Configure Business Object Fields

Use the Business Object Field Editor to view and modify field settings as required.

Many of these settings control the appearance and behavior of the fields in your workbook and can be modified as desired. For example, you can enhance the usability of your workbook by:

  • Changing a field title to something more intuitive.
  • Overriding the default format for a field.
  • Adding help text to help your business users understand the purpose of the field.
  • Setting data validation behavior for the field.
  • Defining custom field validation rules.
  • Requiring the business user to provide a value for a field in the search prompt.
  • Adding a list of values to ensure your business users can only enter a valid value for the field.


Some settings in the editor come from the service metadata and reflect how the REST service behaves. Changing these settings in the workbook cannot change the behavior of the service and may result in errors from your REST service. Refer to the notes in the table for recommendations for each field.

To modify the settings for a business object field:

  1. Open the business object that includes the field in the Business Object Editor.
    You can navigate to the Business Object Editor from the Layout Designer or by clicking Manage Catalogs, then opening first the catalog and then the business object.
  2. From the Business Object Editor, click the Fields tab.
  3. Select the field you want to modify, then click the Edit icon (Edit icon) to open the field in the Business Object Field Editor.
  4. From the General tab, view or modify the settings as appropriate.
    Setting Description

    The ID for the field.


    Do not modify the ID. The ID value must match the JSON member name expected by the service. JSON member names are case-sensitive.

    The name of this field. This value is used in various places, such as for the column header or form field label. This value can be localized.

    Provide a short value that is meaningful to your business users.

    Help Text

    A description of the field intended for business users. This value appears near the title where possible. This value can be localized.

    Provide a brief explanation of what values are expected for this field.

    See Add Help Text to Your Workbook

    Data Type

    The data type for the field, used for encoding and decoding data from the service, as well as data validation and cell formatting.

    Data types include values such as:

    • Boolean
    • Date (no time)
    • Date-Time
    • Integer
    • Number
    • String

    See Supported Data Types.


    Do not modify the data type without consulting the service owner.

    The cell formatting setting for the field.

    The default setting (Default) indicates that the field uses the standard formatting for the data type, for example, mm/dd/yyyy for date fields.

    To use a different format style, select an option from the list such as Long Date for a date field. This option displays "7/15/2022" as "Friday, July 15, 2022".

    See Choose Field Formats.


    An internal technical description for the field.

    This value only appears in the designer. It is not localizable.

    Default Value

    A default value for the field.

    The add-in populates the field for a new row with this value during row creation. If the field is editable, the business user can change the value before upload.


    The subfields for a object-typed field such as those available in NetSuite SuiteTalk REST web services.

    To make changes to a subfield, select it from the Subfields table, then click the Edit Field (Edit Field icon) to open the Business Object Field Editor for the subfield. See Object-typed Fields and Subfields.

  5. From the Constraints tab, view or modify the settings as appropriate.
    Setting Description
    Required for update and Required for create

    Ensures a value is provided for the field during create or update:

    • If the check box is selected, the add-in checks that there is a value in the field cell and displays a data entry error if there is no value. The business user won't be able to upload the new or updated row until a value is provided. See Data Validation.
    • If the check box is not selected, the add-in doesn't require a value. The business user can upload the new or updated row without a value for this cell.


    Don't deselect these check boxes without first consulting with the REST service owner. These settings come from the service metadata and reflect requirements of the REST service.

    If you deselect these check boxes for a field required by the service, the service may return an error, similar to a (400) Bad Request error, if no value is provided.

    See Required Fields.

    Editable on update and Editable on create

    Allows or prevents write operations on the field during create or update:

    • If the check box is selected, the business user can provide a value during create or update.
    • If the check box is not selected, the field cells are set to read-only.

    See Data Validation.


    Determines if a field can be used in a search.

    If selected, the field is available when creating a search for the workbook. See Use the Search Editor to Find Required Data.


    The default value depends on the service metadata. Make sure that the service supports searching on the field before selecting this check box.
    Required for search

    Determines if a value is required for the field during a search:

    • If the check box is selected, a value must be provided for the field on download. Required fields are indicated by an asterisk (*) in the Search Editor.
    • If the check box is not selected, no value is required.

    See Use the Search Editor to Find Required Data.

    Omit from payload if value is empty

    Determines if the field is omitted from the payload if the cell value is empty.

    If the check box is selected, empty values are omitted. See Omit Empty Values During Upload.

    Minimum Length and Maximum Length

    The minimum or maximum length of the value in characters for a string-based field. The value must be a number between 0 and 2147483647.

    If a value is set for one or both of these properties, the add-in checks that the number of characters in the field cell meets the set minimum or maximum value.

    If the value is less than the minimum or greater than the maximum, a data entry error is displayed. The business user won't be able to upload the new or updated row until a value meeting the minimum and/or maximum length is provided. See Data Validation.

  6. Define a custom field validation rule using the Validation Rule and Validation Failure Message fields as described in Create Field Validation Rules.
  7. To configure a list of values on the field, click the List of Values tab and configure it as described in Configure a List of Values with a Business Object.