Configure Metadata Fields

You define the metadata fields of your procedure to make them available in the Content Capture Client during document indexing and batch processing. You can configure metadata fields in a variety of ways. Metadata fields can be made mandatory, which means they must be completed to allow a document to be successfully committed. Metadata values can also be auto populated, derived from bar codes read by the recognition processor, or selected from choice lists.

Here are the tasks you do when you are configuring metadata fields:

Add or Edit a Metadata Field

To add or edit a metadata field:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Content Management web interface and click Capture in the left navigation menu (under Administration). If you don’t see this option, you don’t have the required access privileges.
  2. In the procedures pane on the left, select the procedure you want to configure.
    The configuration pages for the selected procedure are displayed on the right.
  3. Open the Metadata tab of your procedure.
  4. In the Metadata Fields table, click Add metadata field to add a field. To edit a field, select it in the table and click Edit metadata field.
  5. In the Field Name field, enter a name for the metadata field.
  6. In the Data Type drop-down list, select a type for the field. You can choose: Alpha Numeric, Category Reference, Content Item Reference, Digital Asset Reference, Numeric, Date, Float, Lanuguage, or Path.
    Data Type Description
    Alpha Numeric Data that is both letters and numbers.
    Category Reference Holds/assigns a taxonomy category.
    Content Item Reference Holds/assigns a reference of a content item in Oracle Content Management.
    Digital Asset Reference Holds/assigns a reference of a digital asset in Oracle Content Management.
    Numeric Data that is in the form of numbers.
    Date Contains date values, time values, or date and time values
    Float Data that is a number not an integer. It includes a fraction represented in decimal format.
    Language Holds a valid language code supported by Oracle Content Management.
    Path The Path data type can neither be multiline nor can its value be validated by choice lists or taxonomies. Its only Auto Populate type is Default Value. The Path type doesn't have an input mask. If you select the Path data type, the Invalid Character Handling section is displayed with these choices:
    • Remove: Invalid characters are removed from the string.
    • Replace with Underscore: Invalid characters are replaced with underscores.
    • Blank Path: The path variable is cleared of any value instead of accepting an invalid value.

      For any non-string fields included in the path, the formatting options associated with the field definition are used to produce the string value. For instance, if the field type is Date and has a format of YYYY-MM-DD, the value of May 15th would appear like 2022-05-15.


  7. Select the Multiline check box if you want the Default Value autopopulate type to support multiple lines of text such as address 1 on line 1, address 2 on line 2, and so on. Once you select this check box, the text box for the Default Value autopopulate type is changed into a text area that supports multiple lines. (Other fields on this page that are not relavant for the text area are disabled.)
  8. To make the field mandatory, select the Required checkbox. A document's required fields must contain values to be committed by the commit processor.
  9. To make a metadata field uneditable in the Content Capture Client, select the Locked check box.
  10. Configure an input mask.
  11. Configure a display format.
  12. In the choice list fields, identify previously created sources and choice lists for the metadata field. See Add or Edit a User Defined Choice List.
  13. In the Taxonomy drop-down list, select a suitable option from those available to you.
  14. Configure auto populating.
  15. Configure and test a regular expression validation.
  16. When done, click Submit.

    After adding a metadata field, you can use it throughout the procedure. Editing a metadata field changes it wherever it is used.

Delete a Metadata Field

Deleting a metadata field permanently removes it from the procedures in which this field is used. If you delete a metadata field that is in use in a client profile or a batch processor, errors may occur at different stages of batch processing. Before deleting a metadata field, ensure that it is not mapped to metadata fields in a commit profile.

To delete a metadata field from a selected procedure:

  1. In the procedures pane on the left, select your procedure.
    The configuration pages for the selected procedure appear on the right.
  2. Open the Metadata tab of the procedure.
  3. To delete a metadata field, select it in the Metadata Fields table and click Delete metadata field.
  4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete this metadata field.

    The metadata field is removed from the procedure.

