Understand Asset Management and Publishing

Let’s look at some of the features available to manage and publish your assets.


A repository is used to store all the assets needed for a project or a group or a campaign. Repository administrators can set up as many repositories as needed for different asset management projects. Each repository has taxonomies, content types, publishing channels, and translation languages associated with it. These features are chosen when the repository is first created. See Understand Asset Repositories and Create and Share Asset Repositories for complete details.


A taxonomy is a hierarchy of categories used to organize your assets and to help users find assets by drilling down into the area they're working on. You can assign a taxonomy to more than one repository, and you can assign multiple taxonomies to a repository. For example, you could create different taxonomies for each department and for each product or initiative in your business. Then you could apply "Marketing Department" and "Products" taxonomies to your Marketing repository, and apply "Sales Department" and Products" taxonomies to your Sales repository.


Taxonomies are available only in Oracle Content and Experience Cloud, not Oracle Content and Experience Cloud-Classic.

Publishing Channels

A publishing channel is where publishing rules are defined. A targeted channel is one that will be used by assets. In other words, an asset can be ‘promised’ to a targeted channel and once it’s published, it’s a part of that channel. When an asset is set to be published, it’s evaluated against the policies that were defined for the targeted channel. If the asset doesn’t meet the policy criteria, then it can’t be published. This assures that the assets that are published are only those that have been validated against the policies that were created. See Create and Share Publishing Channels and Publish Assets for more information.

Localization Policies

Localization policies can be created for multiple language assets. Any asset that uses text for its content, such as a content item, can be translated into multiple languages. You can view the default language version of a content item and choose to copy certain information, or create all new content for a localized version. The rules for what languages are used for translation are defined in a localization policy and that policy can then be associated with a publishing channel. You can apply that publishing channel to individual assets, letting you fine-tune what's translated. See Create Localization Policies for details.

Structured Content

Structured content is also considered an asset, managed in a repository. This kind of content exists separately from any file or layout. When you create a Microsoft Word document, for example, it’s stored as a file and it has certain aspects stored with it: the text in the file, the font used for headlines and paragraphs, the margins for the file layout, and perhaps a page border or a picture used in the file. When you use structured content, however, the content is managed independently of the content appearance. The elements of the content—the paragraph text, the headline text, the image file—can all be used wherever they’re needed, either as one cohesive group or separately in different layouts and formats.

For example, let’s say your company wants to create a website and one of the pages on the website will have contact information for employees. In addition, you want to have another page that has detailed information about the employees, such as a picture and a brief biography.

You could copy and paste the pertinent information into the appropriate spot, but what if the information changes? Then you would need to change the data in several places. A better solution is to use structured content.

A content item is a piece of structured content, managed in a repository or a collection. It follows the channel policies and localization policies that are set for the repository where it is stored, and goes through the same publishing process as other digital assets. A content item can be translated into multiple languages as needed and each version of the item can go through a separate workflow. This means that you can manage a French version, for example, separately from the Spanish or the English version. The English version may be published and in use while the French version is out for review and the Spanish version is still in draft form. See Understand Structured Content for details.