10 Channels

To introduce your bot to the users of these services, you need to configure a channel.

We provide a channel for Facebook Messenger and a generic channel called Webhook that you can use for other messaging services. Your bots are limited to messaging services; using one of our SDKs, you can integrate them in web pages, or the Android and iOS messaging platforms.


Check out the Developer Resources to find out about configuring other channels and setting up different types of chat clients and the sample chat server.
Your bot can run on any messaging service that supports webhooks, calls that allows real-time messaging without polling. You don’t need to implement a webhook to get your bot running on Facebook Messenger: all you need to configure the Facebook channel are the keys that are generated by both Facebook and Bots. Setting up the Webhook channel for other messaging services require you to perform a few more tasks in addition to the channel configuration, like setting up an HTTP server with a webhook for sending and receiving your bot’s messages.

Running Your Bot on Facebook Messenger

You’ll need the following to configure the channel for Facebook Messenger:
  • A Facebook Page

  • A Facebook App

  • A Page Access Token

  • An App Secret ID

  • The webhook URL

  • A Verify Token


You also need a Facebook Developer account.

To run your bot on Facebook Messenger, you need to set up a Facebook page and a Facebook App. You can find out more about this from the Facebook Messaging Platform documentation, but in a nutshell, the Facebook page hosts your bot. Users chat with your bot through this page when they use chat window in a desktop browser. When they use a mobile device, users interact with your bot directly through Facebook Messenger itself. In this scenario, the Facebook App allows your bot to get the messages that are handled by Facebook Messenger.

To create a Facebook Messenger channel, you need artifacts that are generated by both Bots and by Facebook Messenger. From Bots, you’ll need the webhook URL that connects your bot to Facebook messenger and the Verify Token that enables Facebook Messenger to identify the bot. From Facebook Messenger, you’ll need the Page Access Token and the App Secret ID. Because you need transfer these artifacts between Bots and Facebook Messenger, you’ll need to switch between these two platforms as you configure the channel.

Step 1: Set Up Facebook Messenger

Start off by generating the App Secret and the Page Access token in Facebook Messenger.

  1. Log into your Facebook developer’s account.

  2. Create a Facebook page that hosts your bot. The description, images, and cover page you add to the page will identify your bot to its users.

  3. Next, create the Facebook app that you’ll link to this page. Because this is a Messenger app, choose Apps for Messenger and then click Create App ID.
    This is an image of the Facebook Create APP ID
    If you didn't choose the Apps for Messenger option in this dialog (for example, if you’re creating a test app), then click Add Product in the left navbar, choose Messenger from the Product Setup page, and then click Get Started.
    This is an image of the Add Product page.


    You’ll need the App Secret to complete your Facebook channel configuration in the Bot Builder.
    This is an image of the Facebook Messenger Platform dashboard settings page.
  4. In the Dashboard for your app, generate the Page Access Token by selecting your Facebook page. You’ll use this token, which gives your Facebook App access to Facebook’s Messaging API, to complete your channel definition.
    This is an image of the page access token.

Step 2: Add the Facebook Keys

Complete the Create Channel dialog by providing the Page Access Token and App Secret keys from Facebook.
  1. In Bots, click Settings (This is an image of the Settings icon.) in the left navbar and then choose the Channels tab.
    This is an image of the Channels tab within the Settings page.
  2. Next, click Add Channel to open the Create Channel dialog.

  3. Give your channel a name.

  4. Choose Facebook Messenger as the channel type.
    This is an image of the Create Channels dialog.

  5. Copy and the Page Access Token from Facebook and paste it into the Page Access Token field in the Create Channel Dialog. You can find this key in the Facebook Messenger Platform settings page.
    This is an image of the page access token.

  6. Copy the App Secret —You can find this in the Facebook Messenger Platform dashboard for your Facebook App.
    This is an image of the Facebook Messenger Platform dashboard settings page.

  7. Click Create.

  8. In the Channels page, note the Verify Token and WebHook URL. You’ll need these to configure the Facebook webhook.
    This is an image of the Verify Token and Webhook URL.

Step 3: Configure the Facebook Messenger Webhook

Define the Callback URL by adding the Webhook URL generated by Bots to Facebook Messenger. Refer to the Channels page in the Bot Builder for these two values.
  1. In Facebook Messenger, be sure that you’ve selected the project that you initially created for the webhook.
    This is an image of the project in the Facebook left navbar.

  2. Click Messenger and then choose Settings .
    This is an image of the Messenger Settings in the Facebook left navbar.

  3. Click Setup Webhooks to open the New Page Subscription dialog.

  4. Copy the Webhook URL from the Bots Channels page and paste it in the CallBack URL field in the New Page Subscription dialog.

  5. Copy the Verify Token generated by Bots and paste it into the Verify Token field.

  6. Subscribe to only the messages and messaging_postbacks callback events. The messages event is triggered whenever someone sends a message to your Facebook page.
    This is an image of the webhook creation dialog.

  7. Subscribe to the page:
    1. Choose your bot’s Facebook page.
      This is an image of the page subscription dialog.

    2. Click Subscribe.
      This is an image of the Subscribe button.



    You might need to bounce your webhook by first clicking Unsubscribe then Subscribe.
    This is an image of the Unsubscribe button.

Step 4: Enable the Facebook Channel

With the configuration complete, you’re ready to activate the Facebook channel by switching on Channel Enabled in Bots. You can now test out your bot.
This is an image of the Channel Enabled option.

Step 5: Testing Your Bot on Facebook Messenger

With the Facebook Channel and messaging configuration complete, you can test your simultaneously using your Facebook page, Facebook Messenger (https://www.messenger.com/) and the Facebook Messenger app on your phone (This is an image of the Facebook app icon.). Once you locate your bot in the search, you’re ready to start chatting with it. You can see the changes that you make to the dialog flow in real time.
This is an image of the chat in the Facebook Messenger app.

Running Your Bot on Other Messaging Services

To allow your bot to talk to users who aren’t subscribed to Facebook Messenger, you need to configure the Webhook channel.

To create a Webhook channel, you need the following:
  • A publicly accessible HTTP messaging server that relays messages between the user device and your bot using a webhook.

    You implement this webhook with:

    1. A POST call that enables the server to receive messages from your bot.

    2. A POST call that enables the server to send messages to your bot.

  • Because your bot needs to know where to send its message, you need the URI of the webhook call that receives your bot’s messages.

  • Likewise, the message server needs to know how to find your bot, so you need the Webhook URL that’s generated for your bot after you complete the Create Channel dialog.