Configure a Metadata Field's Input Mask

An input mask is a filter that controls what you can enter in a metadata field. For example, a mask might allow you to enter numbers but not alphabetic characters. The application doesn't accept a character that does not conform to the mask.

To configure an input mask:
  1. Add or edit a metadata field.

    To apply an input mask, the metadata field's data type must be Alpha Numeric, Numeric, or Float.

  2. On the Metadata Field page, in the Input Mask field, enter any of the available mask characters listed in the tables after the steps. Any other characters you include are treated as literals.
  3. Click Submit.
    The settings of the metadata field are saved and available for use. You can now test the input mask through the client.

Table 9-1 Alphanumeric Input Mask Characters

Mask Character Description


Requires a number to be entered.

' (single quote)

Escape character to skip any of the special formatting characters.


Accepts any letter and converts it to uppercase.


Accepts any letter and converts it to lowercase.


Accepts any letter or number.


Accepts any letter.


Accepts any character.


Accepts any hexadecimal character (0-9, a-f, or A-F).

Table 9-2 Alphanumeric Input Mask Examples

Input Mask Description Example Format


Social Security Number





Table 9-3 Numeric and Float Input Mask Characters

Mask Character Description


Requires a digit to be entered.


Requires a digit to be entered. If you enter zero as a value, it is considered absent. For example, 12.0 is considered 12. But if you enter 12.5, it is considered 12.5.


Include as a decimal separator or monetary decimal separator.


Include as a minus sign.


Include as a grouping separator.


Include to separate positive and negative subpatterns.


A DecimalFormat pattern contains a positive and negative subpattern; for example, "#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)". Each subpattern has a prefix, numeric part, and suffix. The negative subpattern is optional; if absent, then the positive subpattern prefixed with the localized minus sign ('-' in most locales) is used as the negative subpattern. That is, "0.00" alone is equivalent to "0.00;-0.00". If there is an explicit negative subpattern, it serves only to specify the negative prefix and suffix; the number of digits, minimal digits, and other characteristics are all the same as the positive pattern. This means that "#,##0.0#;(#)" produces precisely the same behavior as "#,##0.0#;(#,##0.0#)".

To allow the user to enter decimal values, you must create a format that forces at least one decimal (#.0#). In the client, to change a number's sign, enter the number first, then press the + or the - key.

Table 9-4 Numeric and Float Input Mask Examples

Input Mask Description Example Format


Decimal Value





Configure a Metadata Field's Display Format

When you define the display format in a procedure, the data entered using the client displays in this format irrespective of what you specify in the client.

To set up a display format that changes metadata value display:

  1. Add or edit a metadata field.

    To apply a display format, the data type of the metadata field must be Numeric, Date, or Float.

  2. On the Metadata Field page, next to the Display Format field, click Select Display Format, choose from the available formats for the data type listed in the table, and then click Submit.
    Input Format Data Type Description



    Number formatted using the system locale currency.

    General Date


    A medium date followed by a medium time. Date display is determined by the system locale settings.

    Short Date


    Date using the system short date format. Date display is determined by the system locale settings.

    Medium Date


    Date using the system medium date format. Date display is determined by the system locale settings.

    Long Date


    Date using the system long date format. Date display is determined by the system locale settings.

    Short Time


    Time using the 24-hour format; for example, 17:45.

    Medium Time


    Time in 12-hour format using hours and minutes and the AM/PM designator.

    Long Time


    Time using the system long time format; includes hours, minutes, seconds.

    General Number

    Numeric, Float

    Number with no grouping separator (for example, 7500).

    Fixed Number

    Numeric, Float

    At least one digit to the left and two digits to the right of the decimal separator (for example, 7500.16).

    Standard Number

    Numeric, Float

    Number with grouping separator, at least one digit to the left and two digits to the right of the decimal separator (for example, 7,500.16).

