Creating Alerts

You can create an alert from an object in Account Reconciliation, such as a reconciliation or transaction, if you have access to it, or you can create it from the Alerts List.

You specify an Alert Type and other information, and when you create the alert the Alert Actions opens. If needed, you can create alerts on alerts. For example, you can create sub-alerts for a "System Down" issue to work separately on network and power issues.

When you create an alert on an object, only Alert Types specific to that object, and generic Alert Types are available (for example, Basic Alert which is always available when creating an alert). When you create an alert directly from the Reconciliation, only generic Alert Types are available.

When you create an alert, it will initially be in Open with Owner status.


Alerts can stay open even if they are associated with Locked objects.

The Alerts workflow is as follows:

Table 17-1 Alerts Workflow

Role Actions

Owner (user who initiated the alert)


Reopen (reverts alert back to Owner)



Request Information (sends alert back to Owner)



Reject (sends alert back to Assignee)



Reject (sends alert back to Assignee)

If a team is assigned a role, then team members can Claim or Release an alert. If Approver 1 was set to a team ID, then a team member opening Alert Actions would have to press Claim, which would cause Approve, Reject, and Release to appear.
