Edit an Answer

You can edit answers, including sibling answers, manually related links, and learned links.

When you edit an answer, you can also change the information in related answers, but keep in mind that editing answers can affect other answers associated with it. You can also edit answer versions and you can edit multiple answers at one time. See Answer Versioning.

  1. From an answer report, right-click the answer and select Open.
  2. To change the answer type, select the option next to the answer type.

    Options include HTML, URL, and File Attachment.
    Caution: When you change the answer type in an existing answer, all answer relationships and certain answer fields are removed. For example, when you change an HTML answer type to a URL answer type, the Question, Answer, Special Response, and Attachments tabs are removed and you lose any content that was created on those tabs.
  3. Edit the answer fields.
  4. To search the answer for a word or phrase to replace, click Find Text on the HTML toolbar.
    The Find and Replace window opens. You can search for a word or phrase using case sensitive or whole word only search criteria.
  5. Edit the fields on each of the answer record tabs.
  6. To notify answer subscribers of the change, click the Details tab.
    1. Click Notify Subscribers.
    2. Select one of the following options:

    • No Change
    • Do Not Notify
    • This Hour
    • End of Today
    • End of this Week
    • End of this Month
  7. Click Save.