Define Indicator Extraction Criteria in Insight

To define extraction criteria for a model's indicators in Insight:

  1. On the Models page, open the model for editing.
  2. Click Indicators to open the Indicators page where you can review the indicators defined for the model.
  3. Click an indicator in the list to expand details about its data type, milestone association, and extraction criteria when the associated milestone is passed.
    Under Extraction Criteria, you may see the message Selected milestone is not mapped to any integration actions. To define extraction criteria for the indicator, you must first map associated milestone(s) to an integration, as described in Map Milestones to Integration Actions.

    Indicator associated with milestone not mapped to an integration
  4. If required, change the name and description for the indicator, select the data type, enable filtering, and associate a milestone with the indicator, as described in Define Indicators beginning with step 3.


    The selected data type must match the data type of the value that will be extracted at runtime, as defined by the associated indicator extraction criteria in the next steps. Otherwise, the indicator will show an empty value in Insight dashboards.
  5. Under Extraction Criteria, click the link to open the Expression Editor in the Insight Designer in the Integrations feature.

    Indicator associated with milestone that is mapped to an integration
  6. To define extraction criteria for the identifier, follow the steps in Define Indicator Extraction Criteria in the Insight Designer for an Integration, beginning with step 6.
  7. If the value extracted for the indicator may change as each milestone is passed during the business process (for example, a discount may be applied to an indicator that extracts the price of an item), click Assign to Another Milestone to select another milestone where the indicator may change and repeat these steps to define the extraction criteria. During runtime, the business process metrics show the last value of the indicator in the Insight dashboard.