Process of Creating and Updating Answers

You can improve customer experience by having answers to common questions readily available on your support site.

With Service, you can create answers about your services and products and post them on your site. You can also create public answers from incidents in your knowledge base, or agents can propose incidents to become answers.

After an answer is in your knowledge base, you can update it at any time, making sure your knowledge base contains only the most up-to-date information. For example, you can define specific dates to review an answer and change the answer to Private while you update the details. You can format answers with the HTML editor, which lets you create links, tables, and graphics, and use other HTML features without prior HTML knowledge. As a result, your support site is more interactive and visually appealing.

This flowchart shows the process of creating and updating an answer.

This flowchart shows the actions that can be performed on an answer. If the answer-creation method is “Add new answer”, these answer properties are set: access answer variables; status, access level, and language; then, the answer is printed, previewed, and published. As the answer ages over time, the customer views the answer and provides answer feedback. Answer feedback is reviewed and updated, if required. If the answer-creation method is a customer inquiry, the knowledge base first searches for answers to solve the incident; an incident is proposed as an answer and then reviewed. These properties are then set: access answer variables; status, access level, and language, then the answer is previewed and published. As the answer ages over time, the customer views the answer and provides answer feedback. Answer feedback is reviewed and updated, if required.