All REST Endpoints

Get a build's log
Method: get
Path: /v1/jobs/{jobName}/builds/{buildNumber}/log
Get a job's build status
Method: get
Path: /v1/jobs/{jobName}/builds/{buildNumber}/status
Get builds for a job
Method: get
Path: /v1/jobs/{jobName}/builds
Get job's parameter definitions
Method: get
Path: /v1/jobs/{jobName}/params
Get the identifier of a job
Method: get
Path: /v1/jobs/{jobName}/id
Get the name of a job
Method: get
Path: /v1/jobs/{jobName}/name
Start a build for a job
Method: post
Path: /v1/jobs/{jobName}/build
Get parameter definitions for jobs in the pipeline
Method: get
Path: /v1/pipelines/{pipelineName}/params
Get pipeline instances
Method: get
Path: /v1/pipelines/{pipelineName}/instances
Get the log for the pipeline instance
Method: get
Path: /v1/pipelines/{pipelineName}/instances/{id}/log
Get the status of a pipeline instance
Method: get
Path: /v1/pipelines/{pipelineName}/instances/{instanceId}/status
Start a pipeline
Method: post
Path: /v1/pipelines/{pipelineName}/start
Get configuration
Method: get
Path: /v1/yaml/pipelines/{pipelineName}
Get job's configuration
Method: get
Path: /v1/yaml/jobs/{jobName}
Validate a YAML job or pipeline configuration
Method: post
Path: /v1/yaml/validate
Add duplicate issue
Method: post
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/{issueId}/duplicates
Add subissue
Method: post
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/{issueId}/subissues
Create issue
Method: post
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues
Delete duplicate issue
Method: delete
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/{issueId}/duplicates/{duplIssueId}
Delete issue's duplicates
Method: delete
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/{issueId}/duplicateof
Delete parent issue
Method: delete
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/{issueId}/parentissue
Delete subissue
Method: delete
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/{issueId}/subissues/{subIssueId}
Get an issue's parent
Method: get
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/{issueId}/parentissue
Get API version
Method: get
Path: /issues/issues/v3
Get duplicate issue
Method: get
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/{issueId}/duplicates/{duplIssueId}
Get duplicate issues
Method: get
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/{issueId}/duplicates
Get form for creating an issue
Method: get
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/create-form
Get issue by ID
Method: get
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/{issueId}
Get issue's duplicate(s)
Method: get
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/{issueId}/duplicateof
Get list of all issues
Method: get
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues
Get query description for searching issues
Method: get
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/search-form
Get subissue
Method: get
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/{issueId}/subissues/{subIssueId}
Get subissues
Method: get
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/{issueId}/subissues
Set an issue's parent
Method: put
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/{issueId}/parentissue
Set duplicate of issue
Method: put
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/{issueId}/duplicateof
Update issue
Method: put
Path: /issues/issues/v3/issues/{issueId}
Get issue metadata
Method: get
Path: /issues/issues/v3/repository