Specify Implementation Details for a Micro Process Activity

For a micro process activity, associate the micro process link you’d like to invoke from your dynamic process. Want to know more about micro processes? See Create and Use Micro Processes.

Note that in dynamic processes, you can call only asynchronous micro processes with message starts.

To associate a process link, click the activity and edit its implementation details on the General tab.

  1. Select an asynchronous link in the Micro Process field.

    Only the micro processes for which you’ve created links within the application show up in the Micro Process drop-down menu.

  2. Select the start event of the micro process in the Start Event field.
  3. Specify if the activity is blocking or non blocking using the Non blocking check box.
    • Non Blocking: If you select the check box, the micro process activity completes immediately upon its activation after invoking its associated process; it does not wait for the micro process instance to complete.
    • Blocking: If you set the micro process activity as blocking, it remains Active until the micro process instance associated with it completes. The micro process activity reaches the state Complete automatically when the invoked process instance completes.