To assemble these pieces into a webhook:
  1. Set up the server.

  2. To receive messages from your bot, publish the POST call on the server.

  3. In the Create Channel dialog, enter a name and then:
    • Choose Webhook as the channel type.

    • Set Platform Version to 1.1 (Conversation Model).

    • Register the server as the recipient of your bot’s messages by entering the URI to this POST call in the Outgoing Webhook URI field.

    • If needed, enter the session expiry and switch on Channel Enabled.

    This is an image of the Create Channel dialog for a webhook.
  4. After you click Create, Bots generates the webhook URL for your bot and its Secret Key for encrypting messages. Keep the webhook URL handy, because it’s the pointer that your messaging server needs to send messages back to your bot.
    This is an image of the Channels page.

  5. On your server, publish the second POST API, one that sends messages to your bot using the webhook URL.

  6. Switch the Channel Enabled option on.

Outbound Messages

You need to publish the calls in the JSON format that Bots expects, along with the authorization header.

The call for your bot’s outbound messages includes:
  1. An X-Hub-Signature header containing the SHA256 value of the payload, calculated using the Secret Key as the key.


    Bots uses the X-Hub-Signature header to allow the recipient to authenticate your bot as the sender and validate the integrity of the payload.
  2. A JSON payload containing the userID, a unique identifier that’s specified by the inbound message, the type, which can be text,attachment, and card. As shown in the following examples, both the text and card response types can have associated actions. Any of the response types can also include global actions.
    Response Type Example Payload
     "messagePayload": {
        "type": "text",
        "text": "Hello, how are you?"
    The following snippet show a text response with actions:
     "messagePayload": {
        "type": "text",
        "text": "What do you want to do?",
        "actions": [
            "type": "postback",
            "label": "Order Pizza",
            "postback": {
              "state": "askAction",
              "action": "orderPizza"
            "type": "postback",
            "label": "Cancel A Previous Order",
            "postback": {
              "state": "askAction",
              "action": "cancelOrder"
     "type": "card",
      "layout": "horiztonal",
      "cards": [
          "title": "Hawaiian Pizza",
          "description": "Ham and pineapple on thin crust",
          "actions": [
              "type": "postback",
              "label": "Order Small",
              "postback": {
                "state": "GetOrder",
                "variables": {
                  "pizzaType": "hawaiian",
                  "pizzaCrust": "thin",
                  "pizzaSize": "small"
              "type": "postback",
              "label": "Order Large",
              "postback": {
                "state": "GetOrder",
                "variables": {
                  "pizzaType": "hawaiian",
                  "pizzaCrust": "thin",
                  "pizzaSize": "large"
          "title": "Cheese Pizza",
          "description": "Cheese pizza (i.e. pizza with NO toppings) on thick crust",
          "actions": [
              "type": "postback",
              "label": "Order Small",
              "postback": {
                "state": "GetOrder",
                "variables": {
                  "pizzaType": "cheese",
                  "pizzaCrust": "thick",
                  "pizzaSize": "small"
              "type": "postback",
              "label": "Order Large",
              "postback": {
                "state": "GetOrder",
                "variables": {
                  "pizzaType": "cheese",
                  "pizzaCrust": "thick",
                  "pizzaSize": "large"
      "globalActions": [
          "type": "call",
          "label": "Call for Help",
          "phoneNumber": "123456789"
    attachment The attachment response type can an image, audio file, or a video:
      "type": "attachment",
      "attachment": {
        "type": "video",
        "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMNry4PE93Y"

Inbound Messages

The call for sending messages to your bot must have:
  1. An X-Hub-Signature header containing the SHA256 value of the payload. The call includes functions that create this hash using Secret Key as the key.
    const body = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(messageToBot), 'utf8');
        const headers = {};
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8';
        headers['X-Hub-Signature'] = buildSignatureHeader(body, channelSecretKey);
    function buildSignatureHeader(buf, channelSecretKey) {
        return 'sha256=' + buildSignature(buf, channelSecretKey);
    function buildSignature(buf, channelSecretKey) {
        const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', Buffer.from(channelSecretKey, 'utf8'));
        return hmac.digest('hex');
  2. A JSON obect with userId, userProfile, and messagePayload properties:
     "userid: "33c0bcBc8e-378c-4496-bc2a-b2b9647de2317"
     "userProfile": {
        "firstName": "Bob",
        "lastName": "Franklin",
        "age": 45
     "messagePayload: {....}
    Property Description Type Required?
    userId A unique identifier for the user. This ID is specific to the caller. String Yes
    userProfile Properties that represent the user, like firstName and LastName. JSON object No
    messagePayload The messagePayload can be text, postback, attachment, and location:
    • text
          "type": "text",
          "text": hello, world!"
    • postback
          "type": "postback",
          "postback": {
            "state": "orderPizza",
            "action": "deliverPizza",
            "variables": {
              "pizzaSize": "Large",
              "pizzaCrust": "Thin",
              "pizzaType": "Hawaiian"
    • attachment
          "type": "attachment",
          "attachment": {
            "type": "image",
            "url": "https://image.freepik.com/free-icon/attachment-tool-ios-7-interface-symbol_318-35539.jpg"
    • location
          "type": "location",
          "location": {
            "longitude": -122.265987
            "latitude": 37.529818
    JSON object Yes

Running Your Bot Within Client Messaging Apps and Web Pages

We provide SDKs that enable you to integrate your bot with iOS apps, Android apps, and web pages. For any of these integrations, you need to generate the App Id by creating a Web, iOS, or Android channel.
This is an image of the Create Channel dialog.
After you create the App Id, you copy and paste it into the client app code or, if you’re integrating your bot into a web page, the <script> tag.

Bots Client SDKs

Bots Client SDK for Android
Adding the Bots Client SDK for Android to Your App

The Bots Client SDK for Android library is distributed in both AAR and JAR formats. If you are using Android Studio, follow the instructions for installation of the AAR package.


Compile your app using API Level 26 (Android Oreo) or higher. Level 19 (Android 4.4, Kitkat) is the lowest version that can support the Bots client SDK for Android. If your app needs to support even earlier versions, keep in mind that we haven’t tested these and therefore can’t guarantee their compatibility.
Adding the SDK and AAR Files
  1. Download the Bots Client SDK for Android module from the Oracle Technology Network’s Oracle Mobile Cloud Enterprise download page.

  2. Import the core and UI files (bots-client-sdk-android-core-v18.2.3.aar and bots-client-sdk-android-ui-v18.2.3.aar into your Android Studio project by going to File > New > New Module > Import .JAR/.AAR Package.

