Before You Install the Recipe

You must perform the following configuration tasks on your Zendesk and Box instances in order to successfully connect to these external systems using Oracle Integration and create folders in Box for Zendesk organizations.

  1. Configure Zendesk
  2. Configure Box

Configure Zendesk

You can create a user account on Zendesk exclusively for integration purposes. To avoid access-related issues, assign the administrator role to this account.

You can use the credentials of this integration user account while configuring the REST-based Zendesk connection in Oracle Integration. For information on creating a new Zendesk user account with the administrator role, see Adding agents and admins.

Configure Box

To access Box from Oracle Integration and create folders for Zendesk organizations, you must perform the following configurations on your Box instance.

  1. Create an OAuth application and obtain access keys.
    1. Log in to your Box instance.
    2. In the left navigation pane, click Dev Console.
    3. In the My Apps page, click Create New App, and then select Custom App.
    4. In the Custom App dialog:
      1. Select User Authentication (OAuth 2.0) as the authentication method.
      2. Enter a unique name for the app in the App Name field.
      3. Click Create App.

      The application is created and it's Configuration page is displayed.

    5. On the application's Configuration page:
      1. Scroll to the OAuth 2.0 Credentials section and note down the Client ID and Client Secret of the application for later use.
      2. In the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URI section, enter the OAuth-callback URL of your Oracle Integration instance. Your redirect URI should have the following syntax: https://Oracle-Integration-instance's-FQDN:443/icsapis/agent/oauth/callback.

        where Oracle-Integration-instance's-FQDN is the fully-qualified domain name of your Oracle Integration instance, for example,

      3. In the Application Scopes section, select the Write all files and folders stored in Box check box.
      4. Click Save Changes.
  2. Create a parent folder to hold all the folders for Zendesk organizations.
    1. On your Box instance, click New in the All Files page.
    2. From the menu that displays, click Folder.
    3. In the Create a New Folder dialog:
      1. Enter a name for the folder.
      2. If you want other people to access the folder, enter their email addresses in the Invite Additional People field; use a space to separate email addresses. Additionally, select the access level for the invitees from the Permission field.
      3. Click Create.

      The folder is created and displayed on the All Files page.

  3. Obtain the ID of the parent folder.
    1. On the All Files page, click the folder's name to open the folder.
    2. In the folder page's URL, note down the number after the last forward slash (/).
      This is the parent folder's ID, which you'll use while configuring the lookup table of the recipe.