An Example of Using a PL/SQL REST Service as an Invoke (Target) Connection in an Integration

To better understand how to use Oracle E-Business Suite services in Oracle Integration, this chapter describes an integration example through the use of Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an invoke (target) connection.

Sample Business Scenario

Take a PL/SQL API called Sales Order Services (OE_INBOUND_INT) as an example to explain the integration between the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter and a trigger (source) connection in Oracle Integration.

In this example, the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter is used as an invoke (target) connection for service invocation, and the REST Adapter is used as a trigger (source) connection to provide a REST request. When the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter receives the request message with input payload for order creation from the trigger (source) connection, the OE_INBOUND_INT REST service in Oracle E-Business Suite is invoked to create the order.

Once the integration is successfully executed at runtime, a sales order will be created in Oracle E-Business Suite.


Any application adapters can be used as trigger (source) connections to create integrations for your business needs. In this example, the REST Adapter is used as a trigger (source) connection.

Based on the integration scenario, the sample tasks for using an Oracle E-Business Suite PL/SQL REST service in an integration are included in the Topics section:


  1. Establish the Connections for Oracle E-Business Suite and REST Services

  2. Create an Integration

  3. Add the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) Connection

  4. Add the REST Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection

  5. Create Mappings

  6. Assign Business Identifier for Tracking

  7. Activate and Test the Integration

  8. Sample JSON Payloads for the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke Example for a PL/SQL REST Service