4 Monitor a Specific Autonomous Database

Detailed information about an Autonomous Database entity in your fleet is displayed on the corresponding Database Home page.

To go to the Database Home page of an entity, click the entity tile on the Performance heat map or the name of the entity in the Fleet Members section on the Oracle Database Fleet Home page.

The following tiles are displayed on the Database Home page of an Autonomous Database entity:

  • Overview: Displays information on the Version, Creation Date, CPU, and Region.
  • Alerts: Displays alerts for the specific Autonomous Database entity, if any. If you have alerts, click the Alerts tile to go to the Alerts page. The alerts for the Autonomous Database entity are displayed.
  • Storage: Displays a summary of space usage in a horizontal bar chart.
  • Audit Log Actions: Displays the failed and successful audit actions performed on the Autonomous Database entity in a donut chart.
  • Performance: Displays the Database Activity by various dimensions such as CPU and User I/O. The time period and other information is pulled in from the Performance Hub and you can click the Performance tile to go to the Performance Hub page. See Monitor and Diagnose the Performance of Autonomous Databases.
  • Resources: Displays the CPU and Memory utilization of the entity in a vertical bar chart.

    The CPU utilization parameters for Autonomous Database entities correspond to the predefined service names that provide different levels of performance and concurrency. For more information on predefined service names, see Predefined Database Service Names for Autonomous Database in Using Oracle Autonomous Database on Shared Exadata Infrastructure.

  • SQL Monitor: Click SQL Monitor > Monitored to view a list of SQL statements that are currently running or are completed. Click Running & Queued to view graphs of running and queued SQL statements in the last one hour.

On the Database Home page of an Autonomous Database entity, you can also click the Actions menu on the top-right of the page and then click Resource Management Rules to set resource management rules.