System-Provided Metadata Fields

Fields described in the tables below are the system values provided by Content Capture relative to the context of a particular action.

Table 9-5 System-Provided Metadata Fields for a Folder Import Job

System Attribute Description and value for example path for file being imported (/import/expenses/20200426/Customer1.pdf) Sample Value

File name

The full file name


Base file name

The file name without the extension


File extension

The extension of the file


Folder path

The full path of the folder


Folder name

The name of the folder


Full file path

The full file path


File modified date/time

File modified date/time - system value



Host name of the computer on which the file import agent is installed

<host name>

Table 9-6 System-Provided Metadata Fields for a List File Import Job

System Attribute Value for example path for list file or actual document being imported Sample Value

File extension

The extension of the file


Base file name

The file name without the extension


File name

The full file name


Folder name

The name of the folder


Folder path

The full path of the folder


Relative folder path

The path relative to the folder being monitored by the import agent


Full file path

The full file path



Host name of the computer on which the file import agent is installed

<host name>

Table 9-7 System-Provided Metadata Fields for an Email Import Job

System Attribute Description Value

From Name

Name alias of from address

John Doe

From Address

Sender's email address

Reply To Name

Name to which the reply is sent

John Doe

Reply To Address

Email address to which the reply is sent

Recipient Names

Collection of recipient names for the message


Recipient Addresses

Collection of recipient address for the message


Folder name from which the message was obtained



If the source email system has included the language of the email from the sender, Content Capture exposes that value for mapping. This option is only available if the source email server provides the language. It may not appear in the list of system attributes.

English (United States)

Received Date

Date and time message was received

September 9, 2022 3:29:26 PM

Sent Date

Date and time message was originally sent

September 9, 2022 3:29:23 PM


Subject of the message

Server Upgrade

Email Importance

Low, normal and high priority value of the message



Unique ID of the message



Account email address configured for the email import job.

Table 9-8 System-Provided Metadata Fields Common Across All Import Jobs

System Attribute Description Value

Import Date/Time

Date and time at which the batch was imported

September 9, 2022 1:42:20 PM

Import Job Name

Name assigned to the import processor job

Legal Documents

Default Value

Default value assigned as specified


Table 9-9 General System-Provided Metadata Fields

Field Description Sample Value
Batch Creation Date Batch creation date (MM/DD/YY) 9/6/2022
Batch Id Number value for batch Id 1
Batch Creation User Id Id of the user who created the batch John.Doe
Batch Last Modified Date Last modified date (MM/DD/YY) in the Content Capture 9/6/2022
Batch Last Modified User User who has modified the batch John.Doe
Batch Name Name of the Batch Sample_Batch
Batch Priority Numeric value of the batch priority 0
Batch Status One of the batch statuses configured in Content Capture Approved
Commit Date/Time Current date (MM/DD/YY) when a batch is being committed 9/6/2022
Document Id Internal alphanumeric Document Id cdbfea12-be1b-4c8e-848f-4e7aa32dcb0c
Document Last Modified Date Last modified date (MM/DD/YY) of a document in the Content Capture 9/6/2022
Document Last Modified User Id Id of the user who last modified the document John.Doe
Document Profile Name Name of the document profile to which document is assigned MyDocuments
Document Title Name of the document. If the document is an attachment, then it is the title of the parent document. File extension is not included in the name. parentdocumentname
System Date Day Day of the month in number value 6 from 06\09\2022 (6 Sept 2022)
System Date Month Month of the year in number value 9 from 06\09\2022 (6 Sept 2022)
System Date Year Year in number value 2022 from 06\09\2022 (6 Sept 2022)
Timer Long value in milliseconds 1662443094666 represents Tue Sep 06 2022 11:14:54
Source Contains either user's workstation host name, import agent host name, or email Id  
Uniqueid Randomly generated alphanumeric UUID fd79ebdd-0830-4716-bcad-f871c7545669
Title Title of the document or attachment. The file extension is not included in the title. documentname