Parameters for Installing a Gateway

This section describes the parameters that are required for installing a gateway.

If you want to install a gateway then you need to edit the response file (gateway.rsp) and provide values for the parameters that are required to install a gateway.

The following are the list of parameters specified in the response file:

For response files samples, see Sample Response Files.

Registration Parameters

This section lists all the registration parameters that are required to install a gateway. All registration parameters are mandatory. Ensure your response file has the correct values for the these parameters.

The following table lists the Registration Parameters required for gateway installation.

Parameter Parameter Type Description Notes



TENANT_ID (supported in older versions and it remains backwards compatible)


Name of the tenant where Oracle Management Cloud is running. You can get the TENANT_NAME value for an agent by navigating to Administration > Agents > Download, and selecting an agent type from the Agent Type drop-down list. The TENANT_NAME value is displayed at the bottom of the page.

The TENANT_NAME must be in the format: <instance_name>-<identity_domain>

Example: inst1–dummytenantid



Key to validate the identity of the tenant and the authenticity of the installation. You can get the registration key from Oracle Management Cloud Dashboard, by navigating to Administration > Agents > Registration Keys.

Example: R5bokWss0EC9R1pJlf2SqiAJ9p



Empty directory where the agent must be installed on the host machine.

If a parameter value is provided and the provided value (a directory) does not exist then a directory is created by the installer.

If the parameter AGENT_BASE_DIRECTORY is not provided, the installer will create a new directory, omcagent, in the directory the installer is running from.

Note: For Windows, the length of the directory path including the drive letter should be less than 23 characters.


Linux: /omc_agent/dc

Windows: D:\omc_agent\dc

Communication Parameters

The following table lists the Communication Parameters required for gateway installation.

Parameter Parameter Type Description Notes



UPLOAD_ROOT (supported in older versions and it remains backwards compatible)


The absolute URL including the protocol that is required to connect to Oracle Management Cloud for uploading data for the specific TENANT_NAME. To get this value, navigate to Administration > Agents > Download, and select an agent type from the Agent Type drop-down list. The OMC_URL value is displayed at the bottom of the page.

Example: https:/dummytenantid.itom.<datacenter>

Proxy Parameters (Optional)

If you’re installing a gateway over a proxy server, then apart from specifying the Registration Parameters and Communication Parameters, ensure that you specify the correct values for the following parameters in your response file.

Parameter Description Notes


Address of your proxy server to be used for connection. Ensure that you don't pass the https:// value with the proxy host details.

Required only if you’re deploying the agent over a proxy server.



Port of your proxy server.

Required only if you’re deploying the agent over a proxy server.



User name required to access your proxy server.

Required only if you are using a proxy server to communicate with Oracle Management Cloud. It requires a username and password.

Example: OMC_PROXYUSER=johndoe


Password required to access your proxy server.

Required only if you’re deploying the agent over a proxy server.

Example: OMC_PROXYPWD=password


Authentication realm (if any) to be used to access your proxy server.

Required only if you’re deploying the agent over a proxy server.

Example: OMC_PROXYREALM=McAfee Web Gateway

If you are using authenticated proxy servers, you need to set the following proxy parameters: OMC_PROXYHOST, OMC_PROXYPORT, OMC_PROXYUSER, OMC_PROXYPWD and OMC_PROXYREALM. The value of the OMC_PROXYREALM parameter is specific to the authenticated proxy server in use.
  • For McAfee Web Gateway, the default value is OMC_PROXYREALM=McAfee Web Gateway.

  • For Squid proxy, the default value is OMC_PROXYREALM=Squid proxy-caching web server.

  • For other vendors, contact your proxy vendor for instructions about how to get the realm value from the proxy settings.

Other Optional Parameters

This section lists the parameters that you can optionally specify in your response file for installing a gateway. However, you need to ensure that your response file contains values for the Registration Parameters and Communication Parameters.

Parameter Description Notes


The port number to which the agent process will be bound. The AgentInstall script stops the installation process if this port is occupied at the time of installation.

If you don’t specify any value, the default port (4459) or an available port in the range 4460-4479 is used.

This applies to new installations only. If you have older agents already running on other port numbers, you can continue to run them as such.

Example: 4461


The host name where the agent will be installed. If specified, the value is validated to check if it resembles the agent host name and that it is neither an IP address nor a junk value (such as foobar, test, and so on). It must match the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) specified in the /etc/hosts (in UNIX) and C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts (in Windows) file and must map to the correct FQDN and IP address of the host.

Note: Use this parameter when you want to provide a network-resolvable hostname instead of installer-computed hostname.

Note: Ensure the parameter is a fully qualified domain name as most of the services in Oracle Management Cloud require the host to be an FQDN. It must resolve to a valid IP address.


If you don’t specify any value, the AgentInstall script evaluates the host name using the INetAddress Java class methods.


A flag to enable the agent reinstall option.

See Install a Gateway Using Reinstall Option for more details.

  • Valid values: true or false

  • Default value: false

    To enable the agent reinstall option, change the value to true, REINSTALL=true.


A flag to disable all validations and prerequisite checks.

  • Valid values: true or false

  • Default value: false

    To ignore validations, change the value to true, IGNORE_VALIDATIONS=true.


A flag to disable ulimit checks (only on non-windows platforms).

  • Valid values: true or false

  • Default value: false

    To ignore ulimit checks, change the value to true, IGNORE_ULIMIT_CHECK=true.


A display name for the tenant management agent as given by the user.

The default value is <agent host>: <agent port>. For example, myhost:4459.


A display name for the tenant management agent host as given by the user.

The default value is <agent host>: <agent port>. For example, myhost:4459.