Configure Recognition Processor Jobs

With the recognition processor, you can automate bar code recognition, document separation, and indexing for image documents in a procedure.

To learn about recognition processing and how you configure and manage recognition jobs, see:

About Recognition Processing

The recognition processor is designed to accommodate a wide variety of document scenarios and configurations. A common recognition processing scenario is:

  1. A recognition job runs as a post-processing step after client users scan and release large batches containing documents.

  2. The recognition job detects bar codes and/or patch codes on each page in the batch.

  3. Based on the job's selected document organization method, the recognition processor separates the batch's pages into individual documents.

  4. The recognition job indexes documents by applying bar code values, default values, or values to document metadata fields.

  5. As a post-processing step after recognition processing, the batch is released to the commit processor.

The main concepts underlying the recognition process are:

Document Organization Methods

To organize documents, the recognition processor requires a batch to contain a single, image formatted document, even though that single document might actually be composed of multiple documents. During batch processing, the recognition processor organizes the batch into logical documents according to the document organization method you choose. For example, you might specify that each document contains a fixed number of pages, or that documents include separator pages between them.

You can configure the recognition job to skip document organization for batches whose documents are already separated but need bar code recognition only. You specify a document organization method on the Document Organization page of recognition job. You can select one of the following methods:

Other Key Recognition Processor Job Settings

In addition to Document Organization Methods, other key interrelated recognition job settings that enable the recognition processor to perform automated bar code recognition, document separation, and index are:

Settings for Detecting and Identifying Bar Codes and Patch Codes

When you're creating a recognition job, you can specify how recognition processor detects and identifies bar codes:

  • On the Bar Code Recognition page, the Universal Decoder is selected by default. You specify which bar codes to detect, other settings specific to bar codes, and patch code detection. The recognition processor searches through all pages, recognizing bar codes set for detection in the job. The following options are available on this page:

    Table 12-1 Universal Decoder Options

    Option Description

    1-D Symbologies

    Select from a list of 1-D bar code symbologies that you want recognition processor to search for.

    1-D symbologies that you can choose include:

    • Code 128

    • Code 39

    2-D Symbologies

    Select the 2-D bar code symbologies you want recognition processor to search for.

    2-D symbologies that you can choose include:

    • PDF417

    • QR code

    Maximum Bar Codes per Image

    Specify the maximum number of bar codes per image between 0 and 10. The decoder will stop processing an image once it detects or exceeds the value specified in this setting. This setting helps to optimize system performance.

    By default, this option is set to 1.

    Minimum Bar Code Height

    Specify the height of the shortest bar code that may exist on an image between 0.2 in and 3 in.

    By default, this option is set to 0.5 in.

    This setting applies only to 1-D bar code symbologies.

    This setting helps recognize diagonal barcodes.

    Unit of Measure

    Select the unit of measure for the Minimum Bar Code Height setting and Maximum Bar Code Width setting from the drop-down list. The options available are inch and cm. The decimal precision is 3.

    Maximum Bar Code Width

    Specify the maximum width of the widest bar code that may exist on an image between Minimum Bar Code Height and 10 in.

    By default, this option is set to 2 in.

    This setting applies only to 1-D bar code symbologies.

    This setting helps recognize diagonal barcodes.

    Minimum Bar Code Characters

    Specify the minimum number of characters for a bar code to be considered for processing between 1 and 1000.

    By default, this option is set to 1.

    Interpret Bar Code Value as Patch Code

    Use this setting to map a bar code value to a patch code type.

    If a specified bar code value is recognized, you can specify to interpret it as a patch code type and not as a bar code value.

    Specify an alphanumeric bar code value in the Bar Code Value text fields adjacent to each patch code type listed under Patch Code:

    • I

    • II

    • III

    • IV

    • VI

    • T

    Only the first match in a page will be converted into patch code. The rest of the bar codes will not be converted to patch codes even if their values match the ones specified in the mapping.

    Bar code value comparison is case-sensitive.


    You are encouraged to select the bar code symbology if you are familiar with it. The symbology improves performance and decreases the risk of detecting unknown bar codes that may interfere with processing.

