Navigate Between Pages in Different App UIs

It's possible to navigate from pages in one App UI to pages in another App UI.


If you want to allow navigation to a page in an App UI that isn't the default page of the default flow, navigation to that page and its flow must be enabled in the page- and flow-level Settings editors. To do this:
  1. Open the page in the App UI that you want to allow other App UIs to navigate to.
  2. Click Settings to open the page-level Settings editor.
  3. Select Let other App UIs navigate to this page.
  4. Open the flow that this page belongs to.
  5. Click Settings to open the flow-level Settings editor.
  6. Select Let other App UIs navigate to this flow.

To navigate from a page in your App UI to a page in another App UI:

  1. Open the page you want to navigate from (main-start, for example) in your App UI.

    It's also possible to navigate from a fragment consumed by a page or a layout to a page in another App UI. In this case, remember to set up navigation in the fragment or layout rather than the page. See Navigate From Fragments and Layouts to App UIs.

  2. In the Page Designer, drag a component that you want to set off navigation and drop it onto the canvas. Here's an example of a button added to a dynamic container template in a page:
  3. Select the component (for example, the button), then click the Events tab in the Properties pane.
  4. Click the + Event Listener button and select On 'ojAction', the default action for a button click. You might see other options suggested for your particular component.
  5. When a new action chain is created, drag the Navigate to Application action from the Navigation section of the Actions palette and drop it onto the canvas.
  6. In the Navigate to Application action's properties, select the App UI you want to navigate to in the App UI list. Start to enter the name of the App UI you want (for example, employeesapp) to filter the results.

    You'll be able to navigate to any published App UI, in effect the default page in the default flow of the App UI. If you want to navigate to a non-default page in the App UI, you'll need to drill down further to select a flow, then a page in the flow:

    Remember that only pages and flows marked as navigable in the page- and flow-level settings will be available for selection.

  7. Preview your App UI to test navigation.