  3. Add the following lines to the project’s build.gradle file:
        compile project(':bots-client-sdk-android-core-1.2.1')
        compile project(':bots-client-sdk-android-ui-1.2.1') 
        compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:11.0.4'
        compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-core:11.0.4'
        compile 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.4'
        compile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.4.1'
        compile 'com.android.support:support-annotations:26.0.2'
        compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:26.0.2'
        compile 'com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:26.0.2'
        compile 'com.nostra13.universalimageloader:universal-image-loader:1.9.5'
        compile 'com.davemorrissey.labs:subsampling-scale-image-view:3.5.0'
        compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:11.0.4' 
Initialize the Bots Android SDK in Your App

Before your code can invoke the SDK’s functionality, you’ll have to initialize the library using your app’s ID.

To get this unique ID, first click Add Channel to open the Add Channel dialog. Complete the dialog by adding a channel name and then choosing Android as the channel type. After you click OK, Bots generates the App ID.

After you obtain this ID, use the following to initialize the SDK.
Bots.init(this, new Settings("YOUR_APP_ID"), newBotsCallback() {
     public void run(Response response) {
          // Your code after init is complete


Make sure to replace YOUR_APP_ID with your app ID.
To ensure that the SDK is always initialized properly, copy the following snippet and save it to your application package.
package your.package;

import android.app.Application;
import oracle.cloud.mobile.core.Bots;

public class YourApplication extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {
        Bots.init(this, new Settings("YOUR_APP_ID"), new BotsCallback() {
            public void run(Response response) {
                // Your code after init is complete


You need to declare this in the Application class because it’s the class that’s required by Bots.init(this, new Settings("YOUR_APP_ID"). If you declare this class elsewhere (say, AppCompatActivity), then add the following snippet, which uses getApplication() as the first argument:
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Bots.init(getApplication(), new Settings("YOUR_APP_ID"), new BotsCallback() {
            public void run(Response response) {
                // Your code after init is complete
You also need to declare your newly created class in the <application> tag in your AndroidManifest file.


Remember to replace your.package, YourApplication, YOUR_APP_ID with the appropriate names and the App Id for the Android channel.
Displaying the Bots Android SDK User Interface

Once you’ve initialized Bots Android SDK, you’re ready to try it out.

Find a suitable place in your app’s interface to invoke the SDK and use the code below to display the Android Messenger user interface. You invoke up the Bots Android SDK whenever your user needs access to help or needs to contact you.
Calling Other Functions
You can call various functions when the SDK has been initialized successfully. As shown in the following snippet, you can update user properties before your app calls the ConversationActivity class:
if (Bots.getInitializationStatus() == InitializationStatus.Success) {
   Log.d(TAG,"Already Initialized with App ID "+ mAppID);
   User.getCurrentUser().setSignedUpAt(new Date());

  final Map<String, Object> customProperties = new HashMap<>();
  customProperties.put("premiumUser", true);
  customProperties.put("numberOfPurchases", 20);
  customProperties.put("itemsInCart", 3);
  customProperties.put("couponCode", "PREM_USR");

  ConversationActivity.show(getApplicationContext(), Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
Replacing the FileProvider

If you do not have a FileProvider entry in your AndroidManifest.xml file, you can safely ignore this section. These steps will fix the Manifest merger failed : Attribute provider#android.support.v4.content.FileProvider@authorities compile error

To replace the FileProvider with your own, please do the following:
  1. Add tools:replace="android:authorities" to the <provider> entry.

  2. Add the following path to your android.support.FILE_PROVIDER_PATHS resource file:
    <external-path name="dcim" path="DCIM"/>
  3. When initializing the SDK, call settings.setFileProviderAuthorities(authoritiesString); on the settings object.
    Settings settings = new Settings(appId);
    Bots.init(this, settings, myInitCallback);

Every string you see in Bots can be customized and localized. Bots provides a few languages out of the box, but adding new languages is easy to do. When localizing strings, Bots looks for values in the strings.xml in your app first then in the Bots UI bundle, enabling you to customize any strings and add support for other languages.

Adding More Languages

To enable other languages beside the provided ones, first copy the English strings.xml file from the Bots UI bundle to the corresponding values folder for that language. Then, translate the values to match that language.

Strings Customization

Bots lets you customize any strings it displays by overwriting its keys. To do this, simply add res/values-<your-language-code>/strings.xml file in your Android project and specify new values for the keys used in Bots. You can find all of the available keys by browsing to the artifacts:bots-client-sdk-android-ui-x.x.x/res/values/values.xml file in the External Libraries in Android Studio.

Dates shown in the conversation view are already localized to the user’s device.

For example, if you wanted to override strings for English, you would create a file called res/values-en/strings.xml and include the following in that file:
<string name="Bots_activityConversation">Messages</string>
<string name="Bots_startOfConversation">This is the start of your conversation with the team.</string>
<string name="Bots_welcome">Feel free to leave us a message about anything that\'s on your mind.</string>
<string name="Bots_messageHint">Type a message…</string>


if you want to specify new strings for the default fallback language, you must override them in the res/values/string.xml file.
Styling the Conversation Interface

Using a colors.xml file in your res/values folder, you can change the colors used by Bots:

<color name="Bots_accent">#9200aa</color>
<color name="Bots_accentDark">#76008a</color>
<color name="Bots_accentLight">#be7cca</color>

<color name="Bots_backgroundInput">#ffffff</color>

<color name="Bots_btnSendHollow">#c0c0c0</color>
<color name="Bots_btnSendHollowBorder">#303030</color>

<color name="Bots_header">#989898</color>

<color name="Bots_messageDate">@color/Bots_header</color>
<color name="Bots_messageShadow">#7f999999</color>

<color name="Bots_remoteMessageAuthor">@color/Bots_header</color>
<color name="Bots_remoteMessageBackground">#ffffff</color>
<color name="Bots_remoteMessageBorder">#d9d9d9</color>
<color name="Bots_remoteMessageText">#000000</color>

<color name="Bots_userMessageBackground">@color/Bots_accent</color>
<color name="Bots_userMessageBorder">@color/Bots_accentDark</color>
<color name="Bots_userMessageFailedBackground">@color/Bots_accentLight</color>
<color name="Bots_userMessageText">#ffffff</color>
If you need to update the image of the Send button, simply add an image with the following name to your drawables:
You can find the original resources by browsing external libraries through Android Studio.
The Bots Client SDK for Android library includes the following permissions by default:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
  • WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE is used to take photos and to store downloaded pictures locally to avoid needless re-downloading.

  • ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION is used in order to access the customer’s location when requested using location request buttons.

If you do not intend to request the user’s location at any point, it is safe to remove the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION using the following override:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" tools:node="remove" />
All other permissions are necessary for Bots to function as intended.
Bots Client SDK for iOS
Adding the Bots Client SDK for iOS to Your App
  1. Download the Bots Client SDK for iOS module from the Oracle Technology Network’s Oracle Mobile Cloud Enterprise download page.

  2. Unzip the file. This creates a directory called Bots.framework (the framework).

  3. Add the framework to your Xcode project by selecting File > Add Files to My_Project and then selecting Bots.framework in the file picker.

  4. In your project settings, add Bots.framework to the list of Embedded Binaries in the General tab for your application target.

    You can now import the framework (#import <Bots/Bots.h>) and start using it in your code.

Import the Bots Header File

Import the Bots file into the your app delegate’s .m file and any other places you plan to use it.

  • Objective-C:
    #import <Bots/Bots.h>
  • Swift:
    import Bots
Add Required Keys in Your App’s info.plist

The Bots Client SDK for iOS may need to ask users permission to use certain features. Depending on the feature, you must provide a description in your app’s Info.plist to explain why access is required. These descriptions will be displayed the moment it prompts the user for permission.


The Bots Client SDK for iOS allows users to send images. To support this feature, you need to provide a description for the following keys:
  • NSCameraUsageDescription—Describes the reason your app accesses the camera (for example: camera permission is required to send images to ${PRODUCT_NAME}). For more information, see the iOS documentation about NSCameraUsageDescription.

  • NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription—Describes the reason your app accesses the photo library (for example: photo library permission is required to send images to ${PRODUCT_NAME}). For more information, see the iOS documentation about NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription.


Beginning with iOS 10, these values are required. If they are not present in your app's Info.plist, the option to send an image will not be displayed.


The Bots Client SDK for iOS also allows users to send their current location. To support this feature, you must provide a description for any of the following keys depending on your app’s use of location services. The SDK will ask the user for the location depending on the key you provide:
  • NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription—Describes the reason for your app to access the user’s location information while your app is in use (for example: location services is required to send your current location to ${PRODUCT_NAME}). This permission is recommended if your app does not use location services. The SDK will default to it if both keys are included. See the iOS documentation about NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription.

  • NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription—Describes the reason for your app to access the user’s location information at all times (for example: location services is required to send your current location to ${PRODUCT_NAME}). See the iOS documentation about NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription.


If you don't provide one of these keys, any attempt from the user to send their current location will fail.
Initialize the Bots Client SDK for iOS in Your App
Before your code can invoke the SDK, you’ll have to initialize the library using the App Id that’s generated for your Bot when you add an iOS channel. To get this ID, click Add Channel to open the Create Channel dialog. Add a name for the iOS channel and then choose iOS as the channel type. After you click Create, Bots generates the App Id. Next, use this ID to replace YOUR APP ID in the applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method:
  • Objective-C

    [Bots initWithSettings:[OMCSettings settingsWithAppId:@"YOUR_APP_ID"] completionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error, NSDictionary * _Nullable userInfo) {
        // Your code after init is complete
  • Swift:
    Bots.initWith(OMCSettings(appId: "YOUR_APP_ID")) { (error: Error?, userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]?) in// Your code after init is complete}
You can show the Bots UI anywhere in your app after it finishes loading by adding the following line::
  • Objective-C:
    [Bots show];
  • Swift:
Calling Other Functions
You can call other functions after the SDK has been initialized successfully. For example, you can update the user's first name, last name, and email address:
// Update first name and last name
   [Bots setUserFirstName:@"John"

// Update email address
   [OMCUser currentUser].email = @"john.smith@example.com";
Updating the SDK
Run the following to update Carthage dependencies:
$ carthage update
Localization of iOS Apps

Every string you see in your bot can be customized and localized. Bots provides a few languages out of the box, but adding new languages is easy to do. When localizing strings, Bots looks for BotsLocalizable.strings in your app bundle first then in the Bots bundle, enabling you to customize any strings and add support for other languages.

Enabling Localization in Your iOS App

For Bots to display a language other than English, your app needs to first enable support for that language. You can enable a second language in your Xcode project settings:
This is an image of Xcode app localization settings.

Once you have this, Bots will display itself in the device language for the supported language.

These languages are included with the Bots Client SDK for iOS: Arabic, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese (traditional and simplified), Persian, Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, and Swedish.


Localization is subject to caching. If you can't see your changes, cleaning your project, resetting the simulator, deleting your app from your test devices are good measures.
Strings Customization
Bots lets you customize any strings it displays via Apple’s localization mechanism. To override one or more strings, add an empty string file named BotsLocalizable.strings in your Xcode project and specify new values for the keys you would like to override. For example, to change the “Messages” header, and the “Done” button create a file with these contents:
"Messages" = "My Messages"

"Done" = "I'm Done"
To enable string customization across languages, make sure you localize your BotsLocalizable.strings file in Xcode.
This is an image of the Xcode project.

The BotsLocalizable.strings File

Here is the full set of keys:
/* Nav bar button, action sheet cancel button */
"Cancel" = "...";

/* Conversation title */
"Messages" = "...";

/* Conversation header. Uses CFBundleDisplayName */
"This is the start of your conversation with the %@ team. We'll stay in touch to help you get the most out of your app.\nFeel free to leave us a message about anything that’s on your mind. We’ll get back to your questions, suggestions or anything else as soon as we can." = "...";

/* Conversation header when there are previous messages */
"Show more..." = "...";

/* Conversation header when fetching previous messages */
"Retrieving history..." = "...";

/* Error message shown in conversation view */
"No Internet connection" = "...";

/* Error message shown in conversation view */
"Could not connect to server" = "...";

/* Error message shown in conversation view */
"An error occurred while processing your action. Please try again." = "...";

/* Error message shown in conversation view */
"Reconnecting..." = "...";

/* Fallback used by the in app notification when no message author name is found */
"%@ Team" = "...";

/* Conversation send button */
"Send" = "...";

/* Conversation text input place holder */
"Type a message..." = "...";

/* Conversation nav bar left button */
"Done" = "...";

/* Failure text for chat messages that fail to upload */
"Message not delivered. Tap to retry." = "...";

/* Status text for chat messages */
"Sending..." = "...";

/* Status text for sent chat messages */
"Delivered" = "...";