  • On the Bar Code Definition page, you specify one or more bar code definitions, which identify a bar code by its characteristics such as its length in characters. When you are creating a bar code definition, you can choose from the following validation rules:

    • Length

    • Mask

    • Regular Expression

    • Choice List (where a bar code on the page must match a value contained in the selected choice list)

    • None

    As the recognition processor recognizes bar codes and when these codes meet the validation condition, they are assigned to a bar code definition. In a job, you use these bar code definitions in a variety of ways such as when assigning metadata and separating pages. For information on managing bar code definitions, see Add or Edit Bar Code Definitions.

Settings for Separating Documents

A range of options for defining document separation, including bar code and/or patch code separators are available to you.

The document separation options you specify on the Document Processing page depend on the document organization method you choose (see Document Organization Methods).

  • If you specify that documents contain a fixed number of pages, then you also must specify the number of pages per document. When the job reaches this number, it identifies a new document and restarts counting for the next document in the batch. No separators are needed.

  • If you specify that documents include the same bar code value on each page, you must specify the bar code definition to use for separation. When the job encounters that bar code definition with a different bar code value, it creates a new document. No separators are needed.

  • If you specify that documents are organized based on separator pages, either single separators or hierarchical separators, you must specify bar code and/or patch code separator rules.

  • If you specify that no document organization be performed, any previous document separation remains. In certain atypical configurations, you can optionally use separators.

Settings for Handling Attachments

You can specify if and how to include a source document's attachments in the documents you created, using the options available on the Document Processing page. You can choose from the following options available in the Source Document Attachments field:

  • Select the Include all attachments to created documents (default) option to include all the attachments of the source document in the created documents.

  • Select the Include attachments with matching Document Profile attachment types option to include all attachments of the source document that match the attachment types specified in the document profile.

  • Select the Do not include attachments option if you do not want to include source document's attachments to the created documents.


The Source Document Attachments field is not available on the Document Processing page if None: Do not perform document organization option is selected on the Document Organization page.
Settings for Classifying Documents

When processing documents, the recognition processor determines which document profile it should use to identify the metadata fields available for indexing a document. On the Document Profile page, you specify how a document profile is assigned to documents when they are processed by the recognition job. See Specify a Static or Dynamically Determined Document Profile. The document organization method you choose affects document profile assignment options. You can choose a document profile assignment that is:

  • Static, by completing the Default Document Profile field.

    The recognition job uses the default document profile when the Do not determine dynamically field is selected or when no matching dynamically determined document profile is found.

  • Dynamically determined, based on a bar code or separator page value, depending on document organization.

Settings for Assigning Metadata Values

You can configure a recognition job to assign metadata values on the Fields page, configure metadata fields from the procedure to auto populate with any of the following values: bar code value, batch name, default value, scan date, or index date.

Post-Processing Settings After Recognition Processing

You can apply settings available on the Post-Processing page to specify what happens after recognition processing completes:

  • If no system errors occur, specify the next batch processor, and, if applicable, also specify which job should be run. For example, you might set commit processor as the next step. You can also specify None for no post-processing action. (If None is selected, the client must process the batch. For example, a client user may review the batch for accuracy and release the batch to the commit processor.) You can also send an email notification and change batch name, status, and priority after successful recognition processing completes.

  • If one or more system errors occur, specify the next batch processor, and, if applicable, also specify which job should be run. You can select None so batches are released to client users for indexing. You can also send an email notification, and change batch name, status, and priority to alert the appropriate people when recognition processing system errors are encountered.

Configure General Recognition Processor Job Settings

These are the common tasks you perform when working with recognition processor jobs. (See Configure Jobs Based on Their Document Organization for information on configuring specific types of recognition jobs.)

Add or Edit a Recognition Job

To add or edit a recognition job:
  1. In the procedures pane on the left, select your procedure.

    The configuration pages for the selected procedure appear on the right.

  2. Open the Processing tab.

  3. In the Recognition Processor Jobs table, click Add a recognition job to create a job. You can edit a job by selecting it and clicking Edit a recognition job.

    You can also copy a recognition job by selecting it, clicking Copy recognition job, and entering a new name when prompted. Copying a job allows you to quickly duplicate and modify it.

  4. On the General Settings page, enter a name for the job.

  5. On the Bar Code Recognition page, specify settings specific to bar code recognition and identify bar code types (symbologies) for the recognition job to detect.

    The bar code symbology improves performance and decreases the risk of detecting unknown bar codes that may interfere with processing.

  6. On the Bar Code Definition page, add bar code definitions.

    For background information, see Settings for Detecting and Identifying Bar Codes and Patch Codes. For steps, see Add or Edit Bar Code Definitions.

