Lock, Unlock, or Roll Back Deployed Visual Applications

When your visual application is deployed without the application version in the URL, you have the option to lock and unlock the visual application (and the apps it contains). You can also roll back a deployed visual application.

Lock/unlock and rollback are lifecycle operations that can be managed manually from the Environments page through the Deployments tab or automated with Visual Application build steps.
  • Use the lock and unlock options for a visual application when you have maintenance tasks to complete and you don’t want users accessing the web applications in the deployed visual applications during the maintenance period.
  • Use the rollback option when you have deployed your visual application live more than once (that is, "live" appears in the application URL instead of the application version). If, for example, you have deployed three versions of your visual application to https://host/something-else/live/index.html, you can roll back to version 2, then to version 1.
If you deployed a visual application to a Visual Builder instance in the same identity domain as your VB Studio instance and didn't include the application version in the URL, you can perform these tasks from the Deployments tab of your Environments page:
  1. In the left navigator, click Environments Environments.
  2. If necessary, select the environment where the visual application is deployed.
  3. Click the Deployments tab.
  4. For the visual application you want, click Actions Three horizontal dots, select the operation to perform, and follow the prompts:

If your visual application is deployed to a different identity domain or your application URL includes the version, you'll need to add and configure steps in a build job to lock, unlock, or roll back a visual application. See Configure a Build Job to Manage Deployed Visual Apps.