Script Designer

Scripts are created on a script designer consisting of a design space, a ribbon, and a page selector.

You define a script by dragging and dropping fields and controls from the ribbon onto the design space and arranging them as you want them to appear on the script page.

The design space is the working area where you arrange fields and controls as you want them to appear on the script page. When you create a new script page, the design space consists of three areas—a header and a footer shared by all pages, and a main area for content specific to the page. You can add fields and controls to any of these areas.

Each area contains a table, hidden by default, that forms an underlying grid for aligning fields and controls. To aid you in laying out the script page, you can display outlines around items on the design space to help you identify the table cells they are in. See Design Space Layout Options.

After a field or control has been added to a page, you can select it to adjust its properties on the designer ribbon.

Script Designer Ribbon

Tab Description


Contains buttons for managing the entire script. You can preview the script, add pages and branches, configure the ribbon for scripts added to workflows, add notes, view the audit log, add an outline around the script, and show or hide the page selector. The Insert group on the Home tab also includes shortcuts to the controls you can add from the Insert Control tab.

Insert Field

Lists the fields you can add to the script. The type of script you select when creating a script determines the fields available. For example, you can add incident, asset, contact, and organization fields when creating an incident script. See How Fields Are Added to Workspaces and Scripts.

Insert Control

Lists controls and questions you can add to the script. Controls include spacers, tabs, title bars, and other items you can use to enhance the display or add functionality. See Workspace and Script Controls. Questions controls are used to configure script branching. See How Branches Work in Scripts.

The values staff members enter in questions and their corresponding controls are available for use with the script rules and branches, but they are not saved to the record in the database.


Contains buttons for adding, editing, deleting, and ordering pages and branches. This tab also includes buttons to display or hide the header and footer on pages. See How Branches Work in Scripts and Place the Header on Script Pages.


Using the buttons on this tab, you can create rules that alter the script according to the conditions you define. For example, you can create a rule to assign an incident to a specific staff member when the incident is submitted by a particular organization. See Script Rules.


This tab displays when you select an item added to a script and contains buttons you can use to edit the display of the selected item. For example, you can change fonts and margins for a field or set a field on the script to read-only if you want to display it only for informational purposes. The options available on the Design tab vary depending on the control or field selected on the script design space. For descriptions of all the options available on the Design tab, see Design Property Descriptions.

In addition to editing field and control properties on the designer ribbon, you can also right-click an item on the design space to access contextual menu options. The available options vary based on the item you right-click but generally include such actions as branching to a page, resetting tab indexes, or deleting the item.

When a page is complete, you can use the page selector to add more branches and pages to your script (see How Branches Work in Scripts). The page selector displays a tree view of the pages and branches of the script, showing their relationship to one another. You can click a page or branch to view it on the design space or right-click to access a menu from which you can quickly add, edit, delete, or rename pages and branches. You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate between pages, or delete a page by pressing Delete. Script pages that are inaccessible due to a removed branch or other reason are also indicated on the page selector.

Tip: To hide the page selector, click the Home tab, click Page Selector, and select Show Selector to switch it on or off. You can also select Use Large Icons on Show Selector to switch between using large and small icons on the page selector.