Submit a Translation Job to a Language Service Provider

Content Toolkit provides a zip file that you can send to a Language Service Provider to start work on a translation job.

You can submit the translation job to the LSP through your translation connector. The submission takes awhile because the connector needs to unzip the file and submit all of the individual files to the LSP. Then the LSP can create a project for your translation job. Once the files have been imported into the project, you can start selecting files for translations. Then the LSP starts monitoring the status of the translations.

To check the status, list your translation jobs locally, using the cec list-translation-jobs command with no options. When the status of your job is READY TO INGEST, you can download a zip file from the LSP to ingest the translation job. The translation connector has submitted your zip file to the LSP, the LSP has translated the list of files, and the connector has retrieved the files back from the LSP, in a zip file that you can download and ingest.

cec list-translation-jobs
Local translation jobs:
Name                                    Status             Source Language Target Languages 
FridayDemo                              READY TO INGEST    en-US           de-DE,fr-FR
demoTest                                READY TO INGEST    en-US           de-DE,fr-FR                                              

Ingesting the zip file pulls the translation job back from the connector, into your Content Toolkit.

cec ingest-translation-job FridayDemo
 - use connection <lsp name>
 - query translation connection to get job status
 - get translation
 - translation saved to <sites-toolkit folder>/cec-components/dist/
 - validate translation file
 - translation job ingested to <sites-toolkit folder>/cec-components/src/main/translationJobs/FridayDemo

After you ingest the zip file, when you list translation jobs locally, the status of your translation job is TRANSLATED.

cec list-translation-jobs
Local translation jobs:
Name                                    Status             Source Language Target Languages 
FridayDemo                              TRANSLATED         en-US           de-DE,fr-FR
demoTest                                READY TO INGEST    en-US           de-DE,fr-FR                                              

You can upload the translated job to the Oracle Content Management server. Normally the job will go through an initial quick translation, which is sent back to you for review. Translation of a site can take a few weeks to finish, with ingestion of a translation job returned by the LSP, corrections to the translations, and resubmissions of the translation job.