/* Status text for chat messages seen by the appMaker */
"Seen" = "...";

/* Timestamp text for recent messages */
"Just now" = "...";

/* Timestamp text for messages in the last hour */
"%.0fm ago" = "...";

/* Timestamp text for messages in the last day */
"%.0fh ago" = "...";

/* Timestamp text for messages in the last week */
"%.0fd ago" = "...";

/* Action sheet button label */
"Take Photo" = "...";

/* Action sheet button label */
"Use Last Photo Taken" = "...";

/* Action sheet button label */
"Choose from Library" = "...";

/* Photo confirmation alert title */
"Confirm Photo" = "...";

/* Action sheet button label */
"Resend" = "...";

/* Action sheet button label */
"View Image" = "...";

/* Error displayed in message bubble if image failed to download */
"Tap to reload image" = "...";

/* Error displayed as message if location sending fails */
"Could not send location" = "...";

/* Error title when user selects "use latest photo", but no photos exist */
"No Photos Found" = "...";

/* Error description when user selects "use latest photo", but no photos exist */
"Your photo library seems to be empty." = "...";

/* Error title when user attempts to upload a photo but Photos access is denied */
"Can't Access Photos" = "...";

/* Error description when user attempts to upload a photo but Photos access is denied */
"Make sure to allow photos access for this app in your privacy settings." = "...";

/* Error title when user attempts to take a photo but camera access is denied */
"Can't Access Camera" = "...";

/* Error description when user attempts to take a photo but camera access is denied */
"Make sure to allow camera access for this app in your privacy settings." = "...";

/* Generic error title when user attempts to upload an image and it fails for an unknown reason */
"Can't Retrieve Photo" = "...";

/* Generic error description when user attempts to upload an image and it fails for an unknown reason */
"Please try again or select a new photo." = "...";

/* Error title when user attempts to send the current location but location access is denied */
"Can't Access Location" = "...";

/* Error description when user attempts to send the current location but location access is denied */
"Make sure to allow location access for this app in your privacy settings." = "...";

/* UIAlertView button title to link to Settings app */
"Settings" = "...";

/* UIAlertView button title to dismiss */
"Dismiss" = "...";

/* Title for payment button */
"Pay Now" = "...";

/* Title for message action when payment completed */
"Payment Completed" = "...";

 Instructions for entering credit card info. Parameters are as follows:
 1. Amount (e.g. 50.45)
 2. Currency (e.g. USD)
 3. App name (Uses CFBundleDisplayName)
"Enter your credit card to send $%@ %@ securely to %@" = "...";

/* Error text when payment fails */
"An error occurred while processing the card. Please try again or use a different card." = "...";

/* Button label for saved credit card view */
"Change Credit Card" = "...";

 Information label for saved credit card view. Parameters are as follows:
 1. Amount (e.g. 50.45)
 2. Currency (e.g. USD)
 3. App name (Uses CFBundleDisplayName)
"You're about to send $%@ %@ securely to %@" = "...";

/* Title for user notification action */
"Reply" = "...";

/* Date format used for message grouping headers on the conversation screen */
"MMMM d, h:mm a" = "MMMM d, h:mm a";

/* Date format used for message timestamps on the conversation screen */
"hh:mm a" = "hh:mm a";

/* Error message when the content of a webview fails to load */
"Failed to open the page" = "...";
Styling the Conversation Interface
The style of the conversation user interface can be controlled through two techniques:
  • Using the UIAppearance proxy of UINavigationBar to style the navigation bar’s color and appearance.

  • The OMCSettings class provides access to the status bar and the color of the message bubbles.

Suppose you wanted the conversation UI to have a black navigation bar and red message bubbles. First, you’d use UINavigationBar's appearance proxy to set up the navigation bar. Then, you’d use OMCSettings to finish styling the UI:
  • Objective C
    OMCSettings* settings = [OMCSettings settingsWithAppId:@"YOUR_APP_ID"];
    settings.conversationAccentColor = [UIColor redColor];
    settings.conversationStatusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyleLightContent;
    [[UINavigationBar appearance] setBarTintColor:[UIColor blackColor]];
    [[UINavigationBar appearance] setTintColor:[UIColor redColor]];
    [[UINavigationBar appearance] setTitleTextAttributes:@{ NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [UIColor redColor] }];
  • Swift
    var settings = OMCSettings(appId: "YOUR_APP_ID");
    settings.conversationAccentColor = UIColor.red();
    settings.conversationStatusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyle.LightContent
    UINavigationBar.appearance().barTintColor = UIColor.black();
    UINavigationBar.appearance().tintColor = UIColor.red();
    UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [ NSForegroundColorAttributeName : UIColor.red()];
Bots Client SDK for JavaScript
The Bots Client SDK for JavaScript module is a highly customizable messaging widget that can be added to any web page.

Configuring the Library

The Bots library is composed of multiple assets that get fetched at runtime for better performance. For that reason, the public path (the URL where the static files are hosted) is hardcoded in multiple places.

To configure the library for your environment, run:
The script generates a folder with the configured project in it.
Setup Examples

Local Testing Setup

If the static files are hosted at http://localhost:8000/static/ and you run the following script from the /home/your-name/ folder:
./configure http://localhost:8000/static/
then the files will be available at /home/your-name/http:__localhost:8000_static_/.

Production Setup

If the static files are hosted at https://cdn.acme.org/ and you run the following script from the /home/your-name/ folder:
./configure https://cdn.acme.org/
then the files will be available at /home/your-name/https:__cdn.acme.org_/.
Deploying the SDK Files
  1. Download the Bots Client SDK for JavaScript module from the Oracle Technology Network’s Oracle Mobile Cloud Enterprise download page.

  2. Put all of the files from the generated folder at the root of the storage within https://placeholder.public.path/. For example if your files are hosted at http://localhost:8000/static/, copy all the files to the static folder on your local server.

  3. If your storage is behind a CDN (Content Delivery Network), issue a cache invalidation for https://placeholder.public.path/loader.json.

  4. Make sure your server allows CORS requests.

  5. Test your deployment by initializing the SDK as described in Adding Bots Client SDK for JavaScript to Your Site.

Adding Bots Client SDK for JavaScript to Your Site

You include the Bots Client SDK for JavaScript by editing the <script> tag. You need an App Id to do this, so if don’t have one already for the Web channel, start off by clicking Add Channel. In the Create Channel dialog, add a name for the channel and then choose Web as the channel type. When you click Create, Bots generates the App Id. You then substitute this value for <app-id> in the code.