    Date formats


    Select from one of the following date formats:

    • yyyy-MM-dd
    • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
    • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
    • MM-dd-yyyy
    • MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm
    • MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss
    • dd-MM-yyyy
    • dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm
    • dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss
    • MM/dd/yyyy
    • MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm
    • MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss
    • yyyy/MM/dd
    • yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm
    • yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
    • dd/MM/yyyy
    • dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm
    • dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss
The metadata field settings are now saved. You can use and test the metadata field display format in the client.

Set Metadata Fields to Auto Populate

You can configure metadata fields to automatically contain certain values. For example, you might want to automatically populate a date field with a batch's scan date instead of having users enter it. Or, you might provide a default value for a field that users can change.

To configure a metadata field to auto populate:

  1. Add or edit a metadata field.
  2. In the Auto Populate Type field of the Metadata Field page, select a type for the metadata field. The available auto populate types depend on the selected metadata field's type listed in this table:
    Auto Populate Type Data Type Description

    Batch Name

    Alpha Numeric

    Populates the metadata field with the assigned batch name.

    Batch Priority

    Alpha Numeric, Numeric, Float

    Populates the metadata field with the priority assigned to the batch.

    Batch Status

    Alpha Numeric

    Populates the metadata field with the status (if any) to the batch.

    Computer Name

    Alpha Numeric

    Populates the metadata field with the name of the computer used when the document was created.

    Current Date


    Populates the metadata field with the current date.

    Default Value

    Alpha Numeric, Numeric, Date, Float, Category Reference, Language, Path

    Populates the metadata field with the value specified in the Default Value field.

    If you selected the Multiline check box at the time of adding a metadata field, a text box is displayed for the default value type in which you can enter multiple lines of text such as address 1 on line 1, address 2 on line 2. A similar box is displayed in the Batch pane in the Capture Client environment for the document profile to which this metadata configuration is assigned.

    Document Profile

    Alpha Numeric

    Populates the metadata field with the document profile name assigned to the selected document.

    Profile Name

    Alpha Numeric

    Populates the metadata field with the client profile used to capture the batch.

    Scan Date


    Populates the metadata field with the date on which the document was captured.

    User ID

    Alpha Numeric

    Populates the metadata field with the ID of the user to whom the batch was locked when the document was created.

  3. If you selected Default Value as the auto populate type, enter or select a value in the Default Value field. In case of some data types, you can select the category you want to set as default in the Category dialog, which is displayed when you click Choose Category. Then click Submit.
    The metadata field settings are now saved. Use and test the auto-populate setting in the client.

Configure Regular Expression Validation

Regular expressions in metadata fields apply only to alphanumeric type fields. For more information, see documentation relating to using and formatting regular expressions, such as the following:

To configure and test a regular expression:

  1. Add or edit a metadata field.
  2. On the Metadata Field page, enter an expression in the Regular Expression Validation field.
  3. To test the regular expression, enter a sample value in the Sample Value field, then click Validate.
    A result of Valid or Invalid displays next to the Results read-only field.
  4. Click Submit.
    The metadata field settings are now saved. You can use and test the metadata field's regular expression in the client.

Configure Metadata Fields to Enable Asset Type Choice List Creation

To configure metadata fields for asset type choice lists:

  1. Add or edit a metadata field.
  2. On the Metadata Field page, from the Data Type drop-down list, select Alpha Numeric, Content Item Reference, Digital Asset Reference, Date, Float, or Numeric.
    Data Type Choice List Source Parent Choice List Field Choice List
    Alpha Numeric Asset Type Disabled Asset Type choice lists of alpha numeric, numeric, date, and float type
    Content Item Reference Asset Type selected by default. Can't be changed. Disabled Content Item choice lists of alpha numeric, numeric, date, and float type
    Digital Asset Reference Asset Type selected by default. Can't be changed. Disabled Asset Type choice lists of all data types: alpha numeric, numeric, date, and float
    Date Asset Type Disabled Asset Type choice lists of the Date type
    Float Asset Type Disabled Asset Type choice lists of the Float type
    Numeric Asset Type Disabled Asset Type choice lists of the Numeric type
  3. Click Submit.
    The metadata definition is ready. You can now create asset type choice lists based on this metadata definition.