Understanding the User Interface

This section describes the layout of the Oracle Pulse user interface (UI).

Oracle Pulse Dashboard Layout

The Customer and Service levels use key performance indicators, tables and charts to show the health of all your organization's services.

Key performance indicators show data in both chart and table views, and are displayed side by side. Click any key performance indicator to open the associated table view or, where no table view is available, to open the corresponding dashboard in Oracle Pulse.

Charts show graphical representations of data. Toggle between the chart view and table view using the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart.

Tables list all records, and are integrated among the widgets or shown in the lower part of the screen. Click any record in a table to open the lower level dashboard.

On Web browsers, the dashboard design also responds to the device size. Widgets stack vertically, and you can scroll up to see more widgets or the table of records.

Navigation Menu

The navigation menu, accessible by clicking the Menu View icon (Menu View Icon) at the top of each page displays options for the Pulse Dashboard and the Customer and Service levels. The navigation menu options respond to the screen width, with options tabbed vertically to the left.

Customer Level

For example, use the navigation menu at Customer and Service levels to move between the Calendar, CSU, Availability, Storage, Transactions, Business Insight, Performance, Incidents, and Changes dashboards, and various services.

Service Level

You can access a list of all your organization's services from any screen in Oracle Pulse using the Menu View icon in the upper left corner. Select any service to access the corresponding dashboard populated with the most recently collected metrics.


The following table shows the controls available in Oracle Pulse with descriptions:

Icon Name Description

Home Icon

Oracle Pulse

Click this icon to return to the Pulse Dashboard, which is the Oracle Pulse home page.

Menu View Icon

Menu View

Click this icon to open the navigation menu.

My Services Icon

My Services

Click this icon to open the My Services menu.

Help Icon


Click this icon to open the help documentation for the page you are currently viewing.

More Actions Icon

More Actions

Click this icon to perform the following actions:

  • What is new: See the Oracle Pulse online help.

  • About Oracle Pulse: See the Oracle Pulse End User License Agreement.

  • Sign Out: Sign out of Oracle Pulse.

Dashboard Icon

Dashboard/Monthly View

Click this icon to access the widgets and charts on the home page of the Availability, Incidents, and Changes dashboards, as well as the Calendar Monthly View.

List Icon

List/List View

Click this icon to open the list of relevant records in the Availability, Incidents, and Changes dashboards.

Chart Icon


Click this icon to access the charts in the Availability, Incidents, and Changes dashboards.

Status Icon


Click this icon to access stability and performance information for the services where Business Transaction Monitoring has been enabled.

Personalize charts Icon

Personalize charts

Click this icon in the Chart view of the Availability, Storage, Incidents, and Changes dashboards to select the charts that you want to display or in the Performance dashboard to select the environments for which to display host and database metrics.

Search Icon


Click this icon to display the results that match the string you entered.

Open Table View Icon

Open Table View

Click this icon in any widget to flip to the data used to create the chart.

Export Icon


Click this icon to export table data to one of the following formats: PDF, MS Excel, or PPT.

Sort Ascending Icon Sort Descending Icon


Click these icons to sort the records in a table in ascending or descending order.