Updating the Script Tag

Step 1: Include the Bots Client SDK for JavaScript in Your Web Page

Add the following code towards the end of the head section on your page and replace <sdk-folder-url> with the URL where the SDK is hosted.
    function s(){
       var e;
        if((e="string"==typeof this.response?JSON.parse(this.response):this.response).url){
        var n=t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],r=t.createElement("script");
     catch(e){}}var o,p,a,i=[],c=[];e[n]={init:function(){o=arguments;
      var e={then:function(t){
        return c.push({type:"t",next:t}),e
        } ,catch:function(t){return c.push({type:"c",next:t}),e}};
        return e},on:function(){
        } ,e.__onWebMessengerHostReady__=function(t){
         if(delete e.__onWebMessengerHostReady__,e[n]=t,o)for(var r=t.init.apply(t,o),s=0;s<c.length;s++){
          var u=c[s];
           } p&&t.render.apply(t,p),a&&t.destroy.apply(t,a);
         var u=new XMLHttpRequest;u.addEventListener("load",s),u.open("GET",r+"/loader.json",!0),u.responseType="json",u.send() 
     (window,document,"Bots", "<sdk-folder-url>"); 

Step 2: Initialize the Bots Client SDK for JavaScript with Your New App ID

Next, initialize the SDK by adding the following snippet near the end of the body section of your page. and replace <app-id> with your App Id for the Web channel found in your app settings page.
Embedded Mode
To embed the widget in your existing markup, you need to pass embedded: true when calling Bots.init. By doing so, you are disabling the auto-rendering mechanism and you will need to call Bots.render manually. This method accepts a DOM element which will be used as the container where the widget will be rendered.
    appId: '<app-id>',
    embedded: true



The embedded widget will take full width and height of the container. You must give it a height, otherwise, the widget will collapse.
Strings Customization

Bots lets you customize any strings it displays by overwriting its keys. Simply add the customText key in your Bots.init() call and specify new values for the keys used in Bots. You can find all available keys here. If some text is between {}, or if there is an html tag such as <a>, it needs to stay in your customized text.

For example:
    appId: <'app-id'>,
    customText: {
        actionPostbackError: 'An error occurred while processing your action. Please try again.',
        clickToRetry: 'Message not delivered. Click to retry.',
        conversationTimestampHeaderFormat: 'MMMM D YYYY, h:mm A',
        fetchHistory: 'Load more',
        fetchingHistory: 'Retrieving history...',
        headerText: 'How can we help?',
        inputPlaceholder: 'Type a message...',
        invalidFileError: 'Only images are supported. Choose a file with a supported extension (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, or bmp).',
        introductionText: 'We\'re here to talk, so ask us anything!',
        locationNotSupported: 'Your browser does not support location services or it’s been disabled. Please type your location instead.',
        locationSecurityRestriction: 'This website cannot access your location. Please type your location instead.',
        locationSendingFailed: 'Could not send location',
        locationServicesDenied: 'This website cannot access your location. Allow access in your settings or type your location instead.',
        messageError: 'An error occurred while sending your message. Please try again.',
        messageIndicatorTitlePlural: '({count}) New messages',
        messageIndicatorTitleSingular: '({count}) New message',
        messageRelativeTimeDay: '{value}d ago',
        messageRelativeTimeHour: '{value}h ago',
        messageRelativeTimeJustNow: 'just now',
        messageRelativeTimeMinute: '{value}m ago',
        messageTimestampFormat: 'hh:mm A',
        messageSending: 'Sending...',
        messageDelivered: 'Delivered',
        sendButtonText: 'Send',
        settingsHeaderText: 'Settings',
        tapToRetry: 'Message not delivered. Tap to retry.',
        unsupportedMessageType: 'Unsupported message type.',
        unsupportedActionType: 'Unsupported action type.'
Date Localization
When you translate the user interface by customizing strings, you might also want to show the date and time in the target language as well. To do this, pass locale at initialization time. You might also want to override the timestamp format to match your language.
    appId: <'app-id'>,
    locale: 'fr-CA',
    customText: {
        // ...
        conversationTimestampHeaderFormat: 'Do MMMM YYYY, hh:mm',
        // ...
The locale options is using the language-COUNTRY format. You can find language codes here and country codes here. The country part is optional, and if a country is either not recognized or supported, it will fallback to using the generic language. If the language isn't supported, it will fallback to en-US. A list of supported locales can be found on the date—nfs Github repository.


The locale option only affects date and time localization, not the strings.
Sound Notification

By default, a sound notification will be played when a new message comes in and the window is not in focus.

To disable this feature, you need add the soundNotificationEnabled option to the Bots.init call, like this:
    appId: <'app-id>',
    soundNotificationEnabled: false // Add this line to your 'Bots.init' call
Creating a Custom User Interface with the Bots Client SDK for JavaScript
While the SDK’s widget provides a rich, prebuilt UI, you can build your own using the SDK’s APIs for sending messages and its callback event interface for receiving messages. Using the following snippet as a starting point, you can build a simple user interface that looks something like this.
You’ll update the <body> and <script> elements of this snippet to enable the app to do the following: You can see the complete code sample here. This app outputs a simple text message. You can find out how to add more complex message types and actions, see Message Types.