  7. On the Document Organization page, specify how documents in batches are composed.

    See Document Organization Methods.

  8. On the Document Profile page, specify a document profile or configure one to be dynamically determined. The settings that display are according to the selected document organization method. You must select a default document profile.

    For background information, see Settings for Classifying Documents. For steps, see Specify a Static or Dynamically Determined Document Profile.

  9. On the Document Processing page, specify how documents should be separated and processed. The available settings are according to the document organization method you choose. If documents should be separated by single or hierarchical separators, configure bar code or patch code separator rules.

    For background information, see Settings for Separating Documents. For steps, see Configure a Separator Page Definition.

    On this page, you can also specify how attachments should be included if you choose a document organization method in the Document Organization page. See Settings for Handling Attachments.

  10. On the Fields page, set bar codes or other values to auto populate metadata fields for each document.

  11. On the Post-Processing page, specify what happens after recognition processing completes.

    See Configure Post-Processing and Monitoring of a Conversion Job to TIFF.

  12. Review settings on the Summary page and click Submit.

  13. Configure how batches flow to the recognition processor job.

  14. Test the recognition processor job.

Deactivate or Delete a Recognition Job

When you delete a recognition job, it becomes unavailable for batches for whom it is set as a post-processing step. Before deleting a recognition job, you might want to take it offline to resolve unexpected issues. Online recognition jobs run when selected in a client profile or processor job's Post-Processing page. You can temporarily stop the job from running (take it offline) or change a deactivated job to run again.


You cannot delete batch processing jobs if they are configured as a post processing job in another batch processor.
To deactivate or delete a recognition job:
  1. In the procedures pane on the left, select your procedure.
    The configuration pages for the selected procedure appear on the right.
  2. Open the Processing tab.
  3. In the Recognition Processor Jobs table, select a job to first deactivate it and click deactivate or activate a recognition job.

    To deactivate or activate a recognition job, You can also deactivate or activate a job by selecting or deselecting the Online field on the General Settings page.

  4. In the Recognition Processor Jobs table, select the deactivated job and click Delete a recognition job.
  5. When prompted, click Yes to confirm that you want to delete this recognition job.

Configure Post-Processing and Monitoring of a Recognition Processor Job

Post-processing options of a recognition job let you specify what happens after processing completes. You specify the settings configured in this procedure separately for successful and failed batches.

To configure post-processing settings:

  1. Add or edit a recognition processor job.
  2. Click the Post-Processing page to display the processing options for successful processing (no system errors) and unsuccessful processing (one or more system errors).
  3. In the Batch Processor and Batch Processor Job fields, specify which processing step, if any, occurs after recognition processing completes. Only those batch processor jobs that you have defined for your procedure are available for selection. For example, if you didn't define a recognition processor job, then the recognition processor option will not be available in the Batch Processor field. If you choose recognition processor or conversions to TIFF/PDF in the Batch Processor field, then specify the corresponding processor job.

    For example, you might send batches with no system errors to the commit processor. You might specify None for batches with system errors, then change their batch status or prefix to facilitate further processing in the client.

  4. In the email address fields, optionally enter an address to which an email is sent after processing completes successfully or fails. While you are configuring and testing a recognition processor job, set yourself to receive email notifications upon system errors. And, then later automatically alert an administrator of processing errors.
  5. In the remaining fields, specify how to change processed batches.
    • Rename batches by adding a prefix. For example, rename batches that were unsuccessful with the prefix ERR for follow-up.

    • Change batch status or priority. For example, you might change the status of batches with system errors, then create a client profile with batch filtering set to this status to allow qualified users to manually edit and complete batches that encountered errors.

  6. Click Submit to save the job.

Configure Batch Flow to a Recognition Processor Job

To run a recognition job, you must configure batches to flow to the job for processing. You do this by identifying the recognition processor job as the post-processing step in a client profile, an import processor job, or a processing job discussed under processing settings. (See the post-processing information for the job or client profile from which you want to configure a batch flow, under Configure Processing Settings or Configure Capture Settings.) For example, you might create a client profile for scanning documents into batches and then releasing them for recognition processing. Or, you might create an import processor job that first imports email messages and their PDF attachments, then sends them to the conversion processor for converting them to image format, and finally sends the documents for recognition processing.

Remember that unless you plan to skip document organization, recognition processor expects batches to contain a single, image formatted document, as described in Document Organization Methods.