Associate Products and Categories to an Answer

You can associate products and categories with answers. By associating products and categories with your answers, you can create rules and facilitate searching.

  1. From an answers report, right-click the answer and select Open.
  2. Click the Products/Categories tab.

    This image shows the selection options found in the Product/Categories tab. The options appear in two sections: Products on the left, and Categories on the right. Check boxes allow you to select the desired products and categories.
  3. Select products and categories to associate with the answer.
    Note: Regardless of whether product linking is enabled and which categories are linked to products, all products and all categories are available on the Products/Categories tab when you add or edit an answer. In addition, product and category values are shared among sibling answers. When a product or category is changed for an answer, it is also changed for that answer’s sibling answers.
  4. To associate the answer exclusively with a product or category (without any dependence on subproducts or subcategories), right click the product or category name.
    The associated check box displays green and any parent products or categories display a gray check mark to signify they are associated with the answer as well.