Before You Install the Recipe

You must perform the following configuration tasks on your Atlassian and Zendesk instances in order to successfully connect to these external systems using Oracle Integration and create tickets in Zendesk for Jira issues.

  1. Create an API Token in Your Atlassian Account
  2. Configure Zendesk

Create an API Token in Your Atlassian Account

To access Jira from Oracle Integration and retrieve issue records, you'll require an API token associated with your Atlassian account.

To create an API token:
  1. Log in to your Atlassian account using the following URL:
  2. On the Start page, click Account Settings.
  3. Click Security on the left navigation pane.
  4. On the Security page, scroll to the API token section and click the Create and manage API tokens link.
  5. On the API Tokens page, click Create API token.
  6. In the resulting dialog, enter a label for the new token, and click Create.
    A new API token is generated.
  7. Copy the token's value.

Configure Zendesk

You can create a user account on Zendesk exclusively for integration purposes. To avoid access-related issues, assign the administrator role to this account.

You can use the credentials of this integration user account to access Zendesk using Oracle Integration and create tickets for Jira issues. For information on creating a new Zendesk user account with the administrator role, see Adding agents and admins.