a separator page definition, click Delete next to Configure.

  3. To set the page bytes so the page is considered blank, enter a value in the Blank Page Byte Threshold field. For example, if you enter 16000 in this field, then the pages of 16000 bytes or lesser are considered blank pages.

  4. If you want blank pages to be removed at the time documents are processed in the Content Capture Client environment, select the Remove Blank Pages check box.


    The Blank Page Byte Threshold field and the Remove Blank Pages check box are interdependent. So if you set the blank page byte threshold but do not set blank pages for removal, the pages of the defined bytes won't be removed. Similarly, if you select the Remove Blank Pages check box but do not set the blank page byte threshold, no pages will be removed.
  5. Click Submit to save the job.

Add or Edit Bar Code Definitions

A bar code definition identifies a bar code by its validation rule, such as its length in characters. As bar codes are recognized, they are assigned to a bar code definition based on the definition's validation rule which considers the data characteristics of the bar code value. Once defined, you can use a bar code definition throughout a recognition job, including for page separation, auto populating metadata fields, and assigning document profiles. (Bar code definitions are not shared between recognition processor jobs.)

To add or edit a bar code definition:
  1. Add or edit a recognition job.
  2. On the Bar Code Definition page, click Add bar code definition in the Bar Code Definitions table.
  3. In the Bar Code Definition dialog, enter a name for the bar code definition.
  4. In the Validation Rule field, specify how recognition processor should validate the bar code.

    Table 12-2 Validation Rule Types

    Validation Rule Type Description Example


    Specifies no validation.

    This option is typically used to allow a script to populate the bar code definition value.


    Maps any bar code value where the length of the bar code value matches the definition.

    The length does not include unique bar code symbols such as start, stop and check digits (unless included).

    To match a value three characters in length, enter:



    Specify a filter that controls which values are accepted, such as numbers or alphanumeric characters.

    To match an ID number such as 123-45-6789, you might enter:


    Available mask characters are listed in the Input Mask Characters table.

    Regular Expression

    Specify a regular expression that defines which values are accepted.

    To match a value of a, b, or c, you would enter:


    For more information, refer to documentation relating to using and formatting regular expressions, such as the following:

    Choice List

    A bar code value must match a value contained in the specified choice list.

    A job contains documents with bar codes that identify their document type. A document type choice list contains values such as mortgage application, credit report, and credit reference. Any bar code value that is read that matches a choice list value is assigned to the specified bar code definition.

    After you select a rule, additional value fields are displayed (Length for length-type validation, Mask for mask-type validation, Regular Expression for regular-expression validation, and choice list fields for choice list validation).

  5. Below the Validation Rule field specify validation values for the selected validation rule.

    If specifying an input mask, enter a mask that describes the bar code value in the Mask field displayed. A recognized bar code is assigned to this bar code definition if the value meets the requirements of the mask you specify.


    Avoid configuring bar code definitions that conflict, such as two bar codes with the same length in characters. If necessary, consider using a script to use business logic to assign bar codes.

    Table 12-3 Input Mask Characters

    Mask Regular Expression They Convert To Explanation


    . (period)

    Use to match any single character.



    Use to match any single number.

    If a job contains documents with an identification number (for example, 123-45-6789), the mask would be ###?##?####.



    Use to match zero, one, or more characters.



    Matches any single character specified from a group of one or more characters. Be sure to include the brackets ([]). To search for a specific bar code such as claim, the format would be [c][l][a][i][m].



    Matches any single character not specified. Functions the same as [abc], except that with the exclamation point, a match results if any character except the characters specified in [abc] is found.



    Use a hyphen (-) to specify a range of characters. Character ranges must be specified in ascending order ([A-Z], not [Z-A]). For example, [A-Z] results in a match if a character in the A-Z range is found.

  6. Click OK.
    The definition is listed in the Bar Code Definitions table.
  7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 to create additional bar code definitions.

Configure Hierarchical Separator Page Definitions

As described in Settings for Separating Documents, if you choose to organize documents using hierarchical separators, you must configure separator page definitions for each hierarchy level that detect patch codes and/or bar codes. (To configure document separation for single level separator jobs or no organization jobs, see Configure a Separator Page Definition.)

To configure page separation for hierarchical separator jobs:

  1. In your procedure, add or edit a hierarchical separator page job. See Configure a Job for Documents with Hierarchical Separators.

  2. On the Document Processing page, click Add in the Document Hierarchy Separator Pages table to add a hierarchical separator page definition. To edit a definition, select it and click Edit.

  3. In the Separator Page Definition dialog, create a definition for one of the hierarchy levels.

    1. In the Name field, enter a name for the separator page definition.

    2. Optionally, select the Remove separator page field to remove the separator page from the document or attachment. If deselected (the default), separator pages are included in the document or attachment.

  4. In the Attachment Type field, select an attachment type from the list of defined attachment types to define a separator page to be included to an attachment. The Document Profile field is available only when you select Determine dynamically using separator page option in the Dynamic Document Profile Option field on the Document Profile page. The Attachment Type field is set to None and is disabled if you select a document profile in the Document Profile field. You can define an attachment type separator page only at the last hierarchy level.

  5. Add or edit rules for the separator page definition.

    1. Click Add rule in the Rules table.

    2. To edit a rule, select it and click Edit.

  6. In the Separator Page Rule dialog, define a rule.

    1. Enter a name in the Rule Name field.

    2. To indicate the start of a new document or attachment, select a patch code (I, II, III, IV, VI, or T), a previously created bar code definition, or both.

    3. If you specify both a patch code and a bar code or specify multiple bar code definitions, select Or or And in the Operator field to indicate if one or all must be detected on a page for the page to be identified as a separator.

    4. Click OK.

  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to create additional rules for the page separator.

    1. In addition to specifying And or Or conditions within rules, you specify And or Or conditions between rules by selecting And or Or in the Operator field in the Rules table. For example, you might require both Rule 1 AND Rule 2 to match for separator detection, although each rule may provide two methods for matching (patch code OR bar code).

    2. To remove a separator rule, select it in the Rules table and click Delete rule.

    3. Click Submit to save the separator page definition.

      The separator page definition you created is listed in the Document Hierarchy Separator Pages table.

  8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 to create additional page separator definitions.

    • To remove a definition, select it in the table and click Delete definition.

    • Click Up or Down to move a selected definition in the hierarchy to correctly reflect how the separator pages will be organized within a batch.

  9. Click Submit to save the job.