Upload a Translation Job to the Server

After you ingest a translation job, you can upload it to the Oracle Content Management server and then check the translation on your site.

Use the cec upload-translation-job command to upload your translation zip file to the server.

cec upload-translation-job FridayDemo
 - created translation job zip file <sites-toolkit folder>cec-components/dist/FridayDemo.zip
 - Logged in to remote server: <server-name>
 - file FridayDemo.zip uploaded to home folder, version 1
 - importing: percentage 5
 - importing: percentage 60
 - importing: percentage 60
 - import FridayDemo finished 

After you upload your translation job, the status of the job on the server is INPROGRESS:

cec list-translation-jobs -s
Server: <server-name>
Asset translation jobs:
Name                                    Status        Source Language Target Languages                        Pending Languages
testHash                                INPROGRESS    en-US           fr-FR,de-DE                             fr-FR,de-DE
Site translation jobs:
Name                                    Status        Source Language Target Languages                        Pending Languages
demoTest                                TRANSLATED    en-US           de-DE,fr-FR                                              
FridayDemo                              INPROGRESS    en-US           de-DE,fr-FR                             

To verify the translation, you can check the text strings in the assets on the site being translated.