Set Reminders

You can send reminders to the assignees of a human task. You can specify the number of reminders to send, and the event that triggers the reminder.

To set reminders:

  1. Click Reminders in the General tab. The Reminders pane appears.

  2. From the Reminder drop-down list, select the number of times you want to send reminders to assignees to complete the task. The available options are:

    • No Reminder

    • Remind Once

    • Remind Twice

    • Remind Three Times

  3. If you choose to remind once, specify the time to wait before sending the reminder in the Interval field. In case of multiple reminders, use this field to specify the time to wait between reminders. You can specify this interval using the following options:

    • Literal: Use the format ##M##d##h##m. For example:

      • One hour and thirty minutes: 1h30m

      • One day: 1d

      • Four months, two days, eleven hours and thirty minutes: 4M2d11h30m

    • Expression: Specify an expression to calculate the interval.

  4. If you choose to send reminders, select an event to trigger the first reminder from the When drop-down list. The available options are:

    • Before Expiration: Send a reminder before the specified expiration time is reached. After the expiration date is reached, the human task doesn’t appear on the task list.

    • After Assignment: Send a reminder immediately after assigning the human task to a specific user.

    • Before Due Date: Send a reminder before the specified due date for the human task is reached. After the due date, the human task is marked as overdue, but you can still access it from the task list.