Brand Your App UI with a Custom Root Page

A root page brands the pages in your App UI with a common header, footer, background, or other elements, to provide a consistent look and feel.

By default, the root page for all your App UIs is the redwood root page, which is provided by the Unified Application. The redwood page contains design elements from Oracle's new Redwood design platform, and looks like this: Description of redwooddefault.png follows
Description of the illustration redwooddefault.png

The Ask Oracle components on the shell page include:

You can override the redwood root page by creating your own custom page, then specifying that page in the App UI's Settings panel. To do this:

  1. In the Apps UI panel, click the plus sign, then select Create Application Root Page:
    Description of createrootpage.png follows
    Description of the illustration createrootpage.png
  2. In the Create Page dialog, enter a name for your root page and click Create.
    The root page is added to the Application Root Pages folder.
  3. Design your page, taking care to make certain areas customizable by your users, if desired. Certain Redwood components are available for you to use directly from the Components palette; the Components Exchange also has elements you may want to use.
  4. Highlight the App UI's name in the Navigator, then click Settings.
  5. In the Application Root Page field, use the drop-down menu to apply the custom root page you just created. Description of rootpageinsettings.png follows
    Description of the illustration rootpageinsettings.png
Alternatively, you can create a custom root page directly from the Settings page, by clicking the Create link above the Application Root Page field.