Answer Reports

When you click the Answers button on the navigation pane, the navigation list displays all of the reports and items added to this button by your administrator.

The Answers button, plus all the other buttons you have access to, are part of the navigation set defined in your profile. Answer reports can be placed in other navigation lists, not just the Answers navigation list.

Note: If you have permission to customize your navigation set, you can add other items, including any reports you have permission to access, to your Answers navigation list or any of your lists.

The answer information displayed on the content pane depends on the answer report you opened and which fields were defined when the report was created. The Answers Default report, for example, displays the answer ID, summary, language, access level, status, assigned, and date the answer was last updated. The ribbon lets you manage answers and provides data analysis options for working with reports. You can right-click any answer and select the same functions that are available on the ribbon.

Tip: Besides selecting an answer from a report, you can search for answers from a report or use Quick Search. See Record Search Options.