You need to update SDK_FOLDER_URL with the URL where the SDK is hosted.
<!DOCTYPE html>
 <html lang="en">
   <meta charset="UTF-8">
         function s(){try{var e;if((e="string"==typeof this.response?JSON.parse(this.response):this.response).url){var n=t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],r=t.createElement("script");r.async=!0,r.src=e.url,n.parentNode.insertBefore(r,n)}}catch(e){}}var o,p,a,i=[],c=[];e[n]={init:function(){o=arguments;var e={then:function(t){return c.push({type:"t",next:t}),e},catch:function(t){return c.push({type:"c",next:t}),e}};return e},on:function(){i.push(arguments)},render:function(){p=arguments},destroy:function(){a=arguments}},e.__onWebMessengerHostReady__=function(t){if(delete e.__onWebMessengerHostReady__,e[n]=t,o)for(var r=t.init.apply(t,o),s=0;s<c.length;s++){var u=c[s];r="t"===u.type?r.then(u.next):r.catch(u.next)}p&&t.render.apply(t,p),a&&t.destroy.apply(t,a);for(s=0;s<i.length;s++)t.on.apply(t,i[s])};var u=new XMLHttpRequest;u.addEventListener("load",s),u.open("GET",r+"/loader.json",!0),u.responseType="json",u.send()
(window,document,"Bots", "<SDK_FOLDER_URL>");
Initialize the Bots Client SDK for JavaScript in Embedded Mode
To initialize the SDK but prevent the default UI from displaying:
  1. Create a container that prevents the widget from displaying. In the <body> element, define the <div> tag that hides the default widget.
    <div id="no-display" style="display:none;"></div>
  2. In the <script> element, initialize the Bots Client SDK for JavaScript in embedded mode and render the “no-display” element:
    Bots.init({ appId: appId, embedded: true });
Fetch the Initial Data
To determine the initial state of the UI, use the SDK’s Bots.getConversation method. This method provides access to things like the unread message count and the conversation history.
  1. Display the conversation by adding the following tag in the <body>:
    <ul id="conversation"></ul>
  2. Within the <script> tag, define a function that when called, displays a message in the custom UI.
    function displayMessage(message) {
      var conversationElement = document.getElementById('conversation');
      var messageElement = document.createElement('li');
      messageElement.innerText = message.name + ' says "' + message.text + '"';
  3. To display the initial conversation state after the initialization of the SDK, replace the Bots.init call with the following:
    Bots.init({ appId: appId, embedded: true }).then(function() {
      // displays initial messages
      var conversation = Bots.getConversation();
Send Messages
To enable the widget to send messages:
  1. Create a text input element in the <body> that allows the widget to accept plain text messages:
    <input type="text" id="text-input" placeholder="text"
  2. In the <script> tag, add the following element that calls Bots.sendMessage function right after the Bots.init call. When the text input element is active, this function, which enables users to send plain text or structured messages, gets called whenever a user taps Enter:
    var inputElement = document.getElementById('text-input');
    inputElement.onkeyup = function(e) {
      if (e.key === 'Enter') {
          .then(function() {
            inputElement.value = '';
Receive Messages
To update the UI with the new message content, use the SDK’s Bots.on event interface to bind the message:received event (inbound messages) and the message:sent event (outbound messages) to the displayMessage function. To call this function whenever these message events occur, add the following somewhere after the Bots.init call.
Bots.on('message:sent', displayMessage);
Bots.on('message:received', displayMessage);
Add Postback Actions
You can add actions to the bot’s reply message by updating the displayMessage function.
function displayMessage(message) {
    var conversationElement = document.getElementById('conversation');
    var messageElement = document.createElement('li');
    messageElement.innerText = message.name + ' says "' + message.text + '"';
    if(message.actions && message.actions.length > 0){
        var wrapperElement = document.createElement('div');
        for(var i = 0; i < message.actions.length; i++){
            var action = message.actions[i];
            var btnElement = createButtonElement(action);
function createButtonElement(action) {
    var btnElement = document.createElement('button');
    var btnTitle = document.createTextNode(action.text);
    btnElement.onclick = function(e){Bots.triggerPostback(action._id);};
    return btnElement;
Calling Other Functions
You can call other functions after the SDK has been initialized successfully. For example, you can update a user profile by calling updateUser.

    "email": "john.smith@example.com",
    "properties": {
     }).catch(function (err) {
Sample Code for the Custom UI
<!DOCTYPE html>
 <html lang="en">
   <meta charset="UTF-8">
   <div id="no-display" style="display:none;"></div>
   <p>User ID: <span id="user-id"></span></p>
   <ul id="conversation"></ul>
   <input type="text" id="text-input" placeholder="text">

        var appId = '<APP_ID>';
          function s(){try{var e;if((e="string"==typeof this.response?JSON.parse(this.response):this.response).url){var n=t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],r=t.createElement("script");r.async=!0,r.src=e.url,n.parentNode.insertBefore(r,n)}}catch(e){}}var o,p,a,i=[],c=[];e[n]={init:function(){o=arguments;var e={then:function(t){return c.push({type:"t",next:t}),e},catch:function(t){return c.push({type:"c",next:t}),e}};return e},on:function(){i.push(arguments)},render:function(){p=arguments},destroy:function(){a=arguments}},e.__onWebMessengerHostReady__=function(t){if(delete e.__onWebMessengerHostReady__,e[n]=t,o)for(var r=t.init.apply(t,o),s=0;s<c.length;s++){var u=c[s];r="t"===u.type?r.then(u.next):r.catch(u.next)}p&&t.render.apply(t,p),a&&t.destroy.apply(t,a);for(s=0;s<i.length;s++)t.on.apply(t,i[s])};var u=new XMLHttpRequest;u.addEventListener("load",s),u.open("GET",r+"/loader.json",!0),u.responseType="json",u.send()
(window,document,"Bots", "<SDK_FOLDER_URL>");

  inputElement.onkeyup = function(e) {
  if (e.key === 'Enter') {
  .then(function() {
  inputElement.value = '';
  // display new messages
  Bots.on('message:sent', displayMessage);
  Bots.on('message:received', displayMessage);

  // initialize Bots and render the UI in a hidden element
  Bots.init({ appId: appId, embedded: true })
  .then(function () {

  // displays initial messages
  var conversation = Bots.getConversation();


  function displayMessage(message) {
  var conversationElement = document.getElementById('conversation');
  var messageElement = document.createElement('li');
  messageElement.innerText = message.name + ' says "' + message.text + '"';
Message Types
The custom UI supports the these messaging types:
Text Message

A text type message is sent with text and/or actions.

     * The text content of the message. Optional only if actions are provided.
    text?: string,
     * Message type
    type: 'text',
     * Message role can be 'appUser' or 'appMaker'
     * Added by SDK when send through the sendMessage method
    role?: 'appMaker',
     * Array of action buttons.
    actions?: MessageAction[],
     * Url to the avatar for this message sender
    avatarUrl?: string
Carousel Message

Carousel messages are a horizontally scrollable set of items, each of which can contain combinations of text, images, and action buttons.

