Create and Configure a Custom Content Connector

After you create and configure a custom content connector, you'll be able to connect it to a third-party content repository and import content from the repository into Oracle Content Management.

To create and configure a custom content connector:

  1. Create an app for the custom content connector. See Develop Content Connectors.
  2. Create the connector in Oracle Content Management.
    1. Sign in to Oracle Content Management as an Administrator or Developer.
    2. Click Integrations in the Administration area of the navigation menu on the left.
    3. In the Integrations menu, choose Content Connectors.
    4. Click Create.
    5. On the Connector Settings page, provide information for registration of your custom content connector.
    6. Click Next. Once the details are verified, the Additional Fields tab will appear.
    7. Click the Additional Fields tab, and configure the custom fields that were defined for your content connector.

      Custom properties are connector-specific. Every connector has its own requirement to connect to a remote store; for example, one connector might need just ClientID and ClientSecret, while another might require ClientID, ClientSecret, AppID, and so on.

    8. If the connector's picker type is CUSTOM, the following fields are displayed under the Connector Tags field:
      • Custom Picker URL: Provide the name of the custom picker packaged in your content connector, if any. This setting is not applicable when you use the common web user interface.
      • Hide OK/Cancel: This setting indicates whether or not you want Oracle Content Management to embed your picker in their dialog. Leave this setting unchecked if you use the common web user interface.
  3. When you're done, click Save.
  4. If your custom content connector is of type METADATA and you want to map source metadata to content type fields, either manually or to edit the automatic mappings, click the Mappings tab. You must, map content types and metadata before enabling the connector.
  5. On the Content Connectors page, click Enable next to the custom content connector you created.
  6. Associate the connector with one or more asset repositories.
    1. Click Assets in the Administration area of the navigation menu on the left.
    2. Open an existing repository or click Create to create a new one.
    3. If you're creating a new repository, specify the repository name, publishing channels, languages, and other options.
    4. Under Connectors, select one or more connectors to associate with the repository.

      This menu lists all the content connectors that have been configured and enabled in your Oracle Content Management instance.

      If any of the connectors you select have content types associated with them, the types appear under Content Types.

Create Content Types for a Connector

A repository administrator or system administrator can allow creation of content types for a content connector.

You can create content types for a connector on the Mappings tab of the Connector Settings page.

Map Source Metadata to Fields in a Content Type

The WebCenter Content v2.0 connector and some custom content connectors (connectors with type METADATA) allow you to map source metadata to Oracle Content Management content type fields.

Typically a source system has metadata associated with each content file. When you import a content file to an asset repository, you can use that source metadata to populate the fields in a content item, such as an employee record.

You can have the connector automatically create a content type for the content imported through a connector, with each piece of source metadata automatically mapped to a field in the content type. You can also customize the automatic mappings or map your own content type to the source content type. If you want to use your own content type, you must create it before creating mappings in the connector.

If your source content repository has multiple content types, you can select a different Oracle Content Management v2.0 content type to map to each source type.

Content type and field mapping must be done for all source types before the content connector is enabled. If you want to change the mappings, you need to disable the connector, make your changes, and then enable the connector again. Whenever an administrator saves the connector after modifying a mapping, the connector framework will attempt to seed the content type again. If you remove any associated content type that is required for the selected connector, the save will fail.

To map source metadata to fields in a content type:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Content Management as an Administrator or Developer.
  2. Click Integrations in the Administration area of the navigation menu on the left.
  3. In the Integrations menu, choose Content Connectors.
  4. Click Configure next to the connector you want to add mappings to.
  5. If you want to automatically create a content type for imported content, with content type fields that are automatically mapped to the source metadata, select Allow content type creation. You can change the automatic mappings on the Mappings tab.
  6. To create manual mappings or to edit the automatic mappings, click the Mappings tab:
    1. Select a Source Content Type, then select the Oracle Content Management v2.0 content type you want to map to it.
    2. Map each Source Data Field to a Target Data Field.
    3. Repeat for each source content type.
  7. When you're done, click Save.