     * Message type
    type: 'carousel',
     * Message role can be 'appUser' or 'appMaker'
     * Added by SDK when send through the sendMessage method
    role?: 'appMaker',
     * Url to the avatar for this message sender
    avatarUrl?: string,
    * Array of message items. The array is limited to 10 items.
    items: Item[],
    * Settings to adjust the carousel layout.
    displaySettings?: {
        imageAspectRatio: 'horizontal' | 'square'
Image Message
An image type message is a message that is sent with an image, and, optionally, text and/or actions.
     * Message type
    type: 'image',
     * Message role can be 'appUser' or 'appMaker'
     * Added by SDK when send through the sendMessage method
    role?: 'appMaker',
     * Url to the avatar for this message sender
    avatarUrl?: string,
    * The text content of the message. Optional only if actions are provided.
    text?: string,
    * The media type is defined here, for example image/jpeg. If mediaType is not specified, the media type will be resolved with the mediaUrl.
    mediaType?: string;
    * The image URL used for the image message.
    mediaUrl: string;
    * Array of action buttons.
    actions?: MessageAction[]
File Message
A file type message is a message that is sent with a file attachment.
     * Message type
    type: 'file',
     * Message role can be 'appUser' or 'appMaker'
     * Added by SDK when send through the sendMessage method
    role?: 'appMaker',
     * Url to the avatar for this message sender
    avatarUrl?: string,
    * The text content of the message. Optional only if actions are provided.
    text?: string,
    * The media type is defined here, for example application/pdf. If mediaType is not specified, the media type will be resolved with the mediaUrl.
    mediaType?: string;
    * The URL of the file attachment.
    mediaUrl: string;
Location Message
A location type message includes the location coordinates (latitude and longitude). Typically, these messages are sent in response to a location request.
     * Message type
    type: 'location',
     * Message role can be 'appUser' or 'appMaker'
     * Added by SDK when send through the sendMessage method
    role?: 'appMaker',
     * Url to the avatar for this message sender
    avatarUrl?: string,
    * The coordinates of the location.
    coordinates?: {
        * A floating point value representing the latitude of the location
        lat: number,
        * A floating point value representing the longitude of the location
        long: number
Message Actions
Postback Action
A postback action posts the action payload when tapped.
    _id: string,
     * The button text.
    text: string,
     * Type of the action
    type: 'postback',
     * Value indicating whether the action is the default action for a message item.
    default: boolean,
     * Flat object containing any custom properties associated with the action.
    metadata?: any,
    * A string payload to help you identify the action context. You can also use metadata for more complex needs.
    payload: string
Link Action
A link action opens the provided URI when tapped.
     * The button text.
    text: string,
     * Type of the action
    type: 'link',
     * Value indicating whether the action is the default action for a message item.
    default: boolean,
     * Flat object containing any custom properties associated with the action.
    metadata?: any,
    * The action URI. This is the link that will be used in the clients when clicking the button.
    uri: string
    * Extra options to pass directly to the channel API.
    extraChannelOptions?: any
Location Request Action
A location request action prompts users to share their location.
     * The button text.
    text: string,
     * Type of the action
    type: 'locationRequest',
     * Value indicating whether the action is the default action for a message item.
    default: boolean,
     * Flat object containing any custom properties associated with the action.
    metadata?: any,
Reply Action
A reply action echoes the user’s choice as a message.


You can also specify an iconURL which renders as an icon for each option.
     * The button text.
    text: string,
     * Type of the action
    type: 'reply',
     * Value indicating whether the action is the default action for a message item.
    default: boolean,
     * Flat object containing any custom properties associated with the action.
    metadata?: any,
    * A string payload to help you identify the action context. Used when posting the reply. You can also use metadata for more complex needs.
    payload: string,
    * An icon to render next to the reply option
    iconUrl?: string
Webview Action
When a user taps or clicks a webview action, the URL is loaded in the webview.
     * The button text.
    text: string,
     * Type of the action
    type: 'webview',
     * Value indicating whether the action is the default action for a message item.
    default: boolean,
     * Flat object containing any custom properties associated with the action.
    metadata?: any,
    * The webview URI. This is the URI that will open in the webview when clicking the button.
    uri: string,
    * The webview fallback URI. This is the link that will be opened when not support webviews.
    fallback: string,
    * Controls the webview height.
    size?: 'compact' | 'tall' | 'full',
    * Extra options to pass directly to the channel API.
    extraChannelOptions?: any
Share Action
A share button.
     * The button text.
    text: string,
     * Type of the action
    type: 'share',
     * Value indicating whether the action is the default action for a message item.
    default: boolean,
     * Flat object containing any custom properties associated with the action.
    metadata?: any
Message Item
     * The image URL to be shown in the carousel/list item.
    mediaUrl?: string,
     * The text description, or subtitle.
    description?: string,
     * The title of the carousel item.
    title: string,
     * If a mediaUrl was specified, the media type is defined here, for example image/jpeg. If mediaType is not specified, the media type will be resolved with the mediaUrl.
    mediaType: string,
     * Array of action buttons. At least 1 is required, a maximum of 3 are allowed. link and postback and share actions are supported.
    actions: IBotsSDKMessageAction[],
     * The size of the image to be shown in the carousel/list item
    size: 'compact' | 'large'
Display Style Options
You can style the UI by adding these options after Bots.init.
Option Description Default Value Required

How the messenger widget appears on your website. This is defined as either a button or tab. You can style the button’s size and icon:

  • buttonIconUrl

  • buttonWidth

  • buttonHeight

For example:
Bots.init({ appId: appId, embedded: true });
    // ...

displayStyle: "button",
buttonIconUrl: https://myimage.png,
buttonWidth: '90',
buttonHeight: '90'
}).then(function() {
    // Your code after init is complete
button No

The URL that points to the button icon. The icon image must be:

  • At least 200 x 200 pixels

  • JPG, PNG, or GIF format

buttonWidth The button width, in pixels. 8px No
buttonHeight The button height, in pixels. 58px No
businessName The business name. For example: businessName: “Oracle”   No

The URL that points to the business’ icon image. This image must be:

  • At least 200 x 200 pixels

  • JPG, PNG, or GIF format

For example:
Bots.init({ appId: appId, embedded: true });
    businessName: "Acme Corporation",
    businessIconUrl: "https://example.com/image/thumb/thatimage.jpg/1200x630bb.jpg"
}).then(function() {
    // Your code after init is complete

The URL that points to the image that appears in the background of the conversation. This image is tiled to fit the chat window.

For example:
Bots.init({ appId: appId, embedded: true });
    // ...
    backgroundImageUrl: "https://a-nice-texture.png"
    // ...
}).then(function() {
    // Your code after init is complete


An array of integration IDs. When set, only integrations from this list will be displayed. If the array is empty, then , no integrations will be displayed.

Note: Listing an integration in the array doesn't guarantee that it will be displayed in the widget.


The colors used in the Web Messenger UI.

The three-to-six character hexadecimal colors used for the brandColor, conversationColor, and actionColor options. No
brandColor The color used in the messenger header and for the button or tab in idle state 65758e No
conversationColor This color used for customer messages, quick replies and actions in the footer. 0099ff No

The color used to change the appears of selected actions inside your messages, like tapped buttons or links.

This color is also used for the Send button when it is in active state.